
Chapter 77: Echoes from Earth in the Seven Stars Universe

As the blinding lights of the arena in the Seven Stars Universe illuminated the duelists, memories from Earth began to rush into Li Yang's mind. It was a reminiscent moment for Li Yang, taking him back to a time when he was the formidable CEO of the Phoenix Group on Earth. But it wasn't the corporate battles that flashed before his eyes now, it was the visceral memories of countless hours in dojos, on mats, and in rings.

By the age of 28, Li Yang was no ordinary man. Holding black belts in both Karate and Taekwondo and being a renowned martial arts champion wasn't something achieved overnight. People whispered about his uncanny ability to remember intricate moves after just one demonstration. Whether this extraordinary skill was due to his phenomenal memory or some innate talent, it accelerated his learning, making him a prodigy. 

Li Yang lived by the philosophy that the only person who could truly protect him was himself. His dedication to this belief made him relentless in his pursuit of martial excellence. Earth had taught him that much, and as the memories flowed, he felt the echo of his Earthly self resonating with his persona in the Seven Stars Universe.

It was this very dedication and training from Earth that equipped him now against Zephyr's sudden blade assault. With swift reflexes drawn from his Karate training, Li Yang sidestepped the slashing blade, making Zephyr's strike meet nothing but thin air. The crowd gasped, recognizing the move's origin from a galaxy far away.

However, combat in the Seven Stars Universe was far more complex than any Earthly duel. It wasn't just about dodging blades and landing punches; it was about multitasking at its finest. Duelists not only had to physically engage their opponent but also mentally command their chosen beasts. For Li Yang and Zephyr, it was Lion-Eagle and Tempest Phoenix, respectively.

While Li Yang masterfully dodged, parried, and counter-attacked Zephyr's blade strikes, drawing from his Taekwondo and Wushu prowess, his mind was simultaneously engaged in a fierce battle of tactics and strategy. Every time Zephyr's Tempest Phoenix lunged or spewed fire, Li Yang's Lion-Eagle was there, blocking or counteracting with wind gusts or earthen shields.

Similarly, Zephyr, though taken aback by Li Yang's unexpected martial expertise, was not to be underestimated. As a maestro of the dual battlefield, he moved with fluidity, his blade always seeking another opening, while his Tempest Phoenix mirrored his aggression, its fiery feathers a stark contrast to Lion-Eagle's grounded demeanor.

The arena became a kaleidoscope of movement. Every strike, parry, roar, and counter echoed the heartbeats of the audience. Time seemed to both speed up and stand still. The two duelists, despite their ferocious engagement, shared an unspoken respect. Every move was a lesson, every counter a revelation.

Hours seemed like minutes, and as the dust began to settle, both beasts and their masters stood, panting, staring, and understanding. There was no clear winner; their strengths had matched and nullified each other.

As the crowd rose in a unanimous applause, Li Yang smiled. The lessons from Earth were not just memories; they were a part of him, merging seamlessly with his Seven Stars persona. The duel was a testament that some skills, no matter where learned, are universal. And as he met Zephyr's gaze, the unspoken message was clear: in true combat, sometimes, the journey is more significant than the destination.