
WAR: 4:03 Run

Anderson stood at the central console on the bridge of the Rift Valley.

Trixie was fascinated, watching from the back of the vast, raised platform that made up the circular bridge. She didn't stop to count the crew manning the bridge, but most of them were on the lower level, spread around the circumference of the floor. A massive dome rose overhead, with more stars than Trixie had ever seen. A feeling of awe swept over her.

Berry walked in behind her, saying a polite hello as he stepped up onto the central platform. Diana and Trixie sat down at one of the empty lower stations, turning their chairs away from the holographic projectors and in toward Anderson and Berry. Dr. Phillips was there as well, but she was seated, looking at something on a holographic image. From where Trixie sat, she could see she was looking at an image of one of the twisted, gnarled branches that had embedded itself in the side of the Swift.