
Galactic Entrepreneur

The galactic society. A place big enough to house hundreds of different sentient alien species.Humans, flying birds with telekinesis, living stars, whales the sizes of planets and more. Civilizations spanning light years wide to a small business on a space station. Supers able to destroy cities and even planets. Cold wars between civilizations and takeovers of smaller businesses.Its a cruel place to be weak and the perfect paradise for those who hunger for more. Humanity being one of the newer races to join the galactic society is forced to accept a weaker standing in the society but now humanity with its talents is entering a golden era! An era led by 5 supers.After all, humanity was born to rule over the stars! An entrepreneur, a vigilante, an explorer, a hunter and a criminal of all people to lead humanity's golden era.What a time to be alive!

ZapFlak · sci-fi
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24 Chs

5:Showing off

As Zephyr followed Nathaniel to his room, he struck up another conversation with him.

"So Nathan. Why do you know so much about guns anyway? "

"My mutant ability is object weaponization! Of course I have to study weapons. I've been learning sword-wielding, spear-wielding, javeline throwing,brass knuckles. Name any weapon and I've probably learnt it or am planning to.Although my sharpshooting skills are way behind,maybe you can give me a few pointers?"

Zephyr felt stunned by that. Learning a single weapon was already extremely hard In of itself. But learning multiple? Unless you were some sort of super genius the time it would take years and years!

"Anyway we're here now"

Nathan opened a doubled door and inside was the most luxurious room Zephyr had ever seen in his life and (not to brag or anything) but Zephyr was a scion of a pretty rich business !

"Training rooms over here follow me"

Plus training rooms? How much money did his sponsors have that they could splurge it on him like this.

As much as he wanted to say something he kept silent and simply followed Nathan.

Again, his eyes were graced with an absolutely massive training room, he could see a range with holographic targets similar to the one he used to have, a ginourmous gym with every single machine he could think of, a massive ring for sparring and he could even see a gravity chamber!

All this together would be expensive enough that even Zephyr doubted wether his father could afford all of this.

"Hey Nathan?Who the hell are your sponsors that they're able to afford all of this for you?"

"Oh my sponsor is my dad, he's an admiral of the CEA"

An admiral? That explained a lot. Admirals were basically commanders who lead a single battleships and were near the top of the military hierarchy with the only thing above them being fleet Admirals who lead an entire fleet of battleships.

If Nathan's father was an admiral then no wonder he could afford the best cabin. Heck he could probably buy the whole ship and barely even feel the pinch in his money. After all, the CEA was interstellar level and the ship was only planetary level.

What a lucky bastard,Zephyr thought for the umpteenth time. A rich and powerful father, being a super with a good ability, talented enough to master a bunch of weapons in a few... years? Actually Zephyr had no idea when Nathan awakened.

"Hey Nathan?"

Nathan who was setting up the range on a screen turned back to him.


"When did you awakened as a super?"

Turning back to set up the range he nonchalantly replied.

"Oh like a year ago I think? Or maybe around 11 months."

11 months?! This crazy guy learned how to use several weapons in the span of a few months?

"I'm done setting it up now, how fast you want these targets to move? It goes from one to a hundred, it says that 20 is the max for non supers."

"Put it on 17 then, I may be good but it's not enough to match up against the raw reaction speed of supers"

"Alright let's see what you can do with that FGK! "

As Zephyr quietly positioned himself at the window and adjusted his stance, he gripped his FCK, right eye looking through the scope.


Bzzt Bzzt

Instantly two targets get shot down the instant they appear, another 4 appear in a diagonal line behind it

Quickly turning the barrel over to them, Zephyr once he lined up their heads on the scope fired and turned to the next one

Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt

All headshots, 3 more appear once they get shot down. This time in a triangular position.

Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt

Instantly they all get shot down again.

2 more appear but this time they started to run towards where Zephyr is in zig zagging patterns.

Unfortunately for them. Lasers travelled at light speed,so the zig zagging did nothing except take slightly longer for Zephyr to line up his shots.

Bzzt bzzt

This time 3 more much smaller targets appeared, flying in random directions.

Not that it did much.

And so this process repeated itself for several more rounds. Sometimes he would get a mix of moving and flying targets with each round slowly increasing the number of targets.

By the 29th round however disaster struck.


His gun jammed, the heat sinks were too stressed out. Any more and they would be melting.




He sighed, guess this is the highest score I can get for now.Looking back at it, he regretted not getting another one of his weapons, like his rail gun sniper or his Gauss shotgun.

Nathan whistled at him

"Well damn Zephyr!I don't think I could even make it past round 20 but you made it to round 29! You sure you're not a super? No genetic treatments or any implants?Or are you a artificial baby?"

Zephyr smiled, it's been a while since anyone appreciated his shooting.

"Nah man, I'm complete human. No treatments, no implants, no super genes and I'm definitely not an artificial baby"

"No super genes? But I can sense some quantum energy on you though?"

Zephyr felt stunned by that revelation, before quickly calming down. If he was a super then he would've awakened long ago, he was already 21 years old way past the average awakening age of 15.

"Probably my gun, the collectors edition is made out of an alloy that can absorb quantum energy to recharge and strengthen attacks"

Nathan made an ah noise.

"Well anyways,care to give some pointers on how you did that?"

"Sure! So first you wanna stand with your feet shoulder width apart, face the target, gun stock to in between your chest and shoulder...





Nathan yelled out loud imitating the noise the range made every time someone was eliminated.

Sticking his hand out, the both of them fist bumped each other. Zephyr wincing a bit because damn do supers hit hard even if they don't mean to.

"That's the first time I went past round 20! Zephyr, you sure know your stuff huh?"

"Of course I know my stuff! If I just wanted to buy guns to put them on a shelf and look at them from afar, I would have bought something else. "

Nathan sat down in a chair next to Zephyr.Who was sweating intensely and breathing hard, Nathan on the other hand looked like he was barely even exhausted.


Zephyr hadn't eaten anything for basically two days now and it seems he was finally paying the price of it.

"Hahahaha! Well damn Zephyr!"

Nathan laughed at him for a bit.

"Don't worry, I'm hungry as well right now. Let me call up cabin srrvice. You got any preferences or allergies?"

"No tofu, and nothing sweet and sour as well."

Nathan walked off to the living room when they first entered his cabin and returned after a few minutes.

"Alright foods coming in 10,you still wanna do anything?"

"Actually there is one thing!Can you teach me hand to hand combat?Im a complete newcomer to this, barring a fight I had against some random thug a day ago."

Nathan grinned at him with the most evillest looking grin he had ever seen.

"Well your in luck Zephyr! I've been trained in hand to hand combat by one of the strongest supers that humanity has to offer! The Iron Crasher and he even taught me his personal fighting style!"

The Iron Crasher? He was one of the most famous supers of humanity!Jonas Killian was a regular human working at a vehicle repair shop when he had the fortune of awakening, unlike other supers however. This guy had the privilege of being talented enough to reach B+! Which was close to the peak of what humanity could reach which was A!

Unfortunately, strength levels weren't linear. Meaning that the jump from C+ to B- was much easier then the jump from B+ to A-. It could be considered a wall if anything to test wether they were a true genius and become A-, which was also known as the disaster grade since they were basically walking disasters and unfortunately the Iron Crasher wasnt able to overcome that wall.

Even if he wasn't talented enough to become a disaster grade.He was still a B+ warrior who was able to break through space ships with just his fists! (Which was how he got the title Iron Crasher)

His story served as a massive source of inspiration for many people, supers and non-supers alike and even Zephyr knew of the guy.

That means Nathan had learned the personal fighting style of a B+ warrior!

"Since I owe you a favour for teaching me how to shoot, I'll teach you his personal fighting style how about that?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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