
Galactic Entrepreneur

The galactic society. A place big enough to house hundreds of different sentient alien species.Humans, flying birds with telekinesis, living stars, whales the sizes of planets and more. Civilizations spanning light years wide to a small business on a space station. Supers able to destroy cities and even planets. Cold wars between civilizations and takeovers of smaller businesses.Its a cruel place to be weak and the perfect paradise for those who hunger for more. Humanity being one of the newer races to join the galactic society is forced to accept a weaker standing in the society but now humanity with its talents is entering a golden era! An era led by 5 supers.After all, humanity was born to rule over the stars! An entrepreneur, a vigilante, an explorer, a hunter and a criminal of all people to lead humanity's golden era.What a time to be alive!

ZapFlak · sci-fi
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24 Chs

4:Galactic Astral Express

"The Fuming Bull has arrived, to all passengers please get ready to board within 2 hours. The ship will be departing at 2:30 p.m relative planet time. Thank you for choosing the Galactic Astral Express and we hope you enjoy your trip"

A loud intercom rang throughout the space ship dock. Waking Zephyr from his slumber. Immediately gracing his sight upon waking is a giant space ship spanning at least 3 kilometers in length.At the front of the massive ship, he could see a massive painted face of an angry bull. At the top smoke came out from dozens and dozens of diagonal pipes and he could see a whopping five thrusters on the back.

'What a beautiful ship'

He thought to himself. Most ship designers didn't bother to put decorations on a ship because if anything it ruined the performance but whoever made this was clearly someone who didn't care about the rules.

As Zephyr slowly walked up to the gate to board the ship. He took a moment to look around him at the dock. He had basically fallen asleep when he arrived due to his horrendous sleep schedule and he didn't have the opportunity to gaze around.

The ship dock was massive. No, massive was an understatement it was gargantuan. It stretched out farther then the eye could see. Dozens and dozens of ships all lined up with a few empty spots in between.There were Ark ships, luxury cruise ships,he could see small ships the size of building all to way to ships that spanned 6 kilometers. Looking all the way to his right, he could even see a battleship with the CEA logo on it.

One day. He thought to himself, perhaps one day he could own a dock like this. Hundreds of ships would gather everyday and he would own dozens more with loads of battleships because they looked cool as hell!

Slowly he boarded the Fuming Bull, still with his head turned facing the dock until the doors closed.

"Attention all passengers, please head to the assembly hall on the right.Seats will be assigned. Please attend as we will be having an announcement on the rules and guidelines of the ship."

A voice rang out from the intercom. Alerting the passengers and Zephyr. Speaking of passengers actually, as Zephyr turned his head around he could see that although midst of the passengers were humans. He could actually spot a few aliens in the ship!

One appeared as an absolute giant, with red scales all over and a reptilian face. Another as a four-legged bird with three pairs of wings and a glowing purple crystal in its forehead.

'Crazy, seriously crazy'

Was the only thing he could think. Zephyr knew about aliens but this was his first time actually seeing one. Since he spent most of his life in the Frayn District where only humans resided. He heard about aliens before but they were much more weird looking then he imagined.

'What are aliens even doing here in the first place?'

Planet Holym was a port planet. Meaning that most cargo here was human goods being shipped out. Furthermore, planet Holym is extremely deep in human space.

Ah whatever. Who cares why they're here?

As Zephyr made his way to the assembly hall he spotted even more aliens.What looked like a group of bugs was actually just one singular hivemind and an extremely weird looking half silver half gold alien which Zephyr managed to identify as the Tsuveh race.

'Let's see I'm on seat H1290'

As he sat down on his assigned seat and started to relax,he heard a voice coming from his right.

"The names Nathaniel Blue what's your name?"

Turning to face him,Zephyr saw a man with extremely messy blonde hair. His face was well-defined and his body was extremely muscular. He was taller then Zephyr by half a head and he held a weird looking pipe that looked to be made out of a bone?

"I'm... Zephyr Vepellin Kadvan. What the hell is that thing you're hokding?"

He answered, eyes on the bone pipe that he was holding.

"That's a long name, and Zephyr? That doesn't sound like a ladies name."

"I'm a guy"



Awkward silence ensued for a bit.

"So what is that thing you're holding?"

Pointing to the bone pipe again. He asked

"Oh this? It's a weapon I made from one of my hunts. I'm actually going on a hunt now! To some planet called Y16"

A weapon he made? That kind off explained his muscular build, and the fact that they were going to the same place as well kinda made Zephyr trust the guy a but more

"I'm going to Y16 as well, but why are you a weapons maker? No offense but it's not exactly the best of jobs."

Nathaniel looked at him weird for a second.

"Im not a weapons maker?"

"I thought you said you made that weapon in your hands?"

Nathaniel's face scrunched up in laughter as he connected the dots.

"Oh no, I'm not a weapons maker. Im a super, a mutant to be exact and my mutant ability is object weaponization.I can make weapons out of anything."

A mutant? That explained a lot. Mutants are supers with some of the weirdest powers. They could be considered the miscellaneous of supers.

Mutants powers vary from each other a lot. In fact, there are no two exact same mutant abilities. There are a lot that are similar, but none are the same. A mutants strength therefore is kinda based on luck. After all, if one mutants ability was to shoot lasers out of his eyes of course he would destroy another mutant whose ability was to make his skin slightly harder.

Judging by Nathaniel's ability of making weapons. He probably didn't even use quantum energy that much as a super.Which is crazy because quantum energy is like a lifeblood to supers.

After all, warriors transform quantum energy into Aura, which would naturally strengthen their bodies since Aura has a destroying effect. Mages transform quantum energy into mana, which has variants like white mana or ice mana. Psychics transform quantum energy into Mind or Soul energy or even both if lucky.Mutants transform quantum energy into whatever energy their mutant ability needs or none at all if it doesn't use energy like Nathaniel.

Quantum energy even if not transformed by a super is still useful. It could be used as a much weaker version of Aura by other classes to protect and enhance attacks.

That basically meant the guy next to him, Nathaniel would be extremely tough to kill and would be able to hit much harder with his attacks then a regular super.

Zephyr's face was probably giving away how he felt right now. Because he felt envious as hell!

"Do you have any limits on your ability?"

"Well I'm only E+ right now, so I can't make extremely advanced weapons like guns or bombs. At most all I can make is this spear which can retract into itself"

Nathaniel handed him the bone pipe which was actually a spear.

Holding the spear in his hand. Zephyr slowly turned it over and looked at it from every angle. Then handed it back to him.

"What do you think? The weight and length is always perfectly adjusted to me as well. "

"...To be honest dude. I have no idea. I have never used a spear in my life and that was my first time even touching one. Hell I haven't even ever had a fist fight until like two days ago"

Nathaniel's jaw looked like it was about to dislocate from how far he opened it.


"Mr Blue! I'm currently announcing the rules and guidelines right now. Unless you have something to say, please keep it down! "

Nathaniel's face turned red as the announcer interrupted their conversation.

Whispering this time, Nathaniel quickly turned back to him.

"The hell are you going to Y16 for when you can't even fight? You don't look like a super. Or are you? "

Reaching behind him, Zephyr pulled out his FGK and handed it over to Nathaniel.

"I may not be able to fight but I sure as hell can shoot a gun"

Nathaniel's eyes seemed to shine upon seeing the gun.

"No way! An FGK model 1? It says collectors edition as well! Is this a genuine?"

"Of course! I would never have bought it if it was fake!"

"I can sense quantum energy on this as well!"

Zephyr felt ecstatic, another gun nut! And this guy knew what he was talking about as well!

"Mr Blue! If you interrupt me one more time I'm going to downgrade your cabin!"

Ugh. This damn announcer lady. Can't you see a lifelong friendship in the making here?

Hearing this, Nathaniel turned to him and whispered.

"Dude.Wanna head back to my cabin? I got a luxury cabin for free. Courtesy of my hunting sponsors."

"Hell yeah! Lead the way Nathaniel. "

The both of them quickly stood up, Nathaniel's huge muscular figure and Zephyr's much leaner physique must have made an interesting contrast.

Extending a hand out to him. Nathaniel smiled and said.

"Please, we're friends now. Call me Nathan instead"

Grabbing his hand, Zephyr smiled and said

"Alright then Nathan"

Fourth chapter!!

more detailed explanation on how quantum energy works and how supers use it. I tried to explain it without making it seem like info dumping cause that's boring and even I know it.

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