
Galactic Entrepreneur

The galactic society. A place big enough to house hundreds of different sentient alien species.Humans, flying birds with telekinesis, living stars, whales the sizes of planets and more. Civilizations spanning light years wide to a small business on a space station. Supers able to destroy cities and even planets. Cold wars between civilizations and takeovers of smaller businesses.Its a cruel place to be weak and the perfect paradise for those who hunger for more. Humanity being one of the newer races to join the galactic society is forced to accept a weaker standing in the society but now humanity with its talents is entering a golden era! An era led by 5 supers.After all, humanity was born to rule over the stars! An entrepreneur, a vigilante, an explorer, a hunter and a criminal of all people to lead humanity's golden era.What a time to be alive!

ZapFlak · sci-fi
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24 Chs

20:Im back

Zephyr slowly opened his eyes, the sun almost blinding him with its brilliant light. The faint sound of living creatures could bee heard all around him. The sky was cloudy with faint yellow from what the planet originally looked like before the CEA's shoddy teraforming. He was lying down on a dense blanket of yellow moss and soil and his arms were straddled comfortably behind his head.

Chirp chrp

The birds were singing and the wind provided s light cool breeze to counteract the heat from the sun. He wished he could stay like this forever, if there was a heaven then Zephyr imagined it to be similar to this.

chirrp chirrp

...Birds? Wait a second. That's strange. There are no birds on Y16.

Chrrp... chrp

Rushing onto his feet, Zephyr got into the stance for the max body usage and spread his senses to detect whatever it was that made that screech.

Spotting something in a tree near him. He immediately faced that direction and pulled out the knife from Nathan. Readying himself to use the max body usage fighting style to fight or to run.

It was called a fighting style but that wasn't all. Who said he couldn't use the handy techniques to make his legs faster and stronger for running?

Enhancing his eyesight with quantum energy, he spotted a bird.

Which should be fine. After all birds lived in trees right? Well not when they were made out metal and was the size of hawks! It stared at Zephyr with its unblinking eyes and simply chirped. Which looked weird as hell!

Why make it chirp when that thing is a hawk?

Chirrp Human? Chirrp

Carefully letting his guard down, Zephyr used his peripheral vision to scan the surroundings as much as he could.

Plains of soil and moss for as far as his eyes could see. Dotted with a few trees and mounds here and there, it was extremely barren. No place to hide, no place to cover behind. Best option would be to run.

Zephyr enhanced his legs and utilizing the max body usage fighting style. Put as much force into his legs. Ready to run away at the slightest movement by the metallic bird.

He put his finger into the choil of the knife for more dexterity. His fingers clenching the handle tight enough to turn white. His muscles tensing up. Each fiber ready to act on a single thought.

Chhiirrrp Identified, Zephyr Veppelin Kadvan, formerly presumed, KIA. chirp Calling... Calling... Calling.

Loosening his stance again, Zephyr simply decided to just lay down on the ground again.

The bird had likely been watching him for quite a while now and it hasn't attacked him yet. Zephyr figured he might as well rest for a few extra minutes and enjoy it.

'Hmmmmm, when I have enough money. I should buy a place like this... '

Slowly zoning out into his thoughts of what he would do with his money when he got rich. He felt himself get more drowsy by the minute.

Yawning. He put his head on his hands and layed down on his side. Closing his eyes.

The bird would be a problem for future Zephyr. For now, he was tired and wanted some sleep.

If Zephyr knew the trouble the bird would bring him in the future. Zephyr would have sped off into orbit! Unfortunately, for future Zephyr however. He didn't know.


"So... let me get this straight. You met with a higher dimensional being named Orovada. According to the future foretold by a different higher dimensional being. You will be the one to break the lockdown on this planet and to help you with that. She gave you strength by optimizing your genes."


"And this was after you were killed by a warlock of Orovada?"


"And you also managed to survive for 5 months underground?"

"I didn't know it was that long but yes.

Zephyr felt tired from the endless amounts of questions. When he woke up, he was greeted by uniforms and suits of the CEA and was questioned for several hours.

"What did this Orovada look like?"

"Imagine a scorant with the lower half replaced by a rand worm. Add some extra spikes and that's basically it. Oh and make it have a slight green glow. "

The CEA forensic sketch artist on his right handed him a tablet containing a drawing.

"Does it look like this?"

It looked literally the exact same as Zephyr remembered. Every single detail was perfect and even the size of the rand worm was exactlu as he remembered.

"That's... actually perfectly accurate. How did you even do that?"

"How did this Vados look like?"

"You didn't answer my question. "

"What did this Vados look like. "

The CEA interrogater ignored him and asked again. His face still neutral.

"Ugh. He just looked like an extra big and extra armoured waspero titan. No actually I told you guys this several hours ago? Why the hell do you need to ask again? Are you guys secretly gold fishes?"

The forensic sketch artist handed him the tablet again.

"Does it look like this?"

"Yes! Yes it does okay! I don't know why you want to know so badly when I already told you and this person can clearly read my mind from how they can draw it so perfectly!"

Zephyr was nearing the limits of his mental energy. Not as in the psychic mental energy but as in the 'I slept for 11 hours and still feel tired mentally despite being fine physically' mental energy.

As for these interrogaters, Zephyr wanted to congratulate them honestly. They had the audacity to bring him from the comfortable plains into this cold interrogation room, ask him basically the same questions over and over again for (if his intern clock was correct) 7 hours!

Although Zephyr didn't really trust his intern clock anymore. Not since he went underground that is.

"It's none of your business"

"It is my business! You guys have been asking me the same old questions for the last 10 hours and I'm getting sick of it! I wanna take a shower, eat some actual food, drink some clean water and sleep on a bed!"

He couldn't read his interrogaters face through his helmet but he could tell from his vast experience of meeting people for his fathers 'business connections' that he was likely a bit agitated as well from his body movements.

Zephyr mentally rutted in his mind. Honestly he bad thought that soldiers trained at an interstellar level would be more professional and would be more like robots but from what Zephyr had experienced. Other then just having better tech and the skills on how to use said tech, there wasn't much difference at all.

Oh, and add a faint sense of superiority as well. Something that almost every higher levelled civillian had. No matter the species. It seemed like just the knowledge that they were simply born better with a golden spoon in their mouths that made them believe they were superior.

Not that Zephyr could complain much when he was born with a silver spoon as well. His father being the owner of a multi million Kav credit company.

"Where is this Aether currently at?"

"Beats me, probably still underground somewhere. Hope he lives to be honest. He, Alex and Arte. I really liked them."

"What other creatures have you encountered while living underground?"

"Other then some scorant and rand worm variants nothing worth noting. "

He handed Zephyr a tablet again. This time it contained several dozen drawings. Each one of the more memorable variants of the creatures. Zephyr didn't even feel surprised anymore. Despite the fact that several of the drawings literally looked like it was plucked from his mind.

Zephyr still remembered exactly when one of the rand worms leapt at him and this drawing literally looked like that memory!

"Can you list out the unique features of these variants?"

"Yeah yeah. Let's see, this one has super hearing... this one has super slippery slime all over it's body and this one can shoot out liquid from its back end... "

Zephyr dragged his finger down the list,stopping on every new variant and pointing every unique feature he could remember.

"This one just looks extra brown to camouflage as far as I can tell. This one can dig through stuff extra fast. This guy just looks weird pretty suite he's not even a variant just a little deformed. "

The CEA interrogaters both lounged on their chair and relaxed. Zephyr wished he could do that as well. Unfortunately the chair they gave him was literally just a block of some sort of metal that was cool to the touch.

His fingers felt a lot more uncontrollable then usual as well. Zephyr surmised that he was likely tranquilized. Plus his quantum senses felt diluted.


Zephyr sighed, he was barely even halfway down the list of variant creatures now and he felt he would go insane if he had to do the whole thing.

"I'm done. "

Putting the tablet down while halfway through the list. He decided to just try and relax instead.

"You still have 43 more variants to go through. "

"Ughhhh. I didn't even encounter most of them how would I know what they're like?Plus that sketch artist can read my mind so just tell her to get it from me instead!"

The forensic sketch artist looked up from her tablet and snarkiky replied to him.

"I'm a psychic like you. It's quite easy to read the minds of others especially someone like you. Your mind and soul defenses are so weak I could break it and leave you in a vegetative state with no hope of recovery. "

Zephyr felt stunned. His quantum senses were weakened by whatever tranquillizer they used in him but he could still sense the ambient quantum energy in the air. So for him to not be able to sense that she was a super made him very surprised.

But that earlier statement made him feel offended. Ever since he became a psychic super, Zephyr had always maintained a barrier around his mind and soul to protect it. It was basically second nature to him at this point. Similar to blinking. His brain just unconsciously did it automatically.

Sure he wasn't the strongest but the amount of energy he had was more then other supers by around 20 percent! Yeah maybe he didn't have a lot of regular quantum energy in exchange but Zephyr felt very lucky with his super abilities.

So for this upstart to claim that she could easily smash through Zephyr's defenses made him a bit mad to say the least.

It wasn't the best. But Zephyr was happy with it!

CEA:Common Earth Alliance(an alliance between seven countries from when humanity first step foot into space. they are the current leading organization of humanity and governs over humanity)

VF:Violet Flood (a religious organization consisting of only psychics who worship a higher dimensional being known as the Tide of Violet. Also known as the lapdogs of the CEA)

UTF:Under The Flag( an organization consisting of trained battle medics and white mages. They perform life saving treatment in the thick of battle and have saved thousands of lives. Known for their usage of flags to spread heals and buffs from their white mages)

REM: Records of Electricity and Machinery(a religious organization focused on preserving every piece of technology available, lead by one of three disaster grade designers, Metal Tsunami, Fran Mirren, they will accept jobs and requests in exchange for any knowledge on technology and are willing to trade knowledge. They have the biggest tech archive in human space, even more then the CEA)

MU:Mercenary Union ( a branch of a celestial level business. It is one of the most succesful branches and has locations everywhere. It serves as a medium between businesses, companies and civilizations who are in need of armed forces. All for a price)

Sorry for the late chapter guys. I've recently been studying for my exams which has really reduced how long I can spent writing but my biology exam ends on Tuesday so my uploading schedule will return to normal afterwards.

ZapFlakcreators' thoughts