
Galactic Entrepreneur

The galactic society. A place big enough to house hundreds of different sentient alien species.Humans, flying birds with telekinesis, living stars, whales the sizes of planets and more. Civilizations spanning light years wide to a small business on a space station. Supers able to destroy cities and even planets. Cold wars between civilizations and takeovers of smaller businesses.Its a cruel place to be weak and the perfect paradise for those who hunger for more. Humanity being one of the newer races to join the galactic society is forced to accept a weaker standing in the society but now humanity with its talents is entering a golden era! An era led by 5 supers.After all, humanity was born to rule over the stars! An entrepreneur, a vigilante, an explorer, a hunter and a criminal of all people to lead humanity's golden era.What a time to be alive!

ZapFlak · sci-fi
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24 Chs

17:Mind Link

Mind Link was a technique used to connect the minds of separate individuals.

Zephyr could use mental energy to make a mind link to connect their minds or he could use soul energy to connect their souls instead. Or even both but Zephyr wasn't at that level yet.

When Zephyr tried, the mental energy link was much more sophisticated. It could show more emotions and was more akin to just talking with someone straight up.

The soul energy link however was much different. Linking their souls together made Zephyr able to instinctually know what they meant. The emotions and feelings were much more rougher and savage. Rather then talking it was more like communicating in grunts and movement.

In order to actually mind link with someone, the process was a bit scary to outsiders.

The psychic, would either use mental or soul energy to form a hundreds of small tendrils. Then they would impale this into the target individuals mind or soul depending on which.These tendrils,would then be used to transfer information between the two. The individual would feel very little pain that it was basically non-existant.The psychic would have to actively support this link or else it wouldn't work and trying to fight and maintain it at the same time was like asking someone to write 1-4 using their arms and legs at the same time! The multitasking required would drive anyone insane!

Trying to mind link multiple people was a whole different story. In order to do it, Zephyr would have to actively maintain a link between multiple people with himself at the center. Then when someone wanted to send a message, the information would go to Zephyr and then sent out to everyone else.

It was even more hellish to maintain with the difficulty jumping exponentially with each extra person.

So when Zephyr mind linked with the Scorant, he used soul energy instead of mental energy.

'Here goes nothing'

As he moved the tendril of energy into the creatures soul. He made sure to make it as painless as possible. It would likely see it as Zephyr wanting to attack. After all, pain was the warning signal of the body. If you felt pain then something was wrong.

If you were talking with a dog whom you knew could attack you without needing to touch you. You would also assume it was attacking you when you felt pain!


Zephyr struggled a bit to latch onto the soul of the scorant. It was much bigger then the souls of humans.

The size of souls and minds of creatures was covered in extreme detail within the manual. A larger soul meant the creature was stronger and more imstinctual. A larger mind meant the creature was more emotional and smarter.

The part Zephyr found most interesting was the average sizes for different creatures.

Humans had a perfect sweet spot with both the mind and soul being almost the same size.

The scorant had a much bigger soul then mind. Indicating that while it was smart, it was still very savage inside.

And individuals from the Tsuveh race had bigger minds then souls. Showing that they had discarded their savage origins and clung to their intelligence instead.

Psychics would have a much stronger mind or soul depending on which they awaken.

Unfortunately,the manual didn't go too much into depth for the sizes of minds and souls which Zephyr thought was a real shame.

The scorant clicked its mandibles a bit. Seemingly confused by what Zephyr was doing. Before suddenly feeling it's head back and shrieking.


Zephyr never heard a Scorant shriek like that before. It sounded awfully similar to a rand worm. Perhaps the two creatures were related?

'Cmon, cmon. Latch on already!'

Only about 40% of the linking process was finishes but Zephyr decided to jump the gun and start sending info through it already.

'Peace! No kill! Friend! No harm!'

He shouted out as many synonyms for peace and the likes as he could to try and get the message across.

'No fight! Truce!'

He strained his soul energy to latch on even further.


The scorant continued to shriek it's lungs out(if it had any) and the Scorants behind itnstarted to make their move. Luckily the size of the tunnel meant that they couldn't easily slip past each other.

'Tell friends! No danger!'

One of the smaller Scorants was slipping through now!

Zephyr pushed the link even deeper into the creatures soul.


'Tell your friends I'm safe!'


'Tell your friends hurry up!'

The scorant turned its head and clicked it's mandibles furiously.

Crkrkrkrk Krk Crk

The scorant who was trying to slip past stopped. Instantly the rest of the group of Scorants started to click their mandibles insanely fast as well.


'I'm a human! We're a species of intelligent sentient creatures who have managed to achieve space travel!'


Zephyr felt immensely relieved. According to the coms from ages ago. No other quarry had ever seen Scorants before. And there were several dozen quarries but violet flood was only sent to a few and the amount of psychics who could use soul link or mind link was extremely low since this was something you bad to learn. Rather then just knowing how to do it instinctively.

'Space is... what is above the sky. You live in a planet, which is in space, in a solar system, in a galaxy, in the universe's


Crkrkk krc

It clicked it's mandibles at an extremely rapid pace. It looked anxious and nervous?


'I'm a super, ever notice how some of your people are way stronger then others and can see this?'

Zephyr raised his fist and covered it with quantum energy, coating the cramped tunnel in a dark blue hue.


Orovada?Now that was a name Zephyr had never heard of before. Furthermore the scorant confused being a super with some blessing! Zephyr was a bit surprised.

According to the history he learnt, when humans achieved space travel and discovered supers after integrating into the galactic society. Initially thought of it as some sort of miracle medicine, or a blessing from a God as well. After all, how could the superpowers in comics and novels be real?

A few hardliners even declined the existence of supers at all! Claiming them to be faked and a hoax to hide the truth.

But no, the superpowers were real and they were devastating. When humanity learned the secrets on how to activate their super genes. It caused massive chaos. A time known as the Overturning of Humanity.

In fact, the chaos from discovering aliens which was still fresh in their mind and the emergence of supers mixed together to create wars on a never before seen scale on Earth!

Overnight, new organizations and countries would pop claiming to be the rightful leader of humanity, entire asteroid belts were destroyed and new ones were created.

In the end, only one came out on top and that was the CEA. Mainly due to the fact that they were late comers, taking advantage of the chaos seen by early goers and as their name implied. They were an alliance of some of the strongest and most popular ones.

So when Zephyr heard blessing, he was surprised that

'How come so many intelligent species confuse being a super with blessings from a deity?'

In fact, worship seemed to be extremely common in the galactic society. Almost every major civilization was based off one or were extremely atheist.

'Focus Zephyr! Not the time to ponder about the workings of religion now!'

Zephyr mentally slapped himself.

'What you call the blessing of Orovada... isn't a blessing. It's called being a super.'


It hissed at Zephyr intensely. He could hear the other ones behind it also hiss together with it.


The scorant stomped it's front two legs on the floor and started clicking a mysterious melody with its mandibles.

Quantum energy gathered around it and Zephyr could see a large glowing green eye, similar to the ones the scorants had.



Zephyr felt the whole tunnel shake massively. Almost losing his balance. The scorant was still chanting and the green eye was still staring intensely at him. Searing his vision with its intense light.


A massive green claw stabbed Zephyr from behind. Piercing a hole through his body and into his vital organs.

Zephyr vommitted blood from his mouth.He could see bits of his own lungs in it.Urging his body to speed up its regeneration as quickly as possible. He used telekinesis to try and pull the claw out.

A green corona appeared around the claw, lodging itself further into Zephyr. His telekinesis wavered and stopped pulling it out as quickly as before.

It felt like pure torture. Every inch of the claw he pulled out made him feel more light headed. His arms went weak and he couldn't feel his legs anymore. The light emailed by the eye was hot enough to make Zephyr feel like be was being cooked alive.

He vommitted blood again. Zephyr's head fell limp forwards. His telekinesis stopped and in his weakening vision he could faintly see another claw manifesting.

'No, no, no, GET UP ZEPHYR'

He screamed at his body to move. But it stopped responding long ago. He desperately tried to move it to no avail.


The claw from earlier finished manifesting and went straight into his leg this time. Hitting his thigh and going straight through it. Destroying any muscle, bone and skin in its way.

He could feel a massive series of nerves get cut off and stopped receiving signals from it anymore. His pain receptors were almost overloading his brain and he couldn't turn them off.

'Please... someone...anyone...save me!'

He prayed. Zephyr had never prayed before in his life. He prayed so desperately for anyone to come save him. He prayed to every deity that he knew of. He prayed to the Tide of Violet, the sun and moon from the Sun and Moon Church, and even to Orovada.

Tears ran uncontrollably down his face. He could feel his heartbeat getting quieter and quieter. His thinking slowed down.

'I don't...want...to die'

His eyes slowly closed and his heart slowly stopped beating as well. His breathing which was rough from the stab wounds stopped. His mind slowly dissipated annd his soul shattered into dust. Scattering away to be transformed back into quantum energy by nature.

Crrk krrkcrk

Krcrk crk crrkk

The last thing he could hear. Was the haunting sounds of several scorants. Each one, echoing in his head.

His dream would remain unfulfilled.

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