
Galactic Entrepreneur

The galactic society. A place big enough to house hundreds of different sentient alien species.Humans, flying birds with telekinesis, living stars, whales the sizes of planets and more. Civilizations spanning light years wide to a small business on a space station. Supers able to destroy cities and even planets. Cold wars between civilizations and takeovers of smaller businesses.Its a cruel place to be weak and the perfect paradise for those who hunger for more. Humanity being one of the newer races to join the galactic society is forced to accept a weaker standing in the society but now humanity with its talents is entering a golden era! An era led by 5 supers.After all, humanity was born to rule over the stars! An entrepreneur, a vigilante, an explorer, a hunter and a criminal of all people to lead humanity's golden era.What a time to be alive!

ZapFlak · sci-fi
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24 Chs

1:Family feud

Bzzt. Bzzt

A sleek black laser pistol barked out shot after shot.Zephyr could feel the heat of each laser.The heat sinks in the pistol were probably destroyed by now, stressed out by the constant shooting.

The repetitive motion of simply turning his body aiming the sights down and pulling the trigger relieved his body of stress, every target shot down increased the number on the counter to his left.

He aimed the pistol at another target and pulled the trigger as he had been for the past few hours.

Jammed. Any more and he would burn his hands from the excess heat. He frowned and threw the pistol onto the ground landing in a pile of a dozen more guns all smoking and nearly destroyed.

He reached out for another gun only for his hand to fumble with nothing.

'That's only the 13th gun I destroyed, I swear I had two more' he thought to himself. Looking down he spotted an empty weapons rack. Usually filled to the brink with cutting edge guns that he could buy. Now completely empty

15.Zephyr counted. He frowned, what the hell happened to the other two?the reading two should be a carbine and a sniper.as he pondered he heard a voice from behind him

"I took the two weapons Zephyr"

He turned around and faced her, he should have known it was her.


He could see her start to get angry at him.

"Because otherwise you would spend another 3 hours shooting at some targets!"

'Haah'. Zephyr sighed in his mind. The fatigue and stress from everything that had happened to him the last week had caught up to him.

He sat down on the empty weapons rack and faced her.

"What do you want. sister." He could hear the venom in the last word.

"What I want is for you to stop wasting your damned life away. The whole company is going down and you're just standing here practing your sharpshooting abilities. Grow up Zephyr. "

He flinched at her words. Each word like a new stab wound slowly opening up an old scar.

"Well sister at least I've stayed here for the company whereas you just decided to go sell your body to the first rich guy you could find."

Her face went red.


She practically screamed at the top of her lungs if it wasn't for the soundproofing he requested from his father all those years ago the whole building would have heard her scream

"Given how little you hesitated when we started going down I would say yes, you did want to sell yourself to some old bastard"

Zephyr's face remained stoic,he turned and looked at a window on his right.

Cloudy. Dark spots here and there indicated a soon to be rainstorm. It would arrive in maybe 5 hours,the exact time he would get kicked out.

He turned back to face her. He could feel his anger slowly building up. He always did have anger issues. Clenching his fist he said as subdued as he could to try and hide the anger leaking out

"Listen up sister. In 5 hours I will officially be homeless with not even a single Kav to my name. Don't lecture me about wants. I am going to be declared as bankrupt whereas you can continue living out your life occasionally giving some old guy a ha-"

"SHUT UP.So what if I do? At the end of the day I'm going to be living in a nice house. With all of my needs taken care of and all of my wants being satisfied. That's a whole lot more then what you did for me"

Zephyr could practically see steam coming out of her ears. Unfortunately, he couldn't muster up any fucks to give.

"We cut off your spending because you were spending hundreds of thousands on damn luxury goods! The company is already going to hell and you still wanted to spend thousands on some stupid bags. I think you need to grow up sister. If the company was still doing fine we wouldn't have cut off your spending anyways! Why are you even complaining about it now?"

His sisters skin temporarily turned red for a moment.As in it literally shimmered into a red tone similar to a ladybug from old earth.Sometimes it was all too easy to forget that most rich humans weren't even technically human anymore after undergoing enough genetic treatments.

He smirked at her anger.

"You better watch out sis! You don't want your dearest husband seeing you like this now, does he?"

If she was mad before she was absolutely fuming now. She opened her mouth to tell at him again only to pause when a ringing noise came from her smart watch.It was backwards but he could clearly read out HUSBAND from it.

Wait a second. That ringtone is for a projection call, which essentially means a hologram of the person calling will appear and vice versa.

Zephyr smiled evilly once again.His schadenfreude right now was off the charts!The gods must be looking down on me right now! hehehe

"What's wrong sister? Your dearest husband is projection calling you now. You can't decline it. Imagine what he would think! "

He could practically feel how hard she was trying to get her skin back to her normal colour again. Evidently she seemed to succeed for her face but not her arms unfortunately. .. Or the rest of her body

It seemed that was all she needed though as she quickly accepted the call and put on perhaps the most fake smile Zephyr had ever seen in his life so far. And he had seen a lot. Being a rich scion plenty of women had tried to woo him before being humiliated when they got rejected.

The call soon went through and Zephyr could see the so called husband with his own eyes now and...

Damn, he looks ugly as hell. Balding hair with a patch on his back, a triple chin which he didn't even know was possible, a pot belly and legs short enough to make you mistake him for an amputee

"I called you several times already, is it so hard to pick up the call once? "

a surprisingly deep voice came out from his mouth, although seeing his throat he could guess there were probably extra implants in there.

"I'm so sorry, I was busy dealing with my family. They haven't taken too kindly to my leave"

She responded almost instantly. Like a pre-planned response.

"I don't give a shit, when I call you I expect you to answer me.No matter where you are"

"Yes honey"

She replied meekly to him. Seems it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows in marriage town. Zephyr smiled to himself, 'so glad I didn't marry that girl dad asked me too, she looked nice but damn was she a banshee'.

He turned to face me.

"And who is this person? Are you cheating on me now!? I should have known you were a whore! "

His sister's skin flashed purple before instantly reverting back to its regular pale skin tone.

"N-no! This is my younger brother.Hes the acting CEO so I just came to tell him about my leave"


"No wonder you look like that, if I were you. I'd just shoot myself out of embarrassment! How could you bankrupt a company worth 3 million Kav in a year! "

He tutted his lips again.


"So? Are you gonna let her leave or not? One second of my time is worth more then your company at this point. "

Zephyr quietly opened his eyes and stared at him for a while.


A few seconds pass. Then a minute passes. Evidently the man couldn't handle it anymore and yelled at him.


Zephyr simply smiled and said

"I thought one second of your time was worth more then my company? For a person whose time is worth a lot you sure do love throwing it away don't you? "

His face turned red.Just like the person he's married to, they both got mad within one sentence already.All within a minute if meeting them.It seems that Zephyr had a talent for pissing people off. Maybe he should have started doing this earlier. Seeing people get so angry within one second was funny in a strange way.


" Uhm honey?

Zephyr's sister interrupted him before he could yell at Zephyr. He turned to face her, pointing his fat finger at her.


She instantly quieted down and lowered her head in shame. Zephyr could see her shaking in anger and clenching her fists.

Huh? Did she just... grin?

"Y-your boss sent you a message just now and uhm... it says you've been demoted for ruining the reputation of the company"

The room went silent for a bit. Only his heavy breathing could be heard. He stuttered for a bit.

" what? no no no no.IF THIS IS A JOKE I'LL KILL YOU"

"Looks like being an asshole wasn't so good for you huh? Should have just treated people nicely and gotten rich quietly dumbass. "

Zephyr's mocking tone could be heard. Even he was surprised by how it sounded.

'Wait a second. Do I really have a talent for pissing people off?'

he briefly thought to himself. Zephyr never really tried to piss anybody off purposefully as far as he can remember but wow. It was coming to him so easily on what exact words he should say to piss him off.


He looked so red Zephyr had genuinely thought he would burst. His eyes were wide open in denial and the veins on his forehead looked big enough for insects to crawl through.

"How in the ever living did you manage to come to the conclusion that it was my fault?Use your ears for gods sake. Your boss literally said it was because you're ruining the reputation of the company. Can't you think? Use your brain as well man. "

He stuttered a bit more. Turning even more red ( a feat which Zephyr hadn't known to be possible) and started running towards Zephyr


He collapsed onto the floor after taking around 7 steps. Yikes. Zephyr momentarily thanked his dad for not buying them anti-grav boots which would have made his legs weak as hell from not walking.Actually why the hell did he even try to attack Zephyr? He was in a projection call so he couldn't even physically touch him.

His sister ran towards her fallen husband and once again just like her husband tripped face first. And she tripped because of one of his guns on the floor that she had taken from hm in the first place. Karma really does bite you hard.

He looked at both of them on the ground moaning and in pain.

'Fatty isn't getting up anytime soon and sis is gonna be busy helping him out. '

Guess this is my time to go' with that thought in mind. He picked up the other gun that his sister had taken from him (the one she didn't trip on) and waltzed out of the place. This time not as the rich scion Zephyr Veppelin Kadvan but as a regular person.

Who just so happens to have a weapon worth several thousand Kav.

this is my first time writing a novel so I still have much to learn. please leave some critics in the comments and I'll try my best to improve

"is for talking

'is for thoughts

Kav is the money used by humans. other alien races have different currencies.For reference clothes would cost about 30 kav

ZapFlakcreators' thoughts