
Chapter 7

"Huh? What's that?" He saw the Lancelot speeding towards him. "It doesn't look like a Suther..."

He didn't get to finish as the Lancelot quickly knocked his Sutherland's head off. Lelouch chuckled. "Just another push, and the checkpoint will fall…"

"This is B group! Confirm signs of the enemy!"

"Hm? Reinforcements?" Lelouch said, and he stopped chuckling. "Real battle is different, Isn't it?" He cllaed through his comms, "Status?"

"Everyone ejected, but they took out four units is no time at all!"

"Number of enemies?" Lelouch said.

"One! Just one!" Lelouch is surprised about the news.

"I think's a new model! I Never seen anything like–AH!"

"Hey–what is going on?" Lelouch is surprised the commc suddenly gets a static.

"Why you..." The resistance Sutherlands yelled as they shot at the Lancelot, but the white Knightmare held up his arm and projected a green luminous shield, deflecting the bullets.

"What?!" He heard Lelouch exclaimed. "The bullets are bouncing off it?"

"Ah! What do we do?! Ishida! Ah!"

Lelouch on the other hand looked frustrated as he was disappointed. "Useless, terrorists. If they're being beaten by one unit with the resources they have..."

The Lancelot whipped out a long slash harken which he used like a whip to hit a Sutherland, before he jumped in the air to bring his foot down on the other one.

"Dammit!" The sutherland fire but it is useless because it was all dodge before he was knockes out with a foot by lancelot.

"Good, I can do this!" Suzaku said, with newfound determination. "With this Lancelot, I can stop all this at once!"

"N-4, N-5, hold there! When the rear units arrive, surround that thing!"

"Gotcha." They affirmed as they fired on the Lancelot, but its shields blocked all fire, causing a fog of smoke to hide it. The Lancelot used his hands to swipe and jab at the Knightmares as if they were paper toys.

"We can't stop this thing!" N-5 exclaimed with horror, before the Lancelot slashed harkened him.

"Hey what's wrong?" Lelouch called out on his walkie, but only got static sounds. "What is it? What's happening?"

G1 Base

"For heaven's sake, now I'll owe my older brother a debt I don't need!" He said looking at the work of lancelot, he walk back to his seat. "Still this is for the best!"

Shinjuku ghetto

The Lancelot continued wiping out the resistance Sutherlands one by one, even jumping on the sides of the ruined building and pouncing on them like a predator would. He then came upon Ohgi's Sutherland.

Ohgi screamed as the Lancelot beheaded his Sutherland, forcing the resistance leader to eject.

"P-1 what happened?" Lelouch is in panic and receive only static. "Is the enemy... is it really just one unit?!"

G1 Base

"These readings are even higher than predicted!" Cecile said as she and Lloyd observed the computer screen regarding the Lancelot.

"Yes. And our pilot is taking his job very seriously." Lloyd said, impressed. As if there was any doubt his creation couldn't exceed their expectations.

The Lancelot took down a squad of Sutherlands with both of his slash harkens acting us his whips.

"If I stop all of these Knightmares then this battle will end!." Suzaku thought with determination. "No matter what it takes I got to save Lelouch and that girl!"

His scanners then picked up another Sutherland signal hiding in the upper levels of a ruin building in front of him. He narrowed his eyes.

The Lancelot slash harkened to one of the upper levels, acting as a grappling hook to help him ascend up and found Lelouch's Sutherland.

Lelouch gasped and then had his Sutherland block the Lancelot's punch. "This thing? what's ruining my plan?!"

The Lancelot continued tugging at Lelouch's Sutherland, not knowing who exactly it was piloting it.

"You're the commander aren't you?!" Suzaku demanded.

Lelouch grunted. "Just a pilot! How dare he?"

Unfortunately, the force between caused the floor below them to collapse, and both Knightmares fell several stories down.

Lelouch started to regain his bearings. "No choice. I got to get out of here!" Before he could do so, he looked up in horror from his screen to see the Lancelot jumping in the air towards him. The Knightmare made a spinning kick that sent Lelouch's Sutherland back.

The Lancelot was ready to finish him with his slash harken, until something stopped him.

It was the red Glasgow, who was using her only remaining arm to distract the Lancelot.

"Hey! I'm returning the favor!" Kallen called out.

Lelouch's eyes widened in surprise.

The Glasgow fired a slash harken at the Lancelot, but it managed to catch it with his other hand. Kallen froze when the Lancelot started crushing her last arm with his hand, while ripping out her slash harken.

"This is it for me." Kallen was forced to eject from the Glasgow. Fortunately, the sacrifice of her Knightmare was not in vain, as it gave Lelouch time to gain distance from the white Knightmare.

"I must remember that." Lelouch thought. "The most vital element in battle is the human one."

There came a beep, and Lelouch looked behind in horror to see the Lancelot gaining up with him. He then fired back at it, even shooting up at the ruined buildings, but the white Knightmare dodged all his bullets.

"Waht is that monster?!" Lelouch yelled in horror.

The Lancelot kept skidding across the street gaining pace with Lelouch's Sutherland.

"Damn him." Suzaku gritted his teeth as he locked on to the Sutherland. "He's just causing more damage for no reason!"

Suzaku heard a woman screaming and see she is falling with a baby in her arms, he stop following the knightmare and save the lady.

Lelouch look back at the white knightmare. 'He rescue someone in the midst of the battle? I don't mind giving you the tactical victory here. However...' He eject from his knightmare.

G1 Base

Cecile look at the camera from the lancelot and see he put down a woman.

"Huh? He save someone?" Lloyd look back confused of what he see.

"So it would seem."

"How strange of him." He look back at the screen.

The woman who was saved earlier was scared see lancelot and grip her child tightly to her chest. She ran away and screaming.

Suzaku was surlrised by her action. "Suzaku?" She see cecile in the screen. "You must be tired. Why don't you call quits for today?"

"I can go on! Please let me!"

"Be careful of his operational time!" Said Lloyed from the comms.

"Yes, sir"

"My, that boy makes an excellent piece of equipment!"

"Halt!" A soldier warned as he aimed at two men dressed as soldiers stopping in front of him. "Where is your I.D.? This is prince clovis personal transport!"

"At last. The checkpoint!" Lelouch said as he removed his helmet. "And you're as lightly guarded as I planned."

"Your plan?" The soldier questioned.

"Yes." Lelouch said, now activating his power. "Now, I'd like you to let me pass."

"I see." The soldier lowered his gun. "Understood."

Somewhere, in what looked to be a large warehouse, the survivors of Shinjuku had gathered together along with the remaining resistance members. Kallen is running

"Kallen." She heard someone from behind and see ohgi, he pointed to his back to get in.

"It's your fault!" An Eleven citizen exclaimed. "This is what happens when you oppose the Britannians!"

"What?!" Tamaki exclaimed in anger. "Why you spineless coward!"

"Do you know how many people were killed because of this!" A woman cried out.

"Shut up!" Tamaki yelled, raising his gun. "Do you know how many of us were killed or captured, don't cry!"

"Ohgi what about the guy we heard?" Karen ask ohgi.

"I don't know he doesn't answer when I call. He is probably dead." Said ohgi and he sot on the ground.


Everyone cried out when the doors exploded and coming in was a Britannian tank.

Everyone looked in shock and horror that Britannia had found them.

"There, see !" Tamaki exclaimed. "Instead of following somebody you don't even know, we may as well used the poison gas!"

Ohgi didn't understand. "But..."

"Damn that Nagata!" Tamaki grunted, before aiming his gun at the Britannian soldiers now surrounding them.

"So, this is where you Eleven scurried off to." One soldier said with venom. "Prepare to fire!"

Everyone cried out in horror as the soldiers aimed their guns at them. Ready to finish them here and now.

Kallen lost her composure… thinking that this… might as well be the end.

"Big brother!" She cried out as she almost felt tears ready to erupt.


"Attention, all forces!" The soldiers stopped at the sound of a voice that echoed throughout the ghetto. It was Prince Clovis' voice. "Cease fire at once!"

Both the soldiers and the Eleven populace froze in shock.

"Ceasefire?" Suzaku said, still piloting the Lancelot, now puzzled.

"I Clovis, Third Prince of Britannia, and Royal Viceroy of Area 11, you are so ordered! All forces are to cease fire at once! You will also cease all destruction of any buildings here! All casualties whether Britannian or Eleven shall be treated equally and without prejudice! In the name of Clovis la Britannia, you are hereby ordered to ceasefire at once! I shall allow no further fighting!"

G1 Base

Inside the G1 nase the lights are cut off and clovis is still sitting on the throne, "satisfied?"

Lelouch said, "yes, well done."

Clovis still sit and relax. "What now? A round of songs? Or perhaps a nice game of chess."

A soldier approach clovis. "That has a familiar ring."

The soldier took of his helmet and clovis see his action, he threw away the helmet. "Don't you remember? Tou used to play chess with me. But of course I would always win."

"What?" That confused Clovis.

"Remember?" Lelouch clicked his gun. "At the Aries Villa?"

The mention of the name of the place Clovis used to visit so many times many years ago caught his full attention. "You? Who are you?!"

Lelouch stepped closer, allowing Clovis to see his face. "It's been a long time… big brother."

"It… It can't be…" Clovis stuttered the name with his eyelids stretched out, as he couldn't comprehend the face in front of him.

Lelouch still kept his gun focused on Clovis, while he made wave of his hand and bow of his head towards Luke. "The eldest child of the late consort Marianne, and 17th in line to the Imperial Britannian throne Lelouch vi Britannia, at your service."

"Lelouch…?" Clovis looked like he had seen a ghost. "But… I thought…"

"That I was dead? You were wrong. I have returned, Your highness." Lelouch looked back at his half-brother with a dark look in his eyes. "And I have come back to change everything!"

Lelouch stood before his half-brother Clovis, aiming his gun at the viceroy, while Luke Skywalker stood right behind him.

"I'm… overjoyed Lelouch," Clovis said, as he tried putting a fragile smile, the prince seemed more terrified at the gun pointing at him, than the sight of his half-brother who he thought dead after these years. "They said you died when Japan was brought into the fold. What a blessing to have you back! We should depart for the homeland immediately!"

"So, you can use me as a tool for diplomacy, again?" Lelouch held the gun closer. "It seems you've forgotten why were used as tools in the first place."

Clovis gasped "Wait… you… you mean… Nunnally…" The prince started to form a genuine smile on his face. "Little Nunnally… she's… is she still…?"

"Yes!" Lelouch glared at Clovis. "She's alive!" He narrowed his eyes with fury. "But she is still blind and crippled!" Both Clovis and Luke gasped at that. "She has been since the day our mother was killed by your hands!"

"What?!" Clovis exclaimed, looking very appalled.

"Mother held the title of 'Knight of Honor' but she was originally a commoner." Lelouch's eyes narrowed. "No doubt the other empress held her in contempt. Even though you made it look like the work of terrorists... you people killed my mother!"

"IT WASN'T ME! I SWEAR!" Clovis cried out, now shaking. "IT WASN'T!"

Lelouch gritted his teeth. "Then tell me what you know. The truth cannot be hidden from me any longer." Lelouch then activated his power in his left eye. "Who killed her?!"

Clovis' eyes and he stopped shaking, before answering almost robotically: "My brother Second Prince Schneizel and Second Princess Cornelia."

Lelouch's eyes widen in shock. "They were at the heart of this?" Clovis didn't answer, and Lelouch lowered his eyelids in disappointment. "That's all that you know, isn't it?" He shut off the power in his left eye, and so did the red rings in Clovis' eyes.

Clovis was back to his old self immediately. "IT... IT WASN'T ME, I SWEAR! I DIDN'T KILL HER! I DIDN'T HAD HER KILLED!"

Lelouch lowered his qeapon at clovis, "I Understand. However..."

Lelouch pointing his gun at clovis's head, "No, don't! We may different mothers, but I'm still your brother!" Clovis was shaking, he feared it will be th end of him.

Lelouch glared his eyes at his brother. "You can't change the world without getting your hand dirty." He pulled the trigger and shoot clovis's head.

Clovis head flows with blood and his body become lifeless, lelouch see this didn't care, he immedeatly getting out of the base and proceed to leave the area.

The executor

Inside the ship bridge are the imperial soliders are working in their stations and in the middle of there are three people who watch with many holoscreens are presented at the huge round holodesk. The people who watch the show until the end are arkainus, kainand, and starkiller. They are still looking at lelouch who walked out and go to the school.

"It seems like he is already eliminating his main objective of killing a brittanian royal not to mention his brother or half brother to be exact." Kainand see lelouch worked in the screen.

Robert see this nod his head. "Starkiller have you already done what I have aks you to do?" He look at starkiller for confirmation.

"Yes, I already finish the mission." Starkiller said to arkainus, he loom at him, "but what are you going to do with that person?"

Robert disn't asnwer him and keep looking at the holoscreens, "soon you will know." Robert said while looking on a specific screen. He look at the screen which shows a room with a young girl with green hair and white long clothes unconciousness on the bed.