

"Tron Neander" is one of the few humans that has been selected for space exploration, as Earth is experiencing spacial distrotions near Jupiter and constant metorites falling through outer space. During one of the metorites falling on Earth there has been a fragment that contains blueprints of spaceship from one of the most powerful galactic organization SOLSTICE, During the exploration the various teams that has been sent to outer space experience space monsters around the orbit of Jupiter, all the spaceships has been destroyed, miraculously Tron was the only survivor who barely managed to escape and docked into the mother capital spaceship that has been docked at Saturn. Tron obtains Digitalized designer system, where you can build anything from scratch medicine, mechs, spaceships, In a universe where numerous galaxies are constantly evolving and numerous galaxies waging wars, depending upon digitalization Now Tron has to build Earth into GALACTIC organization, As nothing lasts forever, will the age of digitalization last? Follow Tron throughout his adventures in galaxy. (The world background of earth is built upon the movie "Tron Legacy") _________________ The above cover mine is not mine, belongs to the appropriate owner, find it on browser.

Shadow_Wandering · sci-fi
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6 Chs

Seven weeks of training

Johanna: Mom due to think Tron, could finish the training before the recruitment.

Victoria: Well, my estimation is 2 months to complete the training but I do wonder if he could break the previous record, you do know the humans evolve under constant pressure, I'm just wondering how he would do in the awakening process of his seventh sense.

After all in the current training he just has to master whatever he has acquired, where

as awakening is the beginning step towards evolution, and there as also 8% fatality rate, so for right now let's hope he can finish this course as soon as possible.

Tron: so what are we starting with Grandma.

Victoria: Tron, during the training call me master, not Grandma. Then we will start with body training, let's go.

As Victoria and Tron arrives at one of the training center, the staff over there opens the door.

Victoria: Alright Tron, let's get started with bodybuilding first, from beginer pushups to weightlifting, I except you finish it by 3 days.

As Tron slowly builds up his body, the constant tear and wear, regrowth of muscles slowly builds up his pain tolerance and his nutrition intake is spiking to bear with the pressure, after 3 days the training was finished.

Victoria: well you aren't behind the schedule I guess these days eating would be hectic, I think you better use nutrition infusions, these are developed in the lab, so you don't have to worry about your daily nutrition and your body aborbs it at a faster rate compared to normal food, I'm sure you will be craving for the taste of food as infusion will be tasteless, well onto the next course we would be developing your five senses expect touch, one of the staff would provide you the infusions meet me after ingesting it.

As Tron thinks of his upcoming days without real food, his mood starts to plummet. Soon one of the staff member arrives with 5cm infusion syringe and also explain the various infusion levels, there are five level infusions, usually level one are either in the 5cm syringe or tiny capsules almost the size of a cashew, from level two to level five there are intravenous, capsule options. some people prefer doing an intravenous infusion during their sleep in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber as during the training the pressure elevates to 50% of the human beings capacity as your body needs to evolve, repair and recover. Some researcher's thinks that people with higher metabolic rate can finish the training faster compared to the average trainee.

After an infusion, Tron goes to the next training.

Victoria: During this session you would have to enhance the five senses let's start.

Tron must navigate without his sight by only relying on the sound waves, his hearing gradually starts to developes but a sudden mishap occurs by accidentally relying on the smell, after that he slowly starts to hone his five senses, soon five days passes away at the end of training he could navigate and fight if he lost any one of the senses, he is almost similar to daredevil where he can predict the direction of a bullet, and his processing capacity increases, due to hyperactive state and high metabolic rate he finishes just in time, as Victoria predicted that it would take 7-10 days for normal people.

Victoria: Alright Tron, regarding the touch it's s going to be painful, so why don't you first hone will power through with and without water during your fast, from now the starting will be seven days water fast, next will be surviving without water for three days.

During the fasting it was a torture for Tron, there was no t.v, phone, you just have to meditate in the jungle every thought in your mind becomes slow, everything it process becomes sharper, clear as the brain has access to clean bloodstream, but the constant hunger pangs, craving for food, t.v, phone, his willpower was constantly destroying due to the negative thoughts, depression as in this situation speed isn't going to let you finish it faster it only makes it worse at this critical situation where he could succumb to his desires or break his willpower, the only small beacon that appears at this time was to be the fastest in everything, but it isn't helping so to stray away from these thoughts Tron tries to imagine the worst case scenario where he wouldn't make it to the recruitment as his training was too slow, then Tron tries to forget everything and achieve a zen state, where he completely shuts off his sense and only concentrates on his metabolic rate as he starts to hear his constant heart beat, then he suddenly treats this event as a long marathon, and it becomes even worse after the seven day water fast as the coming three day there will be no water the only thing kept him going forward was listening to his heart beat.

Victoria was surprised that Tron could hold on to the fasting as it's his complete opposite trait, since childhood he desires to be the fastest, as soon as fast was finished, Victoria orders one of the staff member to give Tron a level five infusion in the hyperbaric chamber for two days.

Victoria: Well, hope you had a good rest Tron, now the training continues, onto to the pain tolerance training, during this training you will be undergoing pain tolerance and also conquering sexual desires, we have a pain simulator machine, during this scenario you will experience torture like taking out the nails, organ damage or failure, getting stabbed by sharp objects, fractured bones, bleeding, poisoned, the universe is still a mystery for mankind since you will be exploring the spaceship we don't know what you're going to experience as you may get drugged by some unknown chemical or virus, anesthesia that knock you out, during anesthesia session in this training, flushing it out by increasing metabolic rate to above human body capacity so that you could flush out the viruses, drugs, poisons, there won't be any simulator for flushing out the drugs you have to do it for real, and we're going to give you chemicals that would increase your sexual desires and you will get an erection, and there will be girls besides you it depends on your willpower whether you would want to masturbate or have sex there or you would conquer it by flushing out the drug and slowly regain your senses, and during that there will be sometimes you have to shut off all your six senses, there are some chemicals that would overstimulate your five senses beyond your body capacity then your mind crashes down, during that you can only depend on will power and instinct.

Tron slowly grows frustrated as his mind goes haywire, especially during the sexual desires simulation there were many times he wanted to masturbate instead of having sex with the girl, the only thing that reminded him was his heart beat constantly urging to go forward.

Victoria: you have done well next is the final sixth sense after that, if you find the rest of courses your set to go, good job conquering your sexual desires.

In this training, I would say optimization of the sixth senses to the peak is a curse but also a blessing, because skin is the largest organ so during this session you will learn how to optimize, as too much of it will be a burden but too little would be fatal danger in combat, so during combat too high would be a blessing, even in space to adjust with the spacial disorientation.

Tron was constantly surprised at the level of combat awareness Grandma Victoria has shown through training, and also came to learn that she was the first to master the optimization of spacial disorentation, as they had a secret rocket that could take you to earth's orbit and you could feel the zero gravity, but now they possess the expensive gravity chamber.

After constant pressure and evolution, Tron could access from 5% to 60% of his functional power, and training above earth's gravity has evolved his muscle until the human body capacity. It took him 3 weeks to finish all this training where everyday he had to hang a level four infusion bag.

Victoria: well Tron, so far mastering the six senses are over, the other instructors in this facility will help you out with the rest of the training, I will wait for you at the end of training with a good meal, as you have been having infusions these days, I'm surprised you have finished within three weeks, my prediction was 1 month, go on to your next training.

After another two weeks Tron finishes the remaining training, also gets to experience the adrenaline rush and speed during the sky diving and the calmness and the silent ocean during the deep diving, excitement during the shooting class and cold weapons, and during his medical training for self surgery there was this Dr. Leonard who was a super genius who operated on himself during his research in Antarctica, he had to cut out his own appendix, at there Tron realized that self dependence was a must, so he puts his all effort to learn extra medicinal lessons from him, and also learned how to optimize his metabolic rate so that he could flush out the viruses and drugs.

Finally after seven gruesome weeks, he finished the training and was anticipating eagerly to try his grandma's cooking, also excited for the upcoming awakening.