
Gain A Power Every 168 Hours

Aryan, a high school student, was woken up by his teacher after sleeping in class. Every 168 hours, this sentence would ring in his mind! "Ding! 168 hours have come, congratulations on your ability: the eye of perspective!" "Ding! 168 hours have come, congratulations on your ability: call the wind and call the rain!" "Ding! 168 hours have come, congratulations on your ability: teleportation!" "Ding! 168 hours have come, congratulations on your ability: time-space wormhole!" "Ding! Congratulations, you have reached the binding system for one month, and you have obtained a personal babysitter, a pair of Remlam!"

Death_Note_2000 · Urban
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40 Chs

The World Is So Fantastic!

"Whoa there, Priya, what's got your face burning like a fire engine? You look like a tomato about to burst!" Aryan chuckled, his words laced with playful jabs. Priya, his sister, sat there, cheeks burning like a freshly baked roti.

With a smug brotherly flick on her forehead, Aryan declared, "Since I cooked dinner today, dishwashing duty falls on you, alright? Early rise tomorrow, got it? I'm hitting the sack first." He stretched with satisfaction and sauntered off to his room."Hmph, typical knucklehead," Priya muttered, watching his retreating figure. She sighed and started clearing the dinner table.Alone in his room, Aryan sprawled on the bed, staring at the ceiling. "How am I going to explain things to Suhani tomorrow?" he mumbled. Today, she'd glared down those bullies, sending them scurrying like stray dogs on a crowded train. Clearly, she wasn't someone to mess with."Hopefully, my lucky charm kicks in tomorrow when she comes looking for trouble," he said, raising his arms and examining his palms. "Oh, right!" He clapped his hands suddenly, sitting up with a hopeful glint in his eyes. "That system thingy mentioned a new ability after a whole 168 hours!"The thought of it filled him with excitement. After all, his current lucky power felt like a cheat code in a local arcade. Who knew what crazy ability awaited him next? Teleportation like a magician vanishing in a puff of smoke? Invisibility, blending in like a chameleon on a paisley shirt? Maybe summoning a mystical talking cobra (though that might be a bit too out there)?Of course, with no black magic or sci-fi gadgets in this world, whatever power it was, had to be usable in the real world. Drifting off to sleep, Aryan couldn't help but wonder about his upcoming power....The first rays of dawn peeked over the bustling city, painting the horizon with fiery orange hues. The world slowly came alive with the vibrant buzz of a bustling marketplace. Aryan woke up naturally, rubbed his sleep-tousled hair, and walked towards the window. He opened the curtains, letting the warm sunlight flood the room and revealing the bustling city below."Early bird catches the worm," he said with a smile at the lively scene. Stretching with gusto, he headed towards the living room.Just like any other morning, Priya was already bustling around the kitchen, preparing breakfast like a busy cook. "Working hard, sis," he called out to her with a touch of sympathy. After all, ever since the incident, his little princess turned into a breakfast-making machine.Priya spun around, eyes wide with mock surprise. "Brother? You're up early! Did the sun rise from the west today?" she teased, wiping away imaginary tears."Come on, sis," Aryan mumbled, feeling a bit awkward under her gaze. He retreated to the bathroom, washing up and getting ready for breakfast.After cleaning up, he pulled on his school uniform and sat down at the table, ready to devour his breakfast like a monkey demolishing mangoes. "So, I hear your tablemate's quite the VIP, bro?" Priya inquired seriously."Huh? How VIP?" Aryan raised an eyebrow, curious."Ever heard of Mehta Constructions? Your tablemate, Suhani? Turns out she's the big boss's daughter!" Priya explained with wide eyes."Real estate big shot's daughter? How rich are we talking?" While he wasn't familiar with Mehta Constructions, he knew real estate meant big bucks and serious power like a local don."Exactly, bro. So please, don't get on her bad side. Our family can't afford that kind of trouble," Priya advised earnestly."Uh, problem is, I already messed up," Aryan groaned, recalling the image of Suhani getting flattened by Riya yesterday."Well, I'll try my best to smooth things over," he promised, knowing an apology was definitely in order.After breakfast, the siblings set off for school together.As Aryan entered the classroom with his empty bag, he became the center of attention. Everyone still remembered the previous day's events, especially the male classmates who were still fuming over it like a pressure cooker about to explode.Ignoring their stares, Aryan made his way to his seat, only to find Suhani already planted there, glaring straight at him like a tigress protecting her cubs. "Our family can't afford that kind of trouble," Priya's words echoed in Aryan's head. "This is such a drag," he sighed helplessly, but walked straight towards his seat. He stole a glance at Suhani, feeling a pang of awkwardness. "Uh, listen," he began hesitantly, "Although yesterday was a total disaster, I still want to apologize. Sorry about that."Suhani looked at Aryan in surprise. "That's it? Just an apology?""Well, what else can I do? It wasn't exactly..." Aryan stammered before Suhani cut him off.Suddenly, Suhani jumped onto Aryan's chair, her foot mere inches from his lap. Just as Aryan was about to blurt out something flustered, Suhani spoke."Hold on, I see something," she said.