
Gain A Power Every 168 Hours

Aryan, a high school student, was woken up by his teacher after sleeping in class. Every 168 hours, this sentence would ring in his mind! "Ding! 168 hours have come, congratulations on your ability: the eye of perspective!" "Ding! 168 hours have come, congratulations on your ability: call the wind and call the rain!" "Ding! 168 hours have come, congratulations on your ability: teleportation!" "Ding! 168 hours have come, congratulations on your ability: time-space wormhole!" "Ding! Congratulations, you have reached the binding system for one month, and you have obtained a personal babysitter, a pair of Remlam!"

Death_Note_2000 · Urban
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40 Chs

Maybe I Am Really A Genius?

In about 10 minutes, Aryan used the 200,000 he earned in DNF to buy shares in two different companies!One of these two different shares was analyzed by Aryan and bought because of a skyrocketing trend.The other stock was randomly chosen by Aryan, and it was the most unpopular stock that no one cared about at all because Aryan wanted to give it a try, showing how powerful his lucky ability was.However, stock trading is not like a lottery. You can get results as soon as you buy it. This kind of thing needs time to ferment. It is impossible to say that if you buy this stock on the same day, this stock will skyrocket immediately!"In about three days, these two stocks will go out of their daily limit." Aryan said he was looking forward to the two stocks he just bought on the webpage."Well, is there anything else to learn?" Aryan turned the dart in his hand elegantly and quickly, glanced at his room, and muttered thoughtfully.The ability this time is simply too buggy. If you don't make good use of it, it will be a waste!"Brother, it's time to eat!! It's time to eat again!!" Priya knocked on Aryan's door."Forget it; let's go to school and think." Aryan muttered indifferently, got up, and threw the dart at the target pad behind the door.With the blessing of the lucky ability, the dart hit the red heart in the center of the target pad again, and the whole process was a little handsome."Here!" Aryan responded, opened the door, and walked to the living room.Just as the two brothers and sisters were chatting and laughing in the living room eating breakfast, the two stocks on Aryan's computer screen, the unpopular stock that Aryan bought with his lucky ability, suddenly began to rise slowly, and the speed was getting faster and faster.The faster the trend is, the higher the trend chart is, instantly surpassing the current hundreds of hot stocks, and they are still rising....After breakfast, Aryan carried his empty suitcase as usual and walked to the school.Because his body has become stronger, Aryan is now full of energy, and his whole person looks arrogant, and he still exudes a faint sense of confidence from head to toe.Aryan just walked into the class. Many students in the class cast some unexpected glances at Aryan, but more of the girls were nympho-peeping like a focusing mirror. They watched Aryan walk from the door of the class all the way. When he got to his seat, his eyes were almost straight.Because they don't know why, today's Aryan seems to have a faint sense of self-confidence, and Aryan is already handsome, so this inexplicable overflow of self-confidence is the icing on the cake.The only pity is that this handsome guy is an out-and-out student scumbag and a straight steel man who plays DNF, and Aryan has recently been spotted by Suhani, a related household in the school.Because girls' sixth sense in this regard is more sensitive than anyone else's.Suhani looked at Aryan, who was walking all the way, got up and gave him a seat, let Aryan sit in, and then teased: "Why are you so happy today? I picked up money on the way here.""Well, that's about it." Aryan thought for a while, then said.In the face of Aryan's answer, Suhani gave him a cute glance and then said suddenly, "By the way, Aryan, I told you the contact information of your friend who traded stocks last time, but I haven't given it to you yet!""Come on, add a WeChat, and I'll push her to you." Suhani took out her iPhone, pulled out the QR code, and looked at Aryan with a blushing face.Seeing this guy, who is usually high above, now trying his best to please with his cute appearance, Aryan smiled indulgently but did not reject her request. After taking out his mobile phone and scanning the QR code, he added Suhani's WeChat friends.Aryan is now very good at stock trading, so he doesn't need to learn about stock trading at all.But Aryan felt that it was okay to add a friend, and maybe in the future, she really needed the help of her friend in this regard?"Hey, even though the WeChat avatar is from the game, you are too lousy; you are so handsome; don't you know how to use your own avatar?" Suhani looked at Aryan's red-faced WeChat avatar and complained contemptuously."Boring." Aryan retorted boringly and then subconsciously looked at Suhani's WeChat profile picture, which turned out to be her own profile picture.But it's not surprising; Suhani is already beautiful and has a good figure, and girls are all creatures who love smug, so it's normal to use herself as a WeChat avatar.After adding Aryan's friend, Suhani quickly set him as a special concern and pulled it to the homepage so that when this guy sends a message, she can see it as soon as possible."Hey, Suhani.""Do...do...why!!" Suhani, who was setting Aryan's notes, responded with a blushing heartbeat and held the phone tightly, for fear that the contents of the phone would be discovered by Aryan."Did you bring your math textbook? English is fine too." Aryan asked.Since there are already a batch of abilities that can learn everything quickly, Aryan will naturally not give up the opportunity to learn knowledge, and he doesn't need to be very tired anyway."Oh, I brought it!" Suhani took out a brand new math textbook from the textbook and handed it to Aryan.Of course, the reason why Suhani's textbook is brand new does not mean that she loves learning, so she kept the textbooks clean, but she didn't turn over the textbooks at all when they were distributed. After all, Suhani is also an authentic Taoist scum.The reason she brought it was because her sister had to check her school bag every day. If she didn't bring her textbooks to school, her sister would definitely harass her."What are you doing?" Suhani looked at Aryan and asked curiously."Isn't there going to be an exam next week? Let's review a little." Aryan said."It seems that the sun is coming out from the west today." Maya, who was behind her, wrote a study report and complained without raising her head."Squad leader, it's not good to look down on people." Aryan turned around and quickly selected the math textbook on Aryan's fingers, as if performing acrobatics.Suhani looked like a curious baby next to her. Looking at Aryan's rotating math textbook, she didn't expect Aryan to have such a hand."It's not that I despise you. If you can really learn what the teacher taught for half a month in a week, then you are a genius, you know." Maya raised her head and said it seriously."Perhaps, am I really a genius?" Aryan looked at Maya straight and smiled meaningfully.