
Gacha Summoner

What happen when an avid 18+ gacha gamer transmigrated to the Soaring Dragon Continent where summoning rankers are at the peak among numerous powerhouses?

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Each With Their Own Thoughts

Actually elder Yue Hai was not proposing this situation without thinking.

When he heard from his Fourth daughter in law that Yue Yang was managed to contract grimoire he was quite ecstatic since currently talented Yue clan's younger generations was only few compared to other great clans.

Although Yue Tian managed to at least made Yue clan save some face in front of other great clans, Yue clan still in need of more talented younger generations in order to at least stand evenly with other clans as part of Da Xia Kingdom Four Great Clans.

Actually, elder Yue Hai value Yue Yang more than Yue Tian.

This is because, when his fourth daughter in law Ah-Xian report to the clan that Yue Yang managed to contract grimoire, elder Yue Hai personally inquire about it to Ah-Xian directly.

According to her, Yue Yang actually managed to contract grimoire at 9 years old, however she chose to withhold this information since Yue Yang insist to trained for at least a year by himself before they announce to the whole clan that Yue Yang managed to contracted grimoire.

Elder Yue Hai was not angry to them for withholding this information, but instead full of praised secretly.

Normally, the younger generations within clan will immediately announce their success at contracting grimoire since doing so will made them and their branch clan became the center of attention.

Yue Tian and his first branch clan was the perfect example of this situation, since last year Yue clan first branch keep bragging about their prodigy even to other great clans. Though this situation was not last long since Princess Qian Qian give Yue Tian lesson personally since she can't stand their bragging after she hear of it.

Meanwhile Yue Yang secretly training for a year in order to solidifying his foundation by training his combat technique and learn the summoning knowledge from Ah-Xian.

Honestly elder Yue Hai want to announce that Yue Yang actually managed to contracted grimoire at 9 years old, but eventually he chose not to. The demerit will exceed the merit after all.

Now after a year of training by himself elder Yue Hai became more pleased after he personally meet Yue Yang. Not only Yue Yang was not became suppressed in front of many Yue clan elders, but instead he managed to confront them directly without any fear. There was no any younger generations in Yue clan that managed to do so aside from Yue Yang.

Based on Ah-Xian's report when she told elder Yue Hai regarding Yue Yang's combat strength, Yue Yang will be able to defeat any level 2 [Bravemen] by using his personal combat strength alone. And if he summon his gold rank guardian spirit beast, he'll be able to easily defeat level 3 [Hero] and maybe fight evenly against level 4 [Champion]

In the clan tournament tomorrow, elder Yue Hai predicted that at least Yue Yang will be able to awe the audience if he show them the fruit of his one year of training.

And if he personally show them his gold rank guardian beast he'll be able to show to other great clans that finally Yue clan possessed a talent that was equivalent to Princess Qian Qian and Xue Tan Lang.

After all, guardian beast that born at silver rank alone was already quite shocking, meanwhile guardian beast that born at gold rank will be enough to startled the four great clans.

With his combat strength and guardian beast, if there are still people that dare to question his grandson's qualification to became Xue Wu Xia's fiancé, he will personally beat up that person.

Thinking of tomorrow's clan tournament, elder Yue Hai can't wait to see Yue Yang's performance.

It was unknown what kind of expression elder Yue Hai will had if he know that Yue Yang's combat strength alone coupled with his various skills will made him able to fight evenly with level 5 [Grandmaster].

Although level 6 [Elder] was still out of his reach since the difference between level 5 and 6 was very great, Esdeath alone will be enough to deal with them. After all, even if Esdeath was weakened to gold rank, her various combat sense and experience was enough to made her able to fight evenly with level 6 [Elder].

Not to mention Yue Yang was still withhold his secret weapon in the form of Diamond rank guardian beast Lucy.

Most likely if elder Yue Hai know all of Yue Yang's card, he will throw out blood since worrying about Yue Yang at this point was futile and a waste of time.

After all at this point Yue Yang was already invincible within Yue clan.

The strongest person in Yue clan, elder Yue Hai was already at the pinnacle of level 6 Advanced [Elder], followed by three grand elders and his eldest son Yue Shan.

Although the three grand elder was also at level 6 Advanced [Elder], they were also advanced in age and never bothered about the clan's affairs since they only focused at researching the bequeathed techniques of the clan.

Meanwhile Yue Shan was at level 6 Intermediate [Elder].

There was no way they had capabilities to contend against diamond rank guardian beast with monstrous ability like Lucy, even if all of them band together.


Yue clan's guest courtyard for Xue clan.

At this yard, Xue Tan Lang was meditate for a bit before resting in order to made himself prepared for tomorrow clan's tournament.

Xue Tan Lang respect toward his elder sister was quite high since she was not only very talented at cultivating, but also had wide knowledges that help him to trained stronger.

Although sometimes he was very scared of her since she was very harsh when she reprimand him in training, Xue Tan Lang still regard her as the most respected person in his family aside from his father.

'Hmph, want to court my elder sister? I'll see wether you have the qualifications', thought Xue Tan Lang.

Meanwhile, in another room, Xue Wu Xia in question was in the middle of conversation with her childhood friend Princess Qian Qian.

This brash and fiery girl suddenly barging in her room without notice not long after the banquet was over.

"Don't worry Wu Xia, I'll help you assessed that Yue Yang fellow at the tournament tomorrow wether he deserve to be your fiancé or not. If he turn out to be weakling like that Yue Tian, I'll make sure to beat him black and blue and made him no longer had any courage to court you any longer", said Princess Qian Qian in fiery manner.

"*sigh*, I'm grateful for your offer but please don't wreck tomorrow's new year tournament. After all this tournament was gathering for royal family and four great clans. Although I don't know wether Yue Yang will be able to fight against you at least I want you to save face for Yue clan. After all, you already had history a year earlier when you beat up that Yue Tian, and made the relationship between Royal Family and Yue clan a bit awkward", said Xue Wu Xia in quiet voice.

"Alright alright, geez you were such a wet blanket. Anyway are you also want to take part at tournament tomorrow?", ask Princess Qian Qian.

"Hmm, I'll consider it if you or Tan Lang was defeated"

"Pfft, are you serious? Aside from that Yue Yang fellow that was currently unknown, I'm sure the other Yue clan younger members will not be able to defeat me", said Princess Qian Qian with confidence.

"Well, although that's true but you should minimize that kind of mentality. Who knows, maybe that Yue Yang will give us a surprise", said Xue Wu Xia in contemplation.

Yue Yang give her a strange impression. Based on bearing alone, there was nothing impressive aside from his bad boy like appearance. However Xue Wu Xia know more than to judge people based on their appearance alone.

When both Princess Qian Qian and Xue Tan Lang challenge him, there was not a bit of scared expression, instead his expression was a bit disdainful as if the two of them will not give him any challenge. She can saw it clearly since she was quite apt at reading people.

Either Yue Yang was truly powerful or he was mere ignorance and overconfident.

Xue Wu Xia can't wait tomorrow to find out wether this fiancé of her will give her surprise or disappointment.


Yue clan headquarter, Yue Tian's room.

'Why?! Why is that weakling became Xue Wu Xia's fiancé and not me?!', scream Yue Tian inside his mind.

A year ago he was very prideful since he managed to contracted grimoire at 10 years old and became Yue clan's greatest prodigy.

However, this pride was shattered when Princess Qian Qian gave him a wake up reality slap when she trashed him because she can't stand his conceited bragging.

And in this new year banquet, his pride was shattered once more when Princess Qian Qian didn't gave him a second look and instead only look at him with disdain.

His pride take another blow when elder Yue Hai announce the engagement between Yue Yang and Xue Wu Xia, a genius on par with Princess Qian Qian.

This difference in treatment was too huge, and Yue Tian can't take it anymore.

He was trashed and looked with disdain by Princess Qian Qian, but Yue Yang was instead granted betrothal with Xue Wu Xia.

Since the clan didn't gave him face then tomorrow Yue Tian will not give any face to Yue Yang either.

Even if Yue Yang also genius that contracted grimoire at 10 years old, he will not be able to defeat Yue Tian since he had one year start. Morover after being defeated by Princess Qian Qian, Yue Tian keep trained himself by using clan's resources in order to chase after her back, and someday stand by her side.

'As if a new grimoire contractor without any training will be able to defeat someone like me. I'll make you become my stepping stone in order to impress Princess Qian Qian and made you a laughing stock in front of royal family and four great clans', thought Yue Tian with a sneer in his face.

Like others, Yue Tian also can't wait for the tournament tomorrow to begin immediately, though his reason was in order to humiliate Yue Yang and made himself recognized as Yue clan's number one prodigy.

Though in this case, the saying of 'man propose but god dispose' was quite apt to describe Yue Tian's fate, since Yue Tian's plan to made Yue Yang become his stepping stone will backfired to him.


Unknown to others thought, currently Yue Yang was lying on his bed to review his status that was gained in this one year.

<Yue Yang, Level 1-Advanced [Apprentice]>

<Inherent Skill: [Anime Gacha System], [Counterfeit], [Divine Vision]>

<Guardian Spirit Beast: [Soul Devouring Beast], [Phantom Shadow]>

<Contracted Spirit Beast: [Lucy], [Spitting Thorny Flower], [Quintet Seeking Golden Mice], [Esdeath]

<Skill: [Kage Bunshin no Jutsu], [Basic Blade Technique], [Basic Body Refining Technique], [Shunpo]

<Equipment: [Hestia Knife], [Yubashiri]>

<Item: [Fish Onigiri]x5, [Taiyaki]x3, [Takoyaki]x2, [Ichiraku Ramen]x2, [Poke Ball]x2>

After receiving Yue Yang's approval, Fourth mother told elder Yue Hai that he actually possessed gold rank guardian beast Esdeath as his last trump card, since Yue Yang did intended to reveal Esdeath sooner or later. This will not only serve as a mean to intimidate others that had any bad intention toward him or his family, but also made others recognize him as a genius that was on par with Princess Qian Qian.

Although this will made him the center of attention and also possibly made him land in the center of troublesome situations, he will not mind it that much since he will only reveal a bit part of his strength.

This way, his future opponents will get caught off guard in case Yue Yang reveal his whole strength, though those enemies will not be able to told others about his strength since Yue Yang will made sure to dispose his enemies with every means.

In any case, summoning Esdeath to deal with a bunch of children was kind of overkill, even if those children was prodigy in their clans.

However, he also can't use other summoned beasts. Lucy was obviously a no, Spitting Thorny Flower was still too weak to deal with genius like Princess Qian Qian or Xue Tan Lang, and Quintet Seeking Golden Mice had zero combat ability.

For the time being, Yue Yang only plan to use [Basic Blade Technique] to deal with the weaker bunch, and when he fight against Princess Qian Qian or Xue Tan Lang he will used [Shunpo] or [Kage Bunshin no Jutsu] in case things gotten tougher.

As for Esdeath, he will save her to deal with any older generations that intended to meddling with younger generation's business, since it looks like there were some elders that also had objections toward his engagement.

After he already concocted plan for tomorrow tournament, Yue Yang shut his eyes and sleep to made him more prepared tomorrow, since tonight ordeal exhausted him both physically and mentally.