
Future Tale : Beyond Fate

The future is doomed to fail by the hands of a singular force but the world seeks to defy its own fate. A group of soldiers is decimated, leaving a sole soldier named Sai alive to see the end of existence but a set of occurrences leads this soldier into a new deviant path gives way for a question : '' Can you...will you change the road that leads into the future doomed to annihilation? '' Armed with new tools that'll help him create a new future, how will this new future unfold?

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15 Chs

Chapter 9 : Sizing Up

While the situation regarding the kitchen and Klein finding the office regarding funds was handled, another scenario was playing out in the virtual space chamber.

Vorand, Michael who had just left his sleeping quarters after speaking with Sai as well as Skolas had entered the virtual space chamber which allowed them to create any environment suitable for training purposes or just to let anything in particular play out and see how they'd work in such a situation.

The virtual chamber was set into the format of a jungle.

Vorand knew his responsibilities as a Field Captain and wanted to size up the group although he could see that the elven woman wasn't amongst them.

'' Well I can make this work with just you two. '' The dwarven male said before looking at Skolas and Michael.

The two weren't too enthusiastic about being here but they did get hired to be a part of this task force and they weren't going to waste their time doing something they deemed unproductive.

Since this would be a prelude to their first proper mission, they decided to focus.

Vorand had something in mind for the two of them but what exactly was his intention?

'' I want to gauge the strengths and weaknesses of my teammates. I hope that you guys can keep up with me. '' He said boldly.

Michael and Skolas stole quick glances at one another before wondering if he was being serious or not.

They didn't know who was the strongest out of the three and Vorand quickly assumed that he was the strongest out of the group because he was ranked the Field Captain.

They didn't want to say any words regarding that subject, leaving Vorand to hold up his hands as if he was preparing to fist fight.

'' Lets get to it. '' He spoke in a stern voice before he charged after the both of them.

Skolas leapt upwards and Michael had lowered his posture and used his hands to grab Vorand's wrists as he had come, only to be surprised when the dwarven man's body briefly pulsated as if he was straining his muscles to inevitably send Michael flying over Vorand's head and onto his back on the ground.

Michael was caught by surprise and so Skolas had held out his hands, revealing energy exhaustion vents to fire two focused beams at the field captain.

He admittedly used Michael as a guinea pig to see what the Field Captain was capable of and it seemed despite his size that he was bolstering strength that would warrant caution at the very least.

Vorand swiftly rolled out of the way of the two beams and fled into the thick bushes of the forest landscape as Skolas hovered in the air, using the pressurized air vents coming out of his shoes due to his unique nature.

Skolas used his eyes to seek heat signature but before he was able to get a proper reading, Vorand had already leapt off the nearest tree to tackle Skolas out of the sky and onto the ground.

This moment was immediately followed by Vorand trying to punch Skolas while he was pinned by the Captain but Michael had tackled Vorand before he was able to land any blows on him.

Vorand quickly rolled away from the impact of the tackle, acknowledging Michael's capability to get back up on his feet.

He wouldn't perform anymore actions at this point, merely speaking while wiping the dust off his shoulders and wiping his hands together before he'd give them an assessment.

'' Very good, you don't stay down long and you're quick to rush to the aid of your allies Michael. As for Skolas, your ability to assess a situation to gain some insight was noteworthy as well. I'm sure we could go at this for longer but let's not wear ourselves down too much before we get assigned a mission. Don't you both agree? '' Vorand spoke with a cheery tune to his voice.

Skolas nodded, agreeing with the statement.

'' Fine by me although I was getting into the mood, I would've gone for longer if need be. '' Michael commented.

'' I'm sure you would, I could feel your eagerness from here. '' Vorand replied with a jest.

The three prepared to leave the training room, completely oblivious to the fact Lila the elven woman had stood near the edge of the forest where the control panel to end the simulation had laid.

'' You boys had some fun. '' She spoke, having observed their little exchange.

Vorand's expression changed, he wasn't fond of elves as is but she was the only one who had not made it to the session he had planned.

'' Where were you this whole time? '' He said, clearly waiting for a good excuse as to why she didn't participate.

'' Well I simply didn't want to get involved in something as arbitrary as this. I find it a bit more practical to simply show how we do in the field and trim the fat of any useless folk out in the actual field. '' She spoke, her callousness being shown in full display.

Vorand huffed and walked out of the chamber without another word to give.

Skolas and Michael chose to stay silent but the elven woman had words for them too.

'' Don't be too subservient simply because he was given a higher role than you both, you have the mind to discern right from wrong and whether or not to decide what's the best choice to make out there in the field. If he makes a dumb call, acknowledge it and make the better choice.'' Lila spoke out to them before pressing the button on the control panel to conclude the virtual reality simulation to return the chamber into a blank white chamber.

The two nodded in reply to Lila before she too left the room.

Skolas and Michael had a hunch that things wouldn't be too smooth aboard this ship nor on field expeditions but the best thing they could do was simply navigate each situation as they occurred.

Hopefully no fights broke out amongst the crew members.