
Future Tale : Beyond Fate

The future is doomed to fail by the hands of a singular force but the world seeks to defy its own fate. A group of soldiers is decimated, leaving a sole soldier named Sai alive to see the end of existence but a set of occurrences leads this soldier into a new deviant path gives way for a question : '' Can you...will you change the road that leads into the future doomed to annihilation? '' Armed with new tools that'll help him create a new future, how will this new future unfold?

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15 Chs

Chapter 7 : Living Arrangements

Sai had to choose where he'd stay and unlike the last time where he simply decided to wait for everyone else to choose, this time he had planned it out in his head.

'' I know who I need to bunk with. ''

Sai followed Michael, the youngster who entered one of the living chambers by himself and would announce himself to the male.

'' Hey Michael, I hope you don't mind if I bunk with you. '' Sai spoke with a friendly voice so as to not scare the male since he was a bit quick with walking to get to him.

The other male was curious as to why he wanted to bunk with him but it wasn't a big deal to him if they bunked together since it wasn't any different than bunking with anyone else.

Michael didn't seem to be too enthusiastic about anything, having a non-expressive response to Sai who wanted to join him in the chamber chosen.

'' I don't mind, let's go check out the room. ''

Michael placed his hand on the side of the door where a biometric scanner for his hand waited, registering him as an occupant of the ship and it would remain open for him and Sai to enter and would only close once both of them had entered.

The room was spacious enough for two people to reside in, two beds laid on two opposing ends of the room.

At the opposite end of the door lay a look out the spaceship, a glass window that would soon show a marvelous sight once they had lifted off.

Their pilot would soon send them off into space.

For the moment Sai needed to work in some ice breakers to hopefully become more friendly with the person he's sharing a living space with.

'' So how did you get recruited into the team? '' Sai asked, hoping to get a truthful answer.

Michael had gone still for a moment as he was checking the bed and the compartments embedded in the wall that functioned as cabinets.

'' Probably the same as others I reckon, I'm nothing too special. I'm surprised you went out of your way to bunk with me, I doubt I was the last person to choose a room. ''

With such a thing tossed up in the air like so, Sai needed a good response to get the tension out.

'' Well, you seem quite chill so I figured I may as well y'know ? '' Sai tried to go about it quite casually, hoping it'd help.

A silence followed before Michael responded.

'' Fair enough I'm just trying to make enough money to have a good place to retire and just do my own thing. '' Michael spoke about the future he envisioned for himself.

It was clear to Sai that Michael was a bit on the younger side but none of this was why Sai chose him to be a bunkmate.

Sai knew nearly everyone had secrets in the group and he too had his own skeletons in the closet but he knew Michael had trauma from his past.

Secrets that he wouldn't easily reveal and while he barely scratched the surface the last time he was with the group, he at least knew Michael didn't particularly enjoy the process in which he gained the abilities that made him a necessity for the group.

Pushing too hard out the gate wouldn't help but he knew he'd have to take it easier on his approach as to not make it obvious he knew more than he should.

While this was going on, various other members of the ship were getting accustomed to their dorms.

A certain blue haired dwarven/merman male had chosen his dorm chamber with the red haired woman Ethne while the other dwarf Vorand had taken a room with the android named Skolas.

The elven woman Lila had gotten a room with Adelaide but both of them had taken glances at the various folk on the ship.

Addie had watched as Lila used the biometrics to enter their chamber but before Lila had entered, Addie whispered in a low voice to the elven woman hoping to get a certain kinda reply from her.

'' So we both have been checking out the folks here, anyone you interested in? '' Addie prodded the elven woman.

'' Not exactly, I was just wondering who may or may not be reliable. Were you simply checking our squadmates to see who'd best suit your personal needs? '' Lila had asked.

Adelaide chuckled before shifting her tone into a high pitched voice.

'' Well I mean we all have needs, only one who'll get things going is us ourselves. I don't let a higher power get things done for me, that's my job. '' Adelaide tried to convince Lila about certain urges and how they needed to be on the lookout but Lila shook her head and entered the chamber.

The elven woman knew this lady would be the pilot and hoped her skills were better than this thought process of having certain kinds of fun with the other people on board.

'' You aren't thinking badly of me are ya? I was just telling you how it is, I thought for sure you'd understand. '' Addie spoke up once more simply to get straight to the point and to cut through the silence that filled the room between the both of them.

Lila sighed, with words like this she was forced to think about certain things.

'' Yes I'm well aware that if we want things done that we'd have to do things ourselves. Can't completely trust other people but since there are certain things that are too much for a single person to tackle on their own, hence the need for a group like this. It doesn't seem like we're taking off just yet if you're still around here then again I'm certain we'll be getting a notice soon about our following orders.'' Lila replied to the female.

Adelaide's expression changed lightly and nodded, it was most likely the case that they needed to get settled with their living arrangement before anything further would be done.

Not long after their conversation ended, the ship had a large announcement coming from the communication system embedded into the vessel.

'' It is time to take flight amongst the stars, once you are in orbit you will be assigned further instructions. ''

Addie stretched and started to leave the area, heading towards the cockpit with intent on ascending to the skies and beyond.

'' Looks like that's my cue. ''