
Future Tale : Beyond Fate

The future is doomed to fail by the hands of a singular force but the world seeks to defy its own fate. A group of soldiers is decimated, leaving a sole soldier named Sai alive to see the end of existence but a set of occurrences leads this soldier into a new deviant path gives way for a question : '' Can you...will you change the road that leads into the future doomed to annihilation? '' Armed with new tools that'll help him create a new future, how will this new future unfold?

Hakushin · Aktion
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15 Chs

Chapter 15 : New Future

The crystallic voice made Sai shake, having been unaware as to its presence until it had spoken moments before.

Why did it show up now?

'' What's going on? '' Sai asked.

'' You've seen for yourself the ripples of change that's occurred, your interactions lately aren't the same as they once were in the past. You did receive the same role on the ship but the assignment of bunkmates and the mission didn't exactly pan out the way that it did now did it? '' The crystal replied.

Sai shook his head, there were factors that did not occur of course this was referring to Lila's sister appearing.

'' Lila's sister wasn't on that planet originally. It was simply a planet filled with creatures and a ship we needed to salvage, what made her show up? '' Sai questioned the crystal, hoping for an answer.

'' The ripples of change are not induced merely by your return. You're just one force causing the changes, it would seem the very being you faced has decided to follow you back this time but for what reason I can't discern. It is a reasonable assumption to believe that they're trying to gauge the things you are doing as you once more reach that fateful day. '' The crystal spoke once more, indicating to Sai to be careful.

Sai was not too happy with this information, with knowledge of a past that's not completely reliable he'd still have to work around the changes that could still possibly be made by the very being who brought about the squadron's downfall. 

'' So you're saying I should be careful despite being aware of the events that occur? So much for having an advantage. '' Sai spoke, slightly disappointed about this fact.

'' You'll have to adapt as any changes occur, this shouldn't be a problem for you. You're stronger and more capable than you were at this point in time, the opposing force that threatens you has no idea that you're stronger than you were although he's aware that you escaped in some way from the incident. We don't have enough information at this time to deduce everything, you'll have to figure it out however.. '' The crystal started pausing mid-sentence.

'' However, what? '' Sai replied.

'' However this is but one of the things you must figure out, you have mysteries to unearth about the team you're on as well as yourself. I can't give you these answers, you must figure it out for yourself. The reason why we brought you back in time to save the world. '' The crystal spoke lightly, not giving away too much but this annoyed Sai.

This half-information wasn't something he was fond of, especially when he wanted to know what the crystal implied to know and that it was probably going to be easier to get this information from it. 

'' I know what you're probably thinking, as easy as it might be to get it from me there is a reason as to you learning it from the source. There'll always be certain things that make the most sense when you see it outright for yourself and while you had suspicions about certain members of the squadron in the past, you'll find it more promising to see it for yourself. That is why you bunked up with Michael is it not? You had some leads regarding his background and how he was able to be a part of the team. '' The crystal spoke up again.

Sai nodded and shook his head in concern.

'' Yeah, I remember finding out that his past was covered up in suspicious documents from snooping around the Stellar Force database after getting a promotion but even then the details were scarce. If I want to know more I need to actively dig and not just stumble upon it like I did the first time around. I do believe the squadron members are all hiding something that they're protecting, if you can't give me this information I'll just find it out for myself. '' Sai spoke confidently.

'' Good, you get it. As you know, you're heading to Planet Xael for your oncoming evaluation as a team unit after assessing each and every one of the members and averaging it. I'd like to say you know what to expect but who knows how much will remain consistent and what will change. '' 

The crystal wanted Sai to be ready for anything and he had been, after what happened recently he had no reason to try to claim to be confused.

He understood this assignment and he would do his best to plan for any outcome but until then he'd try to get closer to the other agents on the ship before they got the proper message to head to Xael.

The crystal had no further words for him, and would see to it that it was time to leave.

'' We will meet again if there is something worth speaking about but we'll most likely keep this to a minimum seeing as how every moment I steal from you is a moment you can spend changing the things around you. I hope you'll see this through to the end. ''

The crystal disappeared, leaving Sai with his thoughts once more.

Sai immediately left to his own sleeping quarters that he shared with Michael, choosing to read datapads in his bed before eventually his tired eyes put him to sleep.

Another day awaited for him.