
Future Progression

Well well well ! Everyone knows about hypnosis or past life regression as it’s termed, taking one through past life journey tapping into ones sub conscious. The events identified during these sessions may be connected with current life events. But do you know if it works other way round. Trust me it does. The female protagonist Rachael in this story gets an opportunity to try the future progression. Less than 10 days leading to new year and in the New Year eve party strange events take place and she gets connected to people she never met. Is her destiny tied with these events. She is also given flashes of her own life and finds it very strange. So hop on people and let’s put on Rachael’s shoes and see where her choices lead to. Well after a happy ending or was it a really happy ending to Rachael after she found her brother (Novel - Finding Ray), Did things look peaceful or did it not? Connect with me on Discord: https://discord.gg/eFYC4BqNUX Instagram: amateur_author_wn Copyright ©️2020 by Amateur_Author

Amateur_Author · Urban
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30 Chs

M1 -The Virtual War !

Ethan had not given any additional details as to why he was doing this. That was not required.

He had given two days for Mr.Saskens and Ray had to wait till the first part of the plan to was executed.

The meeting had finished in less than twenty minutes and he did not want to get out of the room to be food for his mothers teasing.

Instead he decided to utilise the time to book air tickets for his parents to Florida which would take some time He generally got out of his room by 9 in the morning.

After booking the tickets he emailed the details to his father and got up to take shower and by the time he got out it was his usual time.

Ray had missed asking Mr.Saskens about the mysterious shop in the mall and decided to ask him when he met him next.

Once he was out he saw his mother and sister laying English breakfast on the table for a change.The breakfast was a simple but nutritious breakfast.

Ray told his dad about the tickets he had booked for them which was in the next two days. The tickets were booked such that his parents were not around when Rachael and him were working on the mystery. They wanted the coast clear.

While no one was looking Ray winked at his sister indicating that he was already in action and Rachael gave him a quick smile acknowledging it.

While back in Zeus, Mr. Saksens had reached out to the director of the technology team Mr. Robert the one person who could be trusted. If the director could not be trusted Zeus would have been underdeveloped in terms of Technology but they were not still advanced as Zon.

Mr.Saskens without divulging the details asked the director to help create a virtual war set up which was very powerful. He also asked him if you could help identify an unknown planet or probably make up one.

Mr. Saskens initially thought of trying and provoking a direct enemy of Zon, however after much of thought process Mr.Saskens had dropped this idea. It did not make sense. An unknown enemy would be better in any case as the weakness of this enemy would not be easily known.

He was aware how technically sound the people on Zon were. If it is an unknown planet or a made up planet it would take them quite some time to figure out who the enemy is and by then the Supreme One would have completed his task and the virtual army could be dissolved.

Once this was planned, the next step was to pass the message of the war waged by this enemy planet to Zon. This was something which was not straight forward and he felt he still needed the directors help.

Saskens changed his priorities now. One wrong move and the entire plan would be a failure and he knew that the Supreme One will not spare his life if a mistake was committed.

Mr. Sasken was smart in his planning and till date none of his plans had failed him but he still was never confident and this time it was an order from the Supreme One and he got all the more nervous.

"Mr.Robert, I think we may have to slightly adjust the priorities"

"Sure Mr.Saskens tell me what is that you need?"

"Well, again as mentioned earlier, I cannot divulge the specifics as I have been sworn to secrecy. But this is something very critical and I don't have a choice but to ask you. Both our lives are at stake. That's how critical and dangerous this task is and we have to be 100% sure on the task we are executing"

"Hmmm, I understand" said Robert.

"Again I know I'll be putting you in a pressure as we have a time line of 2 days to complete this task" said Saskens to Robert.

"Mr. Saskens, you leave that worry to me. I'll put my entire task force to action if required. You just have to order me."

"Ok in that case let me explain what needs to be done. You recall the spy from Zon we had captured. Well, you will have to create a replica of him and feed this replica the information we need to pass it on to Zon within the next two days."

Robert had already accepted it and now couldn't deny or refuse the task. He thought for a while and said "Whats the information we need to feed"

"Before the information is fed, we will have to make sure that the replica should act and behave like the original spy to avoid any doubts being raised. If you find creating a replica in two days is a little too impossible and may delay the task execution time, you are free to use the original spy.

But then you need to make sure apart from his behavioural pattern, the rest of his memory should be cleanly wiped out" responded Mr.Saskens.

"That's easier than creating the replica and training it in this short period. And the most safe bet" said Robert.

"But let's be mindful of the fact that the people on Zon are very advanced in terms of Technology and the task being executed should not have any loopholes to point back at us." Saskens was thinking like a Devil's advocate now. He seemed to be still worried with his plan.

"Okay do you have any specific requirements with this new approach Mr.Saskens?"

"Yes, this spy should only be able to give out only so much information that we need him to pass on. Once the information is conveyed to the Zon Royal family, he should no longer be alive and this way we can play safe.

You will also need to feed in this story to the spies brain - he had escaped Zeus and while trying to get back to Zon through a wormhole he accidentally landed on this enemy planet which is planning to wage war on Zon now. He was captured and forced to spill out all details of Zon.

Based on the details provided by this spy, this enemy has been preparing to wage a war on Zon from few months now and they may attack any time. The spy was lucky to escape again and land on Zon at the right time

This is the plan I had in mind, but if you can add more details to make this plan foolproof please go ahead but make sure I vet the additional information which is fed before we send this Spy to Zon.

Once this part is done and the spy has been sent we will have to come up with the virtual army in 2 weeks time and the pilot batch has to be tested in a weeks time.

We will have to make sure that the control panel of the virtual army has to be secured. I'll get back on how to secure it. Till then let's begin the work on the spy. Please make sure to keep me informed if you face any issues" Mr.Saskens had concluded his plan.

"Sounds like a fool proof plan Mr.Sasken. I don't have any additional information which I can think of at the moment to be fed to the spy. But if the team has additional plan then I'll keep you informed of the same"

[To be continued... ]