
Chapter 11

She must be faking it.....

Queen- how long have you been a ninja?

Paola- well not long I pretty much born to this skill

King- it funny in Reed family they had a little girl that always fight. They ended her life

Paola- that sound fuck up

Soon ninja spilt there drinks and then she said

Paola- my apologies

Queen- it fine Rose your actually the first one noticed it

Seeing her reaction was pretty cute but I knew I can't be a ninja or be train

Keegan- we must be heading to bed the People don't sleep themself

We all laugh as the ninja was heading to bed then I see "rose" as she taking out something

Joshua- let me help you

Soon as I take the contact out her eyes was brown

Joshua- what with the color contact?

Paola-..there my contact I just wanted different color

I knew she faking it but I'll let it slide

Joshua- do you need help

Paola-.....No thanks I'll see you later

She was blushing a little walk little fast soon one prince said

Prince- well we'll Joshua tying to get with a ninja

Joshua- I ask her if she needed he'll

Wilfred- you still have to help me what sister should I married in your family

Joshua- do as you wish

As soon I went to my room sign and starting thinking about he every princess has those long eyelashes


Joshua- well she be okay!?

Doctor- where no respond!!

As kadance crying into my shoulder and queen the mom was also crying. Her brother that was with her take out his helmet and put it down.

Then rain started the doctor got up and said

Doctor- I'm sorry we couldn't do it

Soon a huge breakdown from Mia came out her eyes as she hugging Paola, the doctor stand up as he said

I'm sorry I fail...

Soon tears was coming down my own eyes as I seen how much I spend time with her

(After dinner)

Joshua- I only seen her 3 hours ago but it worth talking to her

Knock knock*

Doors open*

Paola-oh hey Joshua

Joshua- hey it beautiful night tonight want to go for a walk?

Paola- sure

As we walking to garden and I ask her

Joshua- how do you feel

Paola-fine little nervous

Joshua- for what?

Paola- well one it late and your breaking the rules

Joshua- it fine they haven't found my sister

Paola- what sister

Joshua- when I was little I had a baby sister her name was Kadance the one day when I tell her..her friends pass away she cry for a hour.

Then she disappeared..they said she left Dres Van

Paola- where she at I hope she comes back, she is a princess after all

Joshua- you are a good listener

Paola-haha I was rise in a family that listen to and I'll listen to me so it something

Joshua- well mostly at least you have a family that listen to you, my mom only listen to me

Paola- everyone different Joshua if I got your name right

Joshua- how you know?.

Paola- I have ninja friends that like you

She was covering her face and then I look at her and said

Joshua- you lying ain't you

Paola- me..lying nah

Joshua- whenever I ask you something you turn away or turn red

Paola- Haha But still

Jan- Paola off to bed, Joshua you have a meeting

Paola-I will see you later

As she walking back it got into my




I heard soft voice from Keegan and tear came into his eyes as he hug her Some golden shit happen as they flying up.

Everyone back away as I seen there sword was touching then huge light came so we couldn't see.

As they came down and she was ...alive

Everyone straight up hug her and then I got up the doctor said

Doctor- that new

Joshua- That something I never seen

Doctor- every girl want to become a princess this one doesn't she strange one

Soon she has golden armor on, same with Other boy then her Chris pull her for a hug, mostly her hair had 2 layers of golden and other side of dragon.

Paola- my chest still hurts so don't think I'm okay

They all laugh and doctor put bandages on her as she with kadance

Kadance- I don't want you to fight anymore


Kadance- I don't lose you again again

Paola- I'm not a princess KADANCE

Kadance- still your going to be hurt

Paola- look everyone dies at some point but I die for honor and my family protect

Kadance- I was hoping for one thing

Paola- was that??

Kadance- you and your ninja friends become my protector

Paola- That news for them!?

KADANCE- well yeah

Paola- I'll be honor but I can't talk to them bc

Kadance- true I'll let them know but what about you family

Paola-which one?

Kadance-the loyal home

Paola- I want to stay at Dres Van I grew up here

KADANCE- get some rest we talk about this in the morning

I seen KADANCE coming I jump and went to my room