

What happens when you suddenly wake up and discover that your reality has merged with a game? You will have to rise up and fight demonic beasts in a world where now everything is kill or be killed. Could humanity unite to fight and survive? or will they be devoured by beasts?

Bianca_Leyva · sci-fi
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41 Chs

Timely help

When the day came for the robotic voice to make a new announcement, Aria had gotten up very early as she felt that something was going to happen. She didn't know how to explain the feeling she had, it was as if something was warning her, and once the voice Robotics made her announcement, her premonition was confirmed, she and Lucas went to meet with Victor, since they had to organize the people to prepare for the battle they would have in the afternoon, after discussing the strategy they would have, each one left to inform his men of the plan.

During this time when the bases merged, thanks to their leadership they were able to keep things in order and integrated easily, sometimes there were small disagreements but in the end they managed to resolve them in the fairest way possible, when the 3 bases came together, they worked very hard to be able to build stone walls that would serve as defense and they also managed to get plans for the defense towers and crossbows, everyone worked diligently since they wanted to have something that would provide them with more security, they could not let their guard down against anyone, since On several occasions the groups from their base were attacked by survivors from other bases to try to steal the materials they had obtained. Every time they went out in search of materials they had to go in groups of at least 10 people, only in this way could they reduce the attacks that they received.

When it was almost time for the battle to begin, everyone was already in the positions that had been assigned to them. In the first wave they faced 900 enemies, thanks to the fact that they had stone walls that gave them good defense and with the With the help of the towers they were able to face them without feeling so pressured by their numbers and after an hour they were able to defeat them all without suffering casualties, there were only some with injuries of different degrees, Aria organized so that those with the most serious injuries would withdraw to be treated, it would take them 10 to 30 minutes to return to battle depending on the severity of their injuries, in the second wave, 6,000 enemies arrived, the level of the enemies was also higher, which made it a little more difficult for them to deal with them and the injuries were increasing, the stamina of some people was also decreasing which made their movements and attacks slower.

Both Aria, Lucas and Víctor were the ones who had the highest level within the base and were among the strongest, that is why they were fighting on the front line, they tried to face those who seemed to be the most difficult, to reduce the pressure of the Other members of the base did not know at what exact moment it happened, but they noticed that the enemies in some areas were beginning to decrease, and 3 figures could be seen fighting fiercely in those areas. When Aria noticed the white wolf, she knew who the people were who had killed them they were helping.

With the help of Dylan and Alison, the pressure that the inhabitants of the base felt was decreasing little by little, since the three of them seemed like a group of wolves in the middle of a flock of sheep waiting to be slaughtered, with the strength they currently had they could kill the common grade enemies in 2 or 3 hits, Dylan only had to give 1 hit per enemy, so they decided to deal first with those who looked stronger, wherever they advanced they caused a massacre leaving huge gaps between the enemy ranks , the 3 were in constant movement without staying in a single area so as not to be surrounded by the monsters, after 30 minutes the number of enemies had already been reduced to a few hundred and although the base had not suffered losses they did have several members who they had suffered serious injuries upon seeing the situation of the people at the base, Dyan and Alison knew that they would not be able to face the last wave in their conditions, so they decided to stay and help them until the end, when they saw that the number of enemies that remained could being handled by the base members, they stopped fighting and waited a certain distance away from them.

When Aria, Victor and Lucas noticed that the remaining enemies could be easily defeated by the members of their base, they walked towards where Dylan and Alison were, when they arrived in front of them, they stopped at a safe distance and Victor was the first to speak: i thank you for the help you have given to our base, without you it would have been difficult for us to get through it without some of our men dying.

Dylan looked at the man who spoke to them and could feel that he was really grateful to them, so he nodded and said: We were passing by when we noticed the situation at your base and decided to help.

Victor: i see, even so accept our thanks.

Dylan nodded and thought for a moment before saying: The enemies that will come out next will be several times stronger than those just now, you better prepare for a fierce battle.

Victor turned to look at the members of his base and when he looked back at Dylan he said: I know they have already helped us a lot this time and it is shameless of me to say this, but... I was wondering if you could help us until the end

When he heard Victor's words, Dylan looked at Alison and when she nodded he said: we will help in any way we can, but I am not going to put my partner's life at risk. If we see that the situation is beyond our means, I will prioritize her safety, so I hope they don't take it the wrong way.

Victor nodded: it's understandable, after all we are strangers to you so we can't complain about that.

Once they agreed to help them, Victor and the others introduced themselves and walked towards the wall to wait for the arrival of the last wave when Dylan and Alison arrived at the place where the other members of the base were, they noticed that many of them were giving them suspicious glances. respect and gratitude, when the enemies entered their field of vision there were several figures that stood out from the rest, they were a white fox 5 meters high, a 3 meter zombie that could easily be of a strong type, a tiger man of a little more than 2 meters but the figure that caught Dylan's attention the most was a 3 meter humanoid creature with arms so long that they almost touched the floor, instead of fingers it had claws, it had no nose, its eyes were 2 small black dots on the middle of his face and his mouth was full of fangs, this creature was very similar to the one he found in the forest the first time he was teleported, on that occasion he could only run away from it due to the fear he felt, but this time he was calmer, he knew that he had become strong and wanted to defeat that creature alone to prove to himself that he was no longer the same as that time, so he told Victor and the others that he would take care of that creature.

Alison and Silver would fight against the fox, Aria and Lucas against the weretiger and Victor against the zombie, once the objectives that each one would fight against were established and giving some last instructions to the other members of the base, each one ran towards his opponent and began the fierce battle

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