
FUSION: Five In Billions

Five individuals, complete strangers who have never met, by chance find themselves on the rooftop of an abandoned building. Each of them has just experienced the most painful day of their lives. It was so painful that they couldn't bear it any longer. Then, as if summoned by destiny, a meteor hurtles from the sky and crashes directly towards the old building. The five people gathered there cannot avoid the disaster. The luminous object from the sky hitting them mercilessly. However, something inexplicable happens. None of them die, nor do they suffer any injuries. In fact, after the incident, they discover that they have gained superpowers.

saputravebri · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
4 Chs


They said death is the process of transferring one's soul to another world. After losing one's life, you will be revived and placed in one of the places, whether it be heaven or hell. This has never been scientifically proven, but it is widely believed by people all over the world. Finn is not a religious person, so he doesn't believe in an afterlife. To him, when you die, you are dead forever.

However, something seems off. Finn can feel that his soul is still connected to his body. This is because of the sudden pain he feels in his chest. The pain then spreads throughout his entire body. His wrists feel stiff. His feet suddenly cramp up. His head is spinning. He can see nothing but pitch-black emptiness.

What is happening? Finn wondered.

The events from a few moments ago are still fresh in his memory. The incident in the old building involving him and four strangers attempting suicide, until a meteor from the sky struck them so violently. So why does Finn still feel "alive"? Is the afterlife real? But why does hell feel so empty? Is he the first person to arrive here?

Finn is still grappling with a multitude of questions in his head. Until finally, a light sneaks into his retinas. His eyelids blink rapidly, and the blurry sight in front of him becomes clear after a few seconds.

The first thing Finn sees is a white ceiling with a lit-up lamp adorning it. He hears a faint voice of a woman. Then the pungent smell of medicine begins to seep into his nostrils. He slightly lowers his gaze. It is at that moment that Finn realizes he is not in hell, but in a hospital room. His feet, covered by a white blanket, no longer feel cramped. His fingers can slowly be moved again.

"Finn, oh my god, you're awake!" The woman who was sitting next to him quickly gets up and runs towards the door. "Doctor, he's awake!" she calls out to someone outside. She then comes back in with a man in a white coat.

"Hello, welcome back, Mr. Finn. Let's check your condition." The doctor pulls out a stethoscope hanging around his neck, places one side on both of his own ears, and positions the other side on Finn's flat chest. "What do you feel, Mr. Finn? Is there any part of your body that hurts?"

To be honest, Finn felt pain all over his body earlier, but for unknown reason, it has all disappeared now. Even his head no longer feels dizzy. So to answer the question he was given, Finn shakes his head as a response.

"Good. You're perfectly fine, no injuries at all. Rest a little longer, and you can go home tonight. Well then, excuse me." The middle-aged man smiles cheerfully, nods at the woman beside him, and walks out of the room.

"Oh, thank goodness, Honey. I thought you were going to die. It's truly a miracle that you regained consciousness."

"Lily? What are you doing here?" Finn furrows his brow.

Officially, Lily is still his girlfriend. Finn hasn't had a chance to break up with her yet. But the image of her being intimate with another man not too long ago is still etched in Finn's memory. Just thinking about it makes Finn feel angry.

What do you mean, Finn?" Lily asked in confusion. She lifts Finn's head and places a pillow at the end of the bed for him to sit comfortably. "Of course, I came to visit and take care of you. You're my boyfriend."

Sure, she has no idea that Finn caught her cheating on him. Lucky for her, Finn doesn't have the energy to discuss that issue right now.

"How long was I unconscious?"

"Almost a week."

"What?" Finn is startled.

"Yes, it's been five or six days, I can't remember exactly. I've been too worried about you."

What a crap. Finn is sure she was spending her time with her other boyfriend while he was in a coma.

"Look, your name made it to the national news." Lily hands her phone screen to Finn and exclaims, "Five Asheville residents almost died from a meteor strike."

Finn focuses his gaze on the screen. The news page shows a picture of the roof of the building where he and the strangers gathered that night. The difference is, in the photo, the roof is no longer intact. There is a large hole gaping right in the middle.

"So it's all real? There really was a meteor that fell that night?"

Lily nods, making her short bangs sway.

Finn falls silent for a moment. The soon-to-be 20-year-old man is shaken. So it's true, everything that happened that night wasn't just a dream. He really planned to commit suicide.

"Then, what do you mean by 'almost died'? Did they all survive too?"

"Yes. From what I heard in the news, people around heard a loud explosion from the old building. They flocked to find out what happened. Apparently, there was a large rock lying on the ground floor. While all the floors above it, from the second to the sixth floor, had holes gaping in them. 9-1-1 officers came for further investigation and found five people lying on the rooftop. You, two men, and two women. All unconscious, but physically you all seemed fine," explains Lily. "Finn, you have to explain to me what really happened. Why were you there with those people?"

Finn remains still. The blonde man is still trying to digest his girlfriend's explanation. How could the five of them survive? The meteor was huge. Shouldn't the entire—or at least most of the—building have been destroyed? How could the impact create such a smooth landing position and only create a hole in the roof like a needle piercing a thread? It doesn't make sense!

"Finn?" Lily flicks her finger, snapping Finn out of his reverie.

"Sorry, I can't explain it right now, Lily. I myself still don't understand everything that happened."

Yes, Lily can see the confusion in the eyes of the man who has been her boyfriend for five months. His blue eyes look so melancholic. His lips, which should be bright pink, now appear slightly paler. This is the first time Lily has seen Finn in this state.

"Okay, just rest for now. Don't think too much." She readjusts the pillow back to its original position and slowly guides Finn back into a lying position. "Oh, by the way, yesterday I went to your apartment to get your clean clothes, but it turns out...."

"Yeah, I know about that, Lily. Everything burned down." Finn closes his eyes and lets out a heavy sigh. "Crap, where do I go after I leave this hospital?"

Finn curses his unlucky fate. Trials keep coming one after another, and when he wanted to end his life, the universe didn't allow it.

You won't let me live, and you won't let me die either.

"Babe, I would love to invite you to stay at my house. But, you know how my parents are, they definitely won't happy about that."

"Yeah, I understand."

Finn first met Lily at a bar near the factory where he used to work. He had a tiring day and intended to calm his nerves by drinking a few glasses of whiskey. It was then that his gaze met Lily's dark brown eyes. The corners of her lips slightly turned up, forming a beautiful smile. Finn had never known love during his time in the orphanage. That's why Lily looked enchanting in his eyes.

From that meeting, they slowly got to know each other. Finn liked everything about the girl. Her appearance, her attitude, even the way she spoke. Until finally, Lily invited Finn to her house for dinner with her parents. Finn eventually found out that Lily's parents had an unhappy relationship. The atmosphere during dinner was so intense that Finn couldn't even enjoy the roast turkey in front of him. Lily's father looked rough and arrogant, while her mother seemed cold and indifferent. Perhaps this was the only thing Finn didn't like about his girlfriend—her parents. Of course, with their personalities like that, it was impossible for Finn to be accepted to live in their house.

"Maybe you can ask for help from someone at your workplace?" Lily suggested. "Don't factories usually provide accommodation for their employees?"

"I can't. I got fired."

"What? How did that happen?"

Finn sighed once again. "I'll tell you later."

The room suddenly fell silent. Finn stared at the white ceiling above him, while Lily just looked at him with pity. After a few minutes of thinking and weighing her options, an idea came to Lily's head.

"I think there is one way."


After getting enough rest, Finn decides to leave the hospital that night. His physical condition is perfectly fine, no wounds or injuries from the incident. However, mentally, Finn is completely shattered. After his suicide plan failed miserably, he honestly doesn't know what to do anymore. All his belongings are gone, he has no job, and there are even debts waiting to be paid. Finn is sure that the Collector will soon bring the police to arrest and drag him to jail because he won't be able to pay the compensation fee. 

Maybe Finn should try a second round of suicide? Only this time, he has to make sure not to fail again, and maybe it would be better to do it alone, unlike last time. Ah, Finn suddenly thinks about the fate of the four other people. The Asian man, the slim woman, the woman in the white dress, and the last man whose features Finn can't quite remember. Are they also frustrated when they realize that they are still alive? Will they try again or give up and choose to continue their—what Finn believes—sad lives? 

"We're here." Lily pulls the handbrake, turns off the engine of her compact sedan, and gets out of the driver's seat, followed by Finn getting out of the passenger seat. 

They have just arrived in the parking lot of a middle-class apartment building located in Asheville. The brown-painted building looks bigger and nicer than Mr. Roy's apartment that Finn stayed in some time ago. This place feels unfamiliar to Finn because Lily is the one who brought him here and offered to stay with one of her acquaintances. Before coming here, Lily has contacted her friend, explained Finn's situation, and asked for permission for him to stay in his apartment. They had their phone call outside the room where Finn was being treated earlier, so Finn doesn't know what they talked about. But when Lily came back, she said that her friend agreed to take Finn in. 

The couple now enters the elevator to the floor where their destination room is located. They don't bring many belongings, just a few pieces of clothing and some of Finn's necessities that they bought at the nearest supermarket. Honestly, Finn feels embarrassed to be treated like this by Lily. Doesn't he hate the girl before for betraying him? She even became one of the reasons for Finn's suicide attempt. He should have been honest about what he saw that night and ended their relationship officially right now. But Lily seems so caring and genuinely loves him. Besides, if not to Lily, who else can Finn ask for help? The Orphanage Owner? Oh, definitely not. Finn wouldn't want to go back there. 


Lily's clenched hand knocks on the door of apartment number 30 in front of them. Behind her, Finn stands awkwardly. He thinks about what sentence he will say first after seeing Lily's friend. Should he immediately say thank you? Or introduce himself first? Before he can decide, the brown-painted door opens. 

"Hey, come in." The figure inside welcomes them. 

What the—? Finn freezes in his position. The black pupils in his blue eyes shrink instantly. His heart races fast. And for some reason, he feels a sharp pain in the palm of his hand. The man, whom Lily admits is her friend, is the same man who kissed her that night. It's not your Friend, Lily. He's your other boyfriend!

"Finn." Lily calls, bringing the man back from his reverie. "This is Alex. Alex, this is Finn." 

The man named Alex extends his right hand, intending to shake hands. Finn is aware of that, but he is confused about how to react. Should he accept the handshake or punch him in the face? 

Damn, what kind of game are they playing? His mind still debates as his hand moves on its own to accept the handshake. 

"Wow!" Alex exclaims just as his hand touches Finn's palm. 

"What's wrong?" Lily asks worriedly. 

"Nothing. Your hand is burning, Man. Are you sure you're okay?" Alex says. 

Finn's forehead involuntarily wrinkles. Yes, earlier he did feel pain in the palm of his hand. But now it is gone. 

"Yeah, he's fine. The doctor said there's nothing wrong with him." Lily explains to Alex. "Okay, I leave him in your care. Thank you for agreeing to give him temporary accommodation. Contact me if he does anything troublesome." Then she turns to Finn. "And you, get enough rest. Don't think too much. Once you're ready, I'll help you find a new job. Okay?" 

Finn smiles sadly, feeling embarrassed to hear such caring words, especially in front of the man who is his girlfriend's lover. After that, Lily says goodbye and leaves, leaving behind the two blonde men. 

"Sorry, Man. There's only one bed. You don't mind sleeping on the couch, do you?" Alex asks. 

"Yeah, no problem." Finn replies. "Hey, Alex. I don't know what else to say. Thank you for allowing—" 

"Don't mention it." 


"Guys, look. What is that?" 

"Wow, wow. Isn't it moving too fast?" 

"It seems to be heading towards us. That thing is going to hit us!" 

What's going on? Where am I? Finn looks around in confusion. He is now on the rooftop of a tall building. Standing beside him are three familiar people, two women and one man. One of the women points her index finger upwards. Finn quickly looks up at the sky. Up there, he sees a large object falling towards them. A meteor! Finn panics, this is the event that happens that night. The feeling of deja vu can't be avoided. 

The atmosphere on the rooftop becomes more chaotic, reflecting the approaching meteor. Finn's heart races faster. His breath is uneven. Then that strange sensation returns, his palms feel very hot, stinging down to his fingertips.

At that moment, Finn wakes up from his sleep. 

What he has just experienced turns out to be just a dream. Right now, he isn't on that abandoned rooftop, but sitting on Alex's apartment couch. There is no meteor, and no strangers around him. However, even though he has woken up from the dream, Finn still feels the heat in his palms. He tries blowing on them in hopes of relieving the heat, but it only makes it more painful. 

Finn stands up in a frenzy, overwhelmed by anxiety. He could wake up the people in this apartment because of his own commotion. So Finn decides to leave the room. He hurriedly walks towards the elevator and presses the ground floor button aggressively. The pain in his palms becomes unbearable, like thousands of needles piercing his skin. 


As soon as the elevator doors open, Finn runs out hastily. Luckily, it is already midnight, so there is no crowd to hinder him. He runs so fast that he doesn't realize he has reached a park, quite far from Alex's apartment. 

Suddenly, Finn trips, causing both his knees to hit the ground. There, in the middle of the night, Finn lets out a scream that he has been holding back, letting it echo freely from his throat. At the same time, his hands emit a bright white light. Finn feels something move through his nerves. His fingers feel like they are about to explode. 

Suddenly, everything becomes quiet. 

Then a moment later, from his palms, a powerful energy is released. A glowing energy emanates straight from his palms. A loud explosion reverberates as the light hits the chair and garden lamp in front of him. 

Finn slumped weakly. His breath feels heavy. He can't feel his hands. He still doesn't understand what has just happened. His gaze fixes on the broken objects around him. 

"Something just exploded from my hands?"