
Furuichi and the Dimensional Chat Group of Disaster

???: Furuichi give me some Lucky talisman. ???: Furuichi teach me magic. ???: Furuichi do you have a new fish recipe? also erza is pissed and looking for you. ???: Furuichi-san how do you make some friends. ???: Furuichi! ???: Furuichi! ... 'Just how did my second life become troublesome?' I thought. "Furuichi fight me!" some random delinquent run towards me. "Furuichi-kun ? woul you join my peerage?" a sexy red haired devil is tempting me. "Furuichi what's the answer of this question?" an idiot asked me. "How did my life become troublesome?' I asked as I look at the sky and saw a cloud giving me the middle finger. 'F*ck off!!!' _____________________ Inspired by: Cultivation Chat Group and Sis-con with Dimensional Chat group I don't own any characters, this is just an idea and a fanfic

Simping_4_Akali · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 20: Our restaurant

Finally, the restaurant is done. I can say that I am impressed in this worlds worker as they are very quick It only took about 1 months to built. Well more like a chaotic month but that chaotic month was pointed at us.

But finally, it's done. A 2 story building with a underground bar and large basement.

Tama said to have an underground bar because it's cool to have and I agreed. The others were confused but they just go with it. This past month has been busy but quite enjoyable. We now have a functioning restaurant even though the staff is just the five of us. But it works out but anyway 1st objective complete.

"We are finally done ah~" Tama said as she relaxed in the coach.

"Not yet, we have just built the restaurant then next we have to get 50,000 customer." Garp said tiredly.

"Old man, Why are you so tired? You have done nothing but hang out with some bunch of old man!" Tama said to Garp.

True, Garp now have some friends in the form of old man asking how to be healthy and strong to Garp.

"You don't know what I am going through this past months that I have to act like and old man to those old man!' Garp replied.

"You too are Old! Old Man!"

"What did you say! I might be old but I am not Old in there level. I still have the fire of youth burning within my soul!" Garp responded.

"You damn old man, just because those old man keep talking about youth that you think you are still young!? Return back to reality!! You are old and getting delusional that you are young!!" Tama replied.

"*sigh~ this is the life~" I tune them out as I relax in the massage chair as I just finished taking a bath.

"Fu-kun, are you sure that we are going to be fine?" Yunyun asked me in worry as she also sit in the massage chair.

"Yeah, I am sure." I said to her.

The thing that she is worrying about is our restaurant, I worry too since this was our idea and now that the restaurant is about to be finished tomorrow and we will open it next week.

You could also say that our restaurant is unique since it's a mix of a hot spring. When they first enter they must clean their selves then wear any swimwear. When they enter the restaurant there will be a knee level water in the floor and the table are like island. the tables has this square that is around the table and there is no water that can enter it and in their feet there is a heater that warms up their feet with just the right amount of heat.

Also with that, Tama our waitress is wearing a shell shaped bra and a thin towel in her waist that also shows her thigh and lower swimsuit along with two coral like tie, that ties her hair.

I asked her why she looked like that and she said cause she looks like a mermaid.

There is also a Japanese shrine boat for Happy and at the top said I am Happy.

Another thing, Happy is a celebrity here as he post some pictures in social media that made him a celebrity animal. I asked why he asked for a shrine boat and he said that he wants to be worshipped. Can this two be normal like me. I mean I don't even ask for anything outrageous!

"Mr. Furuichi, the pirana you asked has been denied by the others." My hired assistant said to me.

"What? Why!" I asked her.

"I believe I can't answer you that as the answer is obvious."

"*tch, whatever. I guess the shark will do."

"I believe that they also will deny it."

"But why?"

"Sir, just because the kids song baby shark is popular doesn't mean that you can purchase baby shark and let it swim in the water of the restaurant."

"Aw... then what did they approved?"

"They only approved 1 idea."

"And what's that?"

"The service boat."

I raised my eyebrow and looked at Yunyun.

"You guys approved that idea?"

"Um, I think it would be best since I am sure Tama would only be lazing around and be an eye catch to some male and maybe female customer so we need this boats." Yunyun replied to me.

"Ah, I guess. But still,we are going to open next week huh."

"Yeah, I hope that day would be fine." Yunyun said.

"It would be fine... I think." I said with a bit of worry in my voice.

"Why are you worrying?" Yunyun asked me.

"It's just that every time I think of it, It worries me."

"Me too. Although I am more worried of what the customer would think of our restaurant."

"I feel the same." I told her.


"But still, we have a weird ass restaurant." I told her.

"Yes we do."

"And we are it's weird ass staff."


"Then in the future, we might be selling weird ass food."

"That we do."