
Further to the beyond(GL)

A girl named Elise chases her love, finds all the solution of her problems and tries to assure that her love ones are protected.

Xuexi_xiao · LGBT+
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37 Chs

Chapter Thirty-three: Did I fuck it up?

After the lecture ends, I go outside to wait for my other friends. While waiting for them to arrive, I feel light tuck on my sleeve. I turn around to look if it's my friend, messing around with me.

To my surprise, it isn't my friend. Rather it's a female student. I have never seen her here before. So to my guess its either a returning student or a freshman. Judging by her appearance, she doesn't look older than me. She has long slightly curled blond hair, pale skin, grey eyes and she is shorter than me but taller than Melissa. I give her a confused look and ask what was wanted by her. She replies in shy manner, " I'm in the freshmen year. So I don't have any friends to ask about this place. Could you help me look around here? " Without a second thought I agree to go with her as my friends were late.

On my way, I texted them in our group chat that I won't be going with them. With that, I show the blondie around the University as she is new. As I was showing her around, she then tells me that she is hungry so I took her to a nearby restaurant. We sit at a empty table. After a while, she proceeds to ask me my name. " Elise. Elise Lorriens, " said I. She giggles and says, " Hi. I am Natalie. Natalie Sioux. " "Well that's an unusual last name. " " I was named after my grandmother, Nelly Sioux. " I nod as i don't know what else to say.

The waiter then come up to us and ask if we are ready order. I ordered spaghetti while she does the same. She then continue conversation by dropping a bomb on me by saying, " Oh I am a 21 year old bisexual woman. Don't get me wrong but I think you are very pretty. So.." before I let her continue, I interrupted her by saying that I need to use the restroom. She smiles at me and let me go.

I calmly walk into a restroom cabin and lock myself in while silently panicking from the inside. 'HOLY FUCK. WHAT WAS THAT?' I thought to myself. Did i just get confessed my someone? I dont how to explain Melissa about this situation. She will stab anyone who has romantic feelings for me. I quickly take out my phone and google my situation.

(Anonymous user no.1 : Getting confessed by someone and not turning them down while being in a relationship is cheating. Not cool!)

(Anonymous user no.2 : It's fine as long as you reject them. Rejection can be hard for someone but it doesn't mean to do any harm for anyone.)




(Anonymous user no.6 : REJECT THEM ALREADY, YOU CHEATER.)

I sigh in frustration after reading all th comments online and decided to inform Melissa later. I then get out of the chamber and go back to my sit after washing my hands.

Shortly after, our food arrives. Natalie cleared her voice and asks me, " What's wrong? " Bitch everything is wrong. " Oh. There is nothing to worry about, " said I

Natalie then shot the main point, her confession. " Listen Elise, I'm sorry that I lied about being new here. I've been here before and its been a few weeks now, " said Natalie. What-? " I have been admiring you since day one when i first saw you. I think I like you. No. I am indeed in love with you. " I look at her in disbelief while I'm panicking inside. I don't care what she says but all I know is that Melissa will stab her in the throat. I love Melissa more than anything in this world. She is my only will to live. How can I calmly reject her without being mean? I let out a long sigh and reply, " About the confession of your love for me, I think..-" " About what confession honey, " says Melissa as I can feel her gripping on my shoulder blade.

<To be continued>

Sorry guys :( for not posting any chapters for any of my books. Honestly i was so tired of my academic studies that i didnt have time to continue my story. And happy new year yall [this year is worse than the previous year :')]

I will try my best to update all the stories. Thanks for all support (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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