
Further to the beyond(GL)

A girl named Elise chases her love, finds all the solution of her problems and tries to assure that her love ones are protected.

Xuexi_xiao · LGBT+
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37 Chs

Chapter Six: How Fast The Time Goes By.

Melissa's Pov.

Seven in the morning. I wake up with a bad hangover. I look beside me and see, Elise is sleeping

beside me. As I am woke up early and also on my hangover, I go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of green tea and drink that.

After i am done drinking, I keep the mug in the sink.

Then I pick up the clothes that we were wearing at night and go to the bathroom for a bath as I felt sweaty and sticky after I put all the clothes unside the washing machine.

After bathing, I wrap myself with a towel and then I was about to apply Elise's body lotion but what I saw in the mirror make me shock and fluster at the same time.

I had hickey and love bite marks almost all over my chest and neck. I then take some lotion and apply it on my hands, legs and a little on my nape. I got out of the bathroom and open Elise's closet.

I take out Elise's plain white t-shirt and wore my bra and panty. I didn't wash them as Elise's undergarments are loose on me.

Her normal size t-shirt looks huge on me. How can I

forget that I'm shorter than her. Without thinking

much I go back to the kitchen and prepare our


End of Melissa's Pov.

Elise's Pov.

I wake up and see Melissa is not beside me. So I get up from the bed and see my floor clean, when I was about to go to my bathroom, in the midway I see our clothes being washed in the washing machine. Then I go inside my bathroom, the hot steam hits my face and the smell of my shampoo

make me realise that Melissa took a bath here.

I then go brush my teeth and wash my face. After a while I get out of my bathroom and then from my room and to my Melissa was cooking breakfast. Wearing my shirt making her look so small. Her exposed legs and the sweat dripping from her neck. While looking at her neck, I saw the hicley on her neck that I made last night.

I sneakily go behind her and back her and kiss her nape.

End of Elise's Pov.

Melissa then blushes and laughs. I whispered on her ear, "Morning~babygirl." Melissa looks at me with a fluster face and says,"I'm serving the breakfast. You go get ready for versity. I have only evening lecture and then my ballet lesson."

I sigh and say, " I have morning to afternoon lessons then I have to go for my part-time job. Ahhh.. I wanna be with you."

Melissa pats my head and served us our food. I hurrily eat as it tastes so good. Then I dressed up and before than I go, I kiss Melissa and bide bye.

In the evening, before Melissa's lecture starts, Melissa get dressed and get out for the lesson.

In the night, at 9 pm I'm done from the part-time. And I head to the ballet academy where Melissa takes her ballet lesson.

After a short walk, I finally reach there. After I wait for a while I see Melissa get out. As soon as she notice me, she runs to me and jumps on me. I pick her up and she hugs me.

I then get her off me and ask if she wants to go to the club-bar today. She excitedly nods and then we

head to the club.

As we get there order, Melissa orders 2 shots of rum. We sit beside the bar table and chat. While that

someone calls there.

"Wait a minute. Is that Elise??"

I quickly realise the owner of the voice and look back and see someone who i did not expect to meet.

<To be continued>