
Further to the beyond(GL)

A girl named Elise chases her love, finds all the solution of her problems and tries to assure that her love ones are protected.

Xuexi_xiao · LGBT+
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37 Chs

Chapter Eighteen: Happiness Doesn't Last Long.

After the drinking session, I and Melissa got back home.

Melissa then asks me, " What did you meant by aura?" I then sigh and say, " It's a way of understanding someone's ability by observing them. If they have potential or ability to go to the void by their wish or by just thinking, they release aura like light smoke from their body. People who goes to the void releases a yellow aura. If someone is being haunted then they release black aura. And people like me or Roselle release purple aura.

We all can control it but people who doesn't know that they have the ability or potential of going in there, can't. You can't see either as you release yellow steam. You see there in your locket there is a small glass. Point it at me and look through it."

Melissa then does what I say and get scared. I quickly hug and kiss her forehead and try to calm her down. I then suggest us to sleep.

After we are done sleeping the alarm rings and then I get up and turn it off. I then wake Melissa up. She then brushes with me and wash her face and does her morning routine.

I first go for bath as I was reeking alcohol.

After I was done bathing, Melissa gets in. I tge dry myself and change into my dress. I then cook the breakfast and then Melissa got out and did the same. We then eat our breakfast and pack our bag for get going for our lecture.

After a while we reached our respective halls and after I was done, I go for my part time job. I then text Melissa that I am going for my job. She then replied then she has to go to for her ballet practice.

While I was doing my work, Melissa texts me and says that she has a surprise for me. I then say ok and continue doing my job.

After I am done for the day, I get out and go for home. I thought about bringing strawberry cake as it was Melissa's birthday in 4 hours . I go to a jewellery shop and deposit the money for the couple ring I ordered.

After a while I reach home and see Melissa wearing my shirt. I was surprised at first. It looks pretty big on her. Melissa then kisses me says, " You know what it is? " I smile and say, " Of course baby. Its your birthday." Melissa then give me a hug and then I give Melissa the cake. Melissa then looks at me and says, " Thanks bae. I made fruit crepe for you." I kiss her cheek and say, " Aw. Thank you, love." We then cut the cake and eat some and store some in the fridge. Melissa's phone was bursting with notifications.

After we are done for the night, we go for sleep. In my dreams again, I saw my parents.

When my dream break, it was already morning. I and Melissa then did our daily routine and go for our lecture halls. We then got out and as it was my holiday from work, Melissa also took a break from ballet course. I and Melissa then go to the amusement park to enjoy.

I was going fine until I kneel down to propose Melissa officially. I then shown her the ring. She tears up and says yes.

While coming home, we found a white cat in a box. It was hurt and was shaking in fear and cold. I quickly take off my over coat and wrap the cat in it.

We then quickly rushed into the nearest vet to treat her. After she was done with wrapped band aid. I and Melissa think of taking care of it.

For tonight's dinner, I made porridge mixed with tuna for the cat and pasta for us. We then sleep and wake up at 8 a.m.

Today is our day off from everything. I then took the cake in my bag and went to the pet shop to buy foods, toys and cat bed. Everything was quite pricy but still We managed to pay off. We then set everything and then at home. Our cat was really scared and fussy all at a sudden. I then look at the direction where our cat was looking, I was shocked by seeing a writing on the hall,

" How does it feels to be happy, Elise.?"