
First Misshap

James G. Olive was Born in Gotham City, although the streets of Gotham are full of crime and garbage, he smiled. He was taught to keep positive about the good things in life, even when his family began to fall. He kept a positive mind hoping that there are still good in the world.

James' family was poor, both parents had to work to even keep a small unwanted apartment. His mother was a smoker although she quit, she'd smoke when stressed. His mother became addicted to nicotine. Her stress became even more horrendous after his father left with all the money, and she had a smoke every 3 minutes.

James' mother slowly became his undoing, while he kept to being positive. He never could keep a positive mind when his mind was always constantly damaged.

His mother slowly started losing her sanity, abusing James physiologically. many things one of the softer kind, Telling him she never even wanted him in the first place. James' mind was embedded with constant manipulations, wanting his mother's intentions he began to smile unnaturally to please his mother.

He hated every second of it, although he learned useful skills against others with the power of faking. It had the downside of attracting unwanted trouble, even being almost molested but managed to escape.

At the age of 7, his mother was struck with lung cancer, even if he tried. James knows that his mother was going through stress and this was her breaking point. Her last words made him determined to live his life the way he wanted.

"James you've always been such a serious boy but you need to lean on your childish tendencies more or you'll regret it, fuck I know I regretted it, heh heh hee," his mother Heather Olive told him staring into his eyes of James, her tired suffering eyes that told a story of suffering.

Olive is his last name, it used to be Jeong, his father was a Korean model with crystal clear skin because of his attribute to the cold. Olive was James' grandmother's last name on his mother's side before his grandmother married.

James had brown eyes from his father and brunette hair from his mother because she had a stronger genetic. James' unique features are his beautiful big eyes and small stature making him prettier than most girls at the age of 12.

James became a thief stealing food to not starve, and learning acrobatic skills from observing cats in the streets. He started stealing and stealing until he stole a diamond and received such a large amount of money, more than if he had to work all his life. James continued school but stopped going at the age of 14 when he earned more money than he could count.

James has been in orphanages in Gotham but because the orphanage had troubled kids. He would get into fights and learn to fight, he hated the orphanage but only left when he found out that kids were being illegally tested on creating meta-humans and selling them. at age 10 he left the Orphanage, leaving but a trail of silver jewelry.

James ran away from that horrendous orphanage. And continued stealing and after making a whole lot of money he decided to move to the central city. Renting an Apartment, James loved cats and cool things like laser swords.

He built gadgets wasting most of his money for his thief works like sharp retractable claws and small but sturdy grappling guns enough to fit in his belt pouches. And his soft cushion high knee boots make landing softer, sneaking Quieter, and jumping higher.

During an ordinary day, he woke up excited about his apartment with his white fur cat named Phanny. Today he knew that he had a high-paying job, and maybe after this job, he could finally get the parts for his project cat lenses. although it's mostly a Computer that helps him with everything, except physical actions like a super A.I.

smiling he poured cat food into a bowl.

"Hey, Phanny food's ready~," James said, shaking the cat food down onto the bowl.

"Meow!" Phanny responds cheerfully back.

Watching his cat, he wondered if he could be as relaxed as his cat. Getting ready to work, underneath he dressed in all-white skin-tight spandex with two strips going down his torso and spandex covering to his arms and legs, it's flexible for him and the cheapest material he could replace.

with hard leather covering the top half of his torso over his spandex is colored with a white-black dyed pattern over-molding his pecs and shoulder having black hard leather that may protect him from sharp objects and with white protecting more blunt objects.

White pants with strips going down his hips making a triangle, and two black stripes on his thighs so they don't cramp. He also had high kneel round boots with Cushions on the heel for a softer landing with gray around his knee like a pad. Gloves with retractable claws and protecting his hand with punching making sure he doesn't break his wrist. And an albino tiger mask on with a light thin backpack.

James checked his silver-buckled belt with white pouches on it. The reason He wears white is to show the brighter side of his life. Looking like a cool masked vigilante cat-burglar.

"Bye Phanny! The tiger gotta work" James determinedly said.

he waved his hand goodbye as he left to go do his job.

Walking down to a white van labeled electronics, James sighs wondering when he'll ever quit doing these jobs.

He was getting quite infamous as the Phantom Tiger, he'd steal newly found and old artifacts from well-known highly secured banks or museums while wearing an albino tiger mask. He would then disappear without evidence like a ghost.

The Phantom Tiger even stole from the flash museum and even robbed an Ice gun from the star lab handing it to the now known captain cold. He loves to be friendly, even waving to a security camera at some point and friending a superhero before stealing from that superhero-we can't tell who but you get the point he's friendly.

Remembering he was a criminal depressed James especially when he was addicted to stealing. but no one in the central city hated James, at least he's not in Gotham anymore.

Stepping into the van the door automatically closes.

"where's our next job, Tim?" James asks the man in the driver's seat, smiling.

The driver ignores Jame's Cheery attitude wondering if James' had something wrong with his head. While handing James a file containing information about the building he's going to rob.

Quickly skimming through the documents James found what he was going to steal.

"huh? Does Professor Morgan have a newly found artifact that releases unknown energy? What do you think Tim? about this artifact" James said Curiously carefree to his lifelong getaway driver.

"I Don't Care, As long as I get Paid," Tim said grumbling.

handing James a pen for James to sign a contract with the employer inside the file with the agreement.

After reading the agreement James cheerfully signed it knowing he won't at least get his ass backstabbed right away. Then putting the albino tiger mask on he checked his backpack and grabbed a fish sandwich he took a bite.

"Huh, black mask? What's he doing here in the central city?" James said curiously, seeing the signature of his employer.

Looking at his middle age grumpy driver, James childishly hands him an extra sandwich.

"Want One, Grumpy Cat?" James said while continuously taking a bite of his fish sandwich, keeping his overly friendly mindset open.

"Argh! Keep That Stinking Junk Away From Me!" Tim said yelling at James, slapping away Jame's sandwich overreacting.

Splat! It hit the window and the whole van started feeling intense pressure with absolute silence. Tim started sweating realizing his mistake.

Tim could feel the pressure hitting him. remembering James isn't mentally right and had a slight link to the supernatural Tim began to apologize. James only thought 'It took me a long time to make that Sandwich...' Annoyed James kept on releasing his depressing aura.

"Look I'm sorry it's just that I don't like seafood… yo-" Tim said nervously sweating Immensely.

"Oh, It's okay then I forgot you're allergic to seafood... sorry bout that! My bad" James said suddenly forgiving him but also apologizing with a bright smile.

Although James forgave and apologized, Tim feared that James will continue to remember this incident as a point of judging him in critical Moments. Tim Awkwardly drives to their destination without saying a single word, while James begins to start Talking happily.

Arriving at their destination, Tim turned his head but he was gone from the van without a trace. memorizing the building's blueprint, James was on the 4th story window, he parkoured, climbing his way up silently and gracefully.

"ahhh~ this feeling of being free and calm" Jame Jumps up window to window smiling cat-like, keeping a positive mindset.

Remembering he's doing this for a better future. He jumped to the left window and opened it carefully not alerting the security guard behind the window. He then quickly climbs up with his agility and stealth-like daredevil finesse, Avoiding the one guard inside.

"hm~ hmm~ hm-hm- hmm~"

James humming towards the music made his way up easily achieving uncommon feats.

On top of the building James ready a small thin carbon steel rope around his torso, touching his left pocket was a small grappling gun that was attached to the thin carbon steel rope. That wouldn't make a noise and can pierce through titanium if needed.

James headed towards the power storage parkouring stealthily, Avoiding Security guards and cameras. James unlocked the locked power storage using his locksmith tools.

"Ahh, fuuh… ack" releasing a curse from his mouth, James looks at the circuit board wondering why this power storage needed such advanced technology.

"Haaa, you only live once right?"

Sighing James punched the circuit board shutting off the power for who knows long until the backup power turned on.

James turned and started running back to the edge parkouring over and under obstacles while grabbing his grappling gun from his left pouch pocket on his belt.

James shot his grappling gun into the edge of the ground ceiling jumping off the building. Falling James motioned himself outwards opposite the building, the string pulled causing him to crash into the building but, he motions himself toward the building feet first.

James quickly entered the window he had previously opened while he was parkouring up like a speeding bullet. Feet first, James drop-kicked the security guard standing inside knocking him out 12 meters away, sliding almost hitting the lasers.

James thought to himself 'luckily I'm slim and smaller than the average standing at 5'6 feet with my big round eye-lashing eyes making me adorable having a smooth face, but I'm quite ripped so ladies watch out this baby face has a killer bod! And that reason was I didn't die!' thought to himself quickly while he was laying on the floor.

James kicks up, standing he cuts off the rope around his torso with his mechanical claws inside his white gloves that can cut through steel. James then started cartwheeling himself to the artifact, and along the way dodging lasers.

Almost making through, in front of him were lasers all over creating a wall of lasers. James turns his cartwheel motion into a launch, somersaulting above through the wall of lasers.

Landing on his feet, James quickly uses his claws to make a circle on the bulletproof glass.

Seeing the artifact James thought 'Oh! It's a stone carving of a Tiger standing on two legs that's Cool!' quickly admiring his love for felines, he quickly took out the circle glass stealthy putting it in his right back pouch.

James instantly takes out a stone in his front right pouch. Although the stone is small it weighs the same as the artifact.

Quickly putting his arm through the glass box James stealthily shifts the artifact with the stone taking out the artifact. James then heard a sudden alarm from a different room in the building, causing him to squeeze the artifact.

Unknown silver energy Warps around him, his knees started shaking weak. James fell to one knee shaking uncontrollably he couldn't breathe. Strange energy started pouring into him fusing with him.

After a minute James got up weaken, and the lasers started moving at a very fast pace. Putting the crushed tiger artifact inside his front right belt pouch James started running through. dodging incoming lasers, some even slightly hitting him until he eventually made it out.

James hastily ran to the window and jumped out with great effort. Free-falling from a 20 stories high building, James reached his belt buckle. Searching around the silver buckle, pressing around hastily for 17 seconds, finally finding a button on top of his buckle.

He pressed the button on the buckle, and suddenly a white parachute with an albino tiger face on it shot out his back pulling him back and he started falling slower. Aiming at the van, James landed inside the van with a window only big enough for his short and slim limbs.

Grabbing the parachute James gathered it putting inside the van. Pulling the ropes out of his suit James, Bang! James dropped the backpack first in the van.

After James got inside the van, Tim drove. Noticing after 30 seconds, Tim heard sirens go off Checking his watch that he timed.

"New record, under 14 minutes,"

Tim looked into the mirror. He saw his boss with a hurt expression and slumping on the ground, Tim not seeing Jame's usual Energetic face after a heist knows something went wrong

" you okay Jamie?" Tim said worriedly.

James is barely able to stay awake, his whole body felt like burning after contacting the artifact. He kept trying his hardest to be awake.

"I'm fine… Tim, I want you to take-... to go drop me off at the meeting location... you go back to my apartment… grab everything you want including my money… release my cat.. cause I just fluffed up pretty bad"

"James, what are you talking about? I'm not leaving you, you're still just a kid!" Tim questioned, not wanting to leave James behind.

"Tim, I don't have time for... an Accident occurred ... alarm went off in a different room, I may Crush the Item"

He sighed and nodded waiting until the van stopped.

"We're here"

"Tim you need to leave, -you'll probably be targeted or something"


"ahh… Okie-"

James grunts jumping out of the van and looking around the abandoned warehouse. He turns to his driver saluting him, and Tim drove away.

James motioned around and gulped at the sight of the men carrying heavy-duty guns, gesturing him to walk in.

"Okay, T-totally n-not suspicious at all"

Walking to the center of the abandoned warehouse he sees men dressed in black and one with an ominous skull mask. The skull-masked man's back felt as if a mountain looking towering over a small insect, with his menacing eyes damming James' whole living core into an eternal abyss. chills running down James' spine, he takes the tiger artifact out handing it to the skull-masked man. The masked man stoically took the tiger artifact from James' hands carefully analyzing it.

Seeing the skull mask James remembers a crime lord who wears a skull mask and even went up against the legendary Justice League member Batman known as "Black Mask". Black Mask took over a third of Gotham city's crime before and after Batman took over, only getting more powerful after criminal organization allies were taken down.

James knowing Black Mask's background stood still, scared straight he couldn't move an inch.

"So where's my pay?" James asks nervously, knowing he just had really really messed it up.

After looking over the artifact, Black Mask continuously looked over, seeing that marks of the artifact had been crushed slightly. H does not feel any type of sensation from the artifact, black mask breath becomes harsher.

Grunting Black mask crushes the tiger in his hands. "Arghh!"

throwing the dust of the crushed tiger in James' face "You must've tingled with the artifact! I should've known to never trust a named thief since there is no honor among Villains"

"Kaugh! Kaugh!" James coughs from the inhaled dust covering his mouth, suddenly getting kicked in the stomach. "Oo! Kaugh!"

James grunts holding his stomach, his coughing gets worse even coughing up blood. James was reacting to the dust making his body weaker and his skin crawl.

"Tie him! Beat him till he's crippled!" Black mask commands Kicking James in the face.

bleeding on the floor, men surround James, holding bats, pipes, and metal. a rapid amount of hits hitting against James grunting his whole break.

The sound of beating could be heard from far. James wondered if this was it, his only dream wanting to live a joyful life with a family, this dream was getting further and further-- Bam! A hammer hits his head.

James fell Unconscious...

This a rough start. I reset and update this page when things aren't adding up.

Pourlett_kuncreators' thoughts