
Fullmetal Wizard

Edward Elric had seen many wonders in his life, but none of them compared to the magic of his own world. Trapped in a mundane reality, he longed for a way to return to his family and friends. But when he stumbled upon a mysterious portal, he realized that going home would not be easy. He would have to face a dark and dangerous wizarding world, where his alchemy skills would be both a blessing and a curse. Accent Note: Due to the latest complaint on Ed's accent, here's bit o' the guide I have in my head. Please note- His accent gets worse when he's tired, upset, or even just uncomfortable --(Established in earlier chapters, and I didn't want to repeat myself in this regard-- perhaps I should have, given the numerous complaints I've received.) Things like this happen in real life all the time. The more upset he is, the less understandable he is, and the more likely he'll slip into speaking his native language, or even another he knows well. I believe I have already established that it sounds a lot like German, but it's not. It's a made up accent. I started with it in story, and I have to be consistent. I think it takes more than a year to get fluent in a language anyway, even when one is a genius. 'dh', 'd' when there should be a 'th' or a 't' -- means it's a really soft 't' that almost sounds like a 'd' but not quite. ending in 'ink' or even 'int' when it should be 'ing'- the 'g' is a harder than necessary 'g' 'vr' - 'r' at beginning of word. --kind of a like a puff of air right before the 'r' 'v' - 'w' 'vw' - closer to true 'w' usually only when he's calm and rational and can concentrate on pronouncing it right. Your author! llothcat

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117 Chs

Fullmetal Wizard | Chapter 113

Title: Repaying a debt

Ed was not in the hospital wing when Harry returned from the Quidditch field with Professor Mcgonagall, well after dark when the tryouts were over. Nor was he collapsed somewhere in the corridors on the way there as Harry had feared. He returned to Umbridges' room, and knocked on the open door.

"Potter." Professor McGonagall's officious voice called.

He could see she was had several pieces of parchment in her hands. She was peering at them closely with narrowed eyes, and clearly ignoring the screaming yells of Professor Umbridge in the box thing beside her. Harry waited for her to lift her head and look at him.

"Well, Potter?" She said crisply, as she turned her head to the next sheet.

"Wasn't there." Harry said.

"Thank you, you may go."

Ed hadn't returned to the common room by the time the after party the team held for Ron began. George and Fred soon rounded about Harry, and dragged every last detail from him with great enthusiasm.

"Fantastic! "

"This'll be the best publicity yet!"

The last person to join them was Hermione. She smiled at the news that Ron made the team, said "Brilliant! Well done." quite happily, then flopped onto her favorite chair by the fire and sipped her butterbeer. By the time Harry glanced at her again, she was dozing, and her butterbeer was tipping. He sat down next to her and she jerked awake.

"Oh it's you, Harry. Great news about Ron, isnt' it?"

"Yeah. Great. listen Hermione..have you seen Ed?"

"Yeah..He came in the library as I left. He's not back?"

"Haven't seen him. He..um.." Harry then rubbed his left over the still stinging words carved into the back of his hand. "Umbridge had him writing longer sentences than me, and he, um, the past few days he wasn't doing so well..and.."

"Oh, no. He--he doesn't have half his.." Hermione said hurriedly in a whispered gasp. "Thought he looked a bit of pale, but...that awful horrible..I just didn't think of.."

"He was supposed to go to the hospital wing, 'iome. If he made it all the way to the library, he might be...ok..?"

The portait door swung open just then, and Harry glanced up to see who entered. As did many others. By the calls of 'Elric!' coming from the twins, Harry felt relieved. He watched as Ed marched up the stairs that led to the boy's dorms, without a single look at anyone who called his name or invited him to the festivities.

"Not the friendliest bloke is he?" Harry heard muttered. It was one of the Quiddich team members.

Harry's scar began prickling, and he left the party soon after. 'It IS late.' Harry thought as he rubbed at the scar in irritation. Once in the dorm, he saw that the curtains of Ed's bed were drawn closed.

When the next morning arrived, he awoke to barely remembering his dream, something to do with a corridor and a door; Harry was surprised that he was the first to awaken. The morning sun's light, fresh and bright, shined through the windows.

'Strange. Ed's usually up by now.' Harry thought.

He hesitated by Ed's bed for a few moments before he headed out to write a letter, and listened carefully to the soft snores from behind the drawn curtains. He really wasn't wanting to get punched by a sleep-dazed Ed, which he thought was more than likely to happen should he try to awaken him. Especially this early, on a Saturday of all days.

Harry then went out to the common room to begin his daunting task.

Ed had on his usual long sleeved shirt, vest, long pants, and boots. Pocket watch chain hooked on the front loop. Too tired to bother braiding his long hair, he chose to stuff it back into a ponytail instead. He leaned his chin onto his hand soon after he flopped to the bench in the Great Hall. Golden eyes barely open, he greeted Hermione, Ron, and Harry with but a grunt. Then he reached for the coffee pot.

He didn't bother with a mug. He nearly scalded his throat in the process, but when finished, he thunked down the empty pot onto the table. He looked about wistfully for another when his stomach growled loudly, and he instead began to load up a plate with food. He ignored the falling post about him in favor of the scrambled eggs and bits of bread.

"Oh, no! Sirius..!" Hermione gasped. Ed glanced up. "

"What happened?" Harry said

"The Ministry of Magic has received a tip off from a reliable source that Sirius Black, notorious mass murderer..."

"VHAT??" Ed said loudly and looked hard at Hermione, who kept on reading in an anguished whisper.

"..is currently hiding in London.."

"Lucius Malfoy..I'll bet any.."

"SIRIUS is a MURDERER??" Ed gasped, and glared at first Harry, then Ron, and finally at Hermione.

"Shhh...keep it down, Ed." Harry said with a patting motion in the air. "It's a long story..but no, he's.."

Ed slammed his right fist to the table.

"Just. TELL me."

Harry returned his glare from behind his glasses.

"You've kept things from us, Ed, so why should I?"

"DHAT's not..!"

"Shh. Read for yourself." Hermione interrupted, before Ed could really gain volume. She held out the paper to Ed. Ed scowled but took it.

"..dhirteen people..." Ed read aloud in a near whisper, and frowned. Then, he handed the paper back briskly to Hermione and turned back to his eggs.

"He just won't be able to leave the house again. Dumbledore told him not to." Hermione said as she folded her paper and then looked fearfully at Ron and Harry. Harry pointed out another article, which Ron and Hermione discussed with some excitement. Ed pretended to be too focused on his chewing to listen.

'All this time..he never..Sirius never..' Ed thought. 'Even Mustang had pain in his eyes..and Sirius didn't even..

"Right then, I think we should tackle that essay.."

"No. Do dat later. I vant to repay you all first." Ed interrupted in a low voice that immediately got attention. "Is nice day, is perfect for de showing you katas as I promised to you before ve came here."

"But..quidditch.." Ron stammered.

Harry had a sort of stricken look on his face, and he glanced longingly up at the fake blue sky over their heads.

"Will it ..um ..take long?" Hermione said, biting at her lower lip nervously. "I really need to get to the homework..this is our OWL year, and I don't want to fall behi.."

"Ve vill see." Ed interrupted, and narrowed his eyes. "Vhere ever ve go, it vill need lots of soft grass, and very few trees. Courtyard is goot, but vith three of you.. and vith de twins and Ginny.. I dhink more space is better."

"Guess that explains why you didn't bother with the robe, mate." Ron said, and leaned his chin into his hand.

"Well, then..." Harry said with a grin. "Think I know the perfect place."

George and Fred waved them off at the castle entrance, saying they'd join them later with great grins plastered on their faces. Harry and Ron both had these..broomsticks Ed guessed..over their shoulders and walked a bit ahead of him. Hermione was just behind him, looking very much unhappy and even anxious.

"They're going to take advantage..I know it."

Ed heard her say as he once again wrapped his mind about the task immediately ahead: going down the castle stairs. He stopped a moment, took a deep steadily breath, and walked out.

'Getting easier..' he thought as the first of the impulses assaulted him. This time, he found he didn't need to chant the periodical table.


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