
Fulfilling My Lustful Fantasies (Rewrite)

This is a fan rewrite of what I would like to read from Fulfilling My Lustful Fantasies. More fluff, more yandere, more magic, and more lemons incoming.

GrammarNazi69 · Fantasie
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17 Chs

A New Life

It's been a year since I first woke up. As I have noticed earlier, my mother and I are elves. That leaves out the possibility that someone reincarnated me on Earth, as I don't think silver hair with amethyst eyes is common. I don't think elves exist on Earth either.

I'm left with the idea that I'm in a fantasy world, much like the myriad light novels I'd read. When I am awake, I gather as much information as I can; as far as I know, my name is Maelriel. Mom's adoring nickname for me is little Riel. I also have an older sister named Celine. That's about all I know; I don't even know Mom's name yet. For now, she is Mom.

With my poor baby stamina, I'm only awake for an hour or two until Mom feeds me again. I am completely helpless and under her care. Being a baby has its own pros and cons, I suppose. I can't move on my own, feed on my own, and I'm still adjusting to this infant body. Then there are tits. It's a pretty fair balance, if you ask me.

I can't help but be aggressive when I'm breastfeeding. It's not like I was a loser in my previous life. From a positive perspective, I was a model student; from a negative one, a nerd would be the moniker. The most important part of my life was someone who truly cared for me. Every time I remember my father, I want to cry. I guess you could say that I'm taking out my sorrows on my new mother's breasts. I make sure it knows I'm feeling down and need some love.

On a side note, I've also met my older sister Celine. She looked older than me; there might be a three to four gap between us. With the fact that we're elves, I can't be sure. I also have a cradle, which doesn't see any use because I made sure that Mom knows I prefer sleeping with her. Every time she leaves me in the cradle, I have my most sorrowful, heart-wrenching whimper echo forth. Sometimes, she tries to trick me by having me fall asleep with her first before placing me in the cradle. Of course, I solved this by crying as well.

A baby's tears are powerful.

When I fully came to terms that I had reincarnated, I expected I would breeze through the rest of my life. It hit me again. This is a different world. Let me explain myself. Because I could understand them, I thought they'd be using the same alphabet as I did in my previous word. The characters in the books look like runes to me.

I have some relearning to do.

I also discovered the time I was in. I don't see any electronics or signs of electrical technology. Mom has a bow, and we rely on lamps for light.

Comparing my current time to Earth's medieval era would be an apt description. Then again, I am an elf. Also, magic could exist here. It's possible they haven't advanced technologically in this world like in Game of Thrones. After the dragons went extinct, they tried to recreate/resurrect dragons instead of inventing guns and gunpowder. I've yet to see magic, so I need to keep my eyes peeled.

Every time I think about this, I want to hit my past self. I didn't read up on history. The closest would be Shakespeare in AP Literature. Where the fuck would I use Shakespearean knowledge here? I haven't reached the part in this world's history where algebra would be useful. As the days pass, I continue to realize how useless my otherworldly knowledge is. I've tried to remember something that would be useful in my current life. Nothing comes up. I don't readily recall any inventions, discoveries, or formulas aside from the Pythagorean formula and the fact that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. By the way, that isn't entirely true either. Only the real ones would know. Eat shit, plebs. I suppose being an honor student is only good for school, huh?

As I wallowed in despair, I felt hungry again, so I summoned Mom by crying. It wasn't long before she reappeared and picked me up.

"Oh, sweetie, you're hungry again? You sure are an energetic one."

She once again lowered her top, and two charming hills sprang into view.

Credits to Fnatic_Fan-san.

I'm happier with this one today. I'm also considering an original project of my own, but that'll have to come after I finish this one. Happy reading!

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