
FTWS: The Cursed Ones

This fan-fiction is created to continue the Fate: The Winx Saga after the abrupt ending after Season 2. The fan-fiction follows the story rather accurately all until the start of season 2, where i begin taking liberties to slowly start implementing 'The Cursed Ones' organization deeper into the story. Now here is the actual synopsis or something: Lucas Renthrone never particularly liked fairies, partly due to his up bringing but mainly due to fighting against them his entire life. It had been a few years since he had moved to the First World in an attempt to gain control over a large section of it to further his own goals. He was getting close, resting in the abandoned warehouse, disguised as a homeless person in an off chance someone from the Other World starts looking into the oddities taking place in the First World, he dangled his feet off the railing. Watching... As for what he was watching? The fiery haired girl who had entered the warehouse and was slowly taking a seat on the chilly ground. She seem somewhat fun was all he thought as he glanced up and finally noticed him. DISCLAIMER: All characters, concepts, etc; outside of Lucas Renthrone and the organization of 'The Cursed Ones' which are original creations, belong to Netflix or something.

Veilix · TV
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21 Chs

Chapter 19: New Suit

The office was basked in silence for a while as Rosalind meticulously looked over the paperwork on her desk, her pen scratching against the pages as she made notes and corrections. Lucas sat in his usual chair, his fingers drumming an idle rhythm on the armrest as he waited for her to address him. The minutes seemed to stretch on, the only sound the ticking of the antique clock on the wall and the occasional rustle of papers.

Just as Lucas was about to pull out his phone to alleviate the boredom with a game, Rosalind finally looked up, her gaze sharp and assessing as it landed on him. "The Alumni Banquet is coming up," she said, her tone businesslike and brisk. "I will require you to be there at my side. A reformed Cursed One member would make me look good in front of the others, a testament to my ability to guide even the most wayward of souls back to the light."

She leaned forward, her elbows resting on the desk as she fixed him with a pointed stare. "So, I expect you to be on your best behavior. Charming, contrite, and utterly convincing in your newfound dedication to the cause of good. Do you understand?"

The last part was clearly a threat, a reminder of the precarious nature of their arrangement. Lucas met her gaze, his own expression carefully neutral even as his mind raced with the implications of her request. "Still can't believe they are buying me being reformed," he said, a hint of incredulity creeping into his voice. "But of course, a deal's a deal."

He paused, a thought occurring to him. "Although, I don't own a suit in this world. So, I would appreciate it if you could get me something fancy. All white, if possible. Got to look the part of the redeemed sinner, right?" He flashed her a grin, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

Rosalind waved a dismissive hand, already turning her attention back to the papers in front of her. "It has been ordered for a while now. It should arrive tomorrow. You're excused now."

Lucas stood, giving her a mocking bow. "Yes, Headmistress," he said, his tone just shy of insolent. He turned to leave, but her voice stopped him at the door.

"And Lucas?" she called, not looking up from her work. "Remember, your continued presence here is contingent on your usefulness to me. Don't make me regret our little arrangement."

Lucas felt a chill run down his spine at the thinly veiled threat, but he forced a smile onto his face as he glanced back over his shoulder. "Wouldn't dream of it, Headmistress. I know where my bread is buttered, that's a saying you all use right? England colonize you all as well?"

He could see the annoynace in her eyes, and before she could start using her voodoo magic on him, he slipped out of the office feeling a tad bit too proud of getting on her nerves. Now however he needed to plan for the banquet, he should be able to obtain some information from it. In a way, he was almost glad he was now invited to it, but it also meant being under Rosalind's watchful eye, playing the role she had assigned him the entire evening.

As he walked back to his dorm, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was walking a tightrope that kept getting thinner the longer it went, balanced precariously between his own agenda and the demands of those who sought to control him. Rosalind's awareness of Bloom and her friends' involvement in Silva's escape was now a constant weight at the back of his mind, a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

He had bought them some time with his quick thinking, but he knew it was only a matter of time before Rosalind decided to use that information to her advantage. The question was, how? What exactly did she have planned?

Lucas let out a heavy sigh as he entered his dorm, shutting the door behind him and leaning against it for a moment, his eyes closing in frustration. Sometimes, it felt like the more he learned, the less he knew. Knowledge was supposed to be power, but lately, it felt more like a burden, a constantly shifting landscape that he struggled to navigate.

And then there was Bloom. Her reckless, headstrong nature was becoming a liability, a wild card that threatened to upset the delicate balance he was trying to maintain. A part of him wondered if it would be better to cut ties, to leave Alfea and all its intrigue behind. Sure, he would be breaking his deal with Rosalind, losing access to the information and resources she provided. But he would also be free of the constant annoyance, the relentless drama that seemed to follow Bloom and her friends like a shadow.

Groaning, Lucas pushed off from the door and flopped face-first onto his bed, burying his face in the pillow. Life never was easy, he thought bitterly. No matter how much he schemed and plotted, there always seemed to be another obstacle, another challenge waiting just around the corner.

But as he lay there, his mind spinning with possibilities and potential pitfalls, Lucas knew one thing for certain. He wasn't ready to give up, not yet. He had come too far, sacrificed too much, to walk away now. Whatever Rosalind had planned, whatever chaos Bloom and her friends unleashed, he would weather the storm. He would adapt, improvise, and come out on top.

Even if, sometimes, it felt like he was constantly teetering on the edge of disaster, one wrong move away from watching everything he had built come crashing down around him. He would keep moving forward, keep playing the game.

Until he reached the end and emerged victorious. Or went down in a blaze of glory, taking his enemies with him. Either way, he would meet his fate on his own terms, with his head held high and a smile on his face.

Because in the end, that was all any of them could really hope for. To face the chaos and the uncertainty with a semblance of control, a shred of dignity. To leave their mark on the world, for better or for worse.

As he drifted off into a restless sleep, his dreams filled with shadowy figures and whispered secrets, he knew that eventually, everything he was doing would come back to bite him, but for now, he could continue for a little while longer.

The next morning, he examined the white suit that had arrived earlier for him to wear. It was rather spectacular, honestly. He wasn't one to wear suits often, but he could see the attention to detail put into this one.

The suit consisted of a greyish-white jacket, a pure white dress shirt, and suit pants that matched the jacket. Even the tie and pocket square were designed specifically for him, matching the striking color of his silver eyes. Rosalind had evidently been planning this for a while.

Stripping off his usual hoodie, Lucas began to change into the suit. Luckily, his time in Los Angeles in the First World had taught him how to wear a suit correctly, including how to fold a tie and pocket square.

He dressed himself quickly before standing in front of the mirror to put on his tie and inspect his appearance. He had to admit, he looked good. Good enough to almost consider wearing suits more often.

He had even taken the time to shave that morning. Not that he really grew much facial hair, but some stubble would be present if he went a week or so without shaving. Today, however, he had put extra care into his appearance.

His jet-black hair was styled carefully, naturally parted in the middle and slicked back to give it some volume. His face also looked quite handsome. He was typically attractive without putting in much effort, but now, with proper care given to his appearance, he was truly showcasing his good looks. The light scar, which had nearly faded completely on his right cheek - a remnant from his childhood - was honestly the only flaw he could see. But he was sure some people would appreciate that small imperfection, as it made him appear more mature than his actual age.

Just as Lucas was finishing up his attire for the evening and about to head out, a knock on the door interrupted him. He walked over and opened it, only to be met with Bloom, who was not yet dressed for the occasion.

She seemed startled by his transformed appearance. For a second, he thought she might have even mistaken him for someone else, as she glanced at the dorm number before looking back at his face.

"Oh, not you too, Lucas... Why is everyone so hung up on this banquet?" she said as she gently moved past him and into his room. He wanted to respond that he did not really have a choice, but she appeared to have her own agenda.

"Close the door. We need to talk," she stated, taking a seat on his bed and looking him over in his current state.

With a roll of his eyes, Lucas shut the door and turned back towards her, leaning against it. "What's up?"

"We have a plan to break into the east wing. We think that's where Rosalind is keeping information that could help us take her down," Bloom stated as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

"And... am I going to be told the plan?" Lucas questioned, although, from the look in her eyes, he could already tell what the answer would be.

"No... We- I don't trust you enough. While I don't think you would do anything to stop us, I can't tell you the plan without knowing exactly what's going on between you and Rosalind..." she explained. He could see in her eyes that what she really wanted from him was information about his relationship with the Headmistress.

But! He wasn't going to tell her, mainly because it would complicate things even further. And a small, still logical part of his brain didn't fully trust her with that information. "I see... So you came in here to let me know that you guys are planning something to take down Rosalind, and yet you won't fill me in on what exactly the plan is?" he asked, an almost comical look on his face.

"I don't think you like her, which is why I told you. Also, if something doesn't go according to plan, we might need help. I know it's a lot to ask, considering... everything... But will you help us if things come to it?" she questioned, her eyes searching his face.

Lucas narrowed his eyes as he inspected her. Maybe it was just him, but he could swear she had put more effort into her appearance today. Perhaps she was actually getting ready for the banquet after all. Deciding her look as pleasing to the eye, he gave in.

"Fine," he said, finally stopping his action of inspecting her as he turned around and opened the door, walking out and letting it close behind him. Bloom was now alone in his dormroom, he figured she would probably go through his things like she had with Rosalind's office, but he did not have anything there worth hiding.

He walked down the hall, getting some glances from students and workers present for the banquet. It appeared his new look was acceptable, he did feel good having people watch him, and his already large ego was slowly growing even more. He let out a smile as he began trying to figure out what Bloom and her friends had planned, hopefully, it would make the evening more bearable.



We offially broke 30,000 words though, ggs.

Veilixcreators' thoughts