
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 97: Full of Enthusiasm

Encountering Gu Xi often signaled the arrival of trouble. So why not let Gu Xi handle the trouble?

This is called fighting fire with fire!

Lin Yuan felt clever in his strategy.

With Gu Xi joining, everyone's efficiency indeed saw a significant improvement.

Previously, in the Composition Department, they could only rely on Lin Yuan to play the piano accompaniment for everyone, and Lin Yuan was stretched thin.

Now, with Gu Xi's presence, she directly shouldered more than half of the workload, allowing Lin Yuan to occasionally take a break when he felt tired.

"Gu Xi, take a break too."

Seeing Gu Xi busy, the Composition Department students felt a bit embarrassed.

No one expected Gu Xi to be so enthusiastic.

Not only was she willing to help with playing and composing accompaniment, but she also worked exceptionally hard, without taking a break from start to finish!

At the same time, her attitude towards everyone was exceptionally friendly, without a trace of arrogance or aloofness.

"I'm not tired."

Gu Xi smiled in response.

Of course, it's impossible not to be tired. Even someone with a high piano skill would feel exhausted with so many people to help!

But compared to physical fatigue, Gu Xi was unprecedentedly excited mentally—

Music Dad asked for her help!

Not to mention Lin Yuan asking her to play the piano.

Even if Lin Yuan asked her to help with heavy lifting, Gu Xi would absolutely do it without hesitation, rolling up her sleeves and working hard!

Being needed by Music Dad is her honor.

In the circle, countless people vie for the opportunity to help Music Dad, but they don't even get a chance!

Moreover, for Gu Xi, this is the opportunity she has always dreamed of.

The chance to get closer to Lin Yuan!

The chance to please Lin Yuan!

So, Gu Xi even felt grateful to the Composition Department students. If it weren't for them, Lin Yuan might not have needed her at all.

She wasn't afraid of being tired.

She was afraid of being worthless in Music Dad's eyes. How could Music Dad favor someone who had no value?

And in this process, the Composition Department students were quietly talking:

"The rumors are really too dark."

"Gu Xi is actually very approachable."

"She seems as enthusiastic as Lin Yuan."

"Maybe outstanding people are not as unapproachable as we imagine. When Lin Yuan first transferred to the Composition Department, didn't we also think he was a very cold person? It was only after getting to know him that we realized Lin Yuan is really nice."


These words intermittently reached Gu Xi's ears, making her mood even more delightful.

In this way, she should be able to slightly change the negative impression she had in Lin Yuan's heart, right?

She secretly observed Lin Yuan's reaction.

Lin Yuan was comfortably and casually sitting in the chair, resting. He seemed satisfied with both her abilities and attitude.

Gu Xi instantly became more motivated!

Of course, some students vaguely speculated that Gu Xi's willingness to help might be because of Lin Yuan. So, someone quietly asked Lin Yuan why Gu Xi was willing to help.

Lin Yuan shook his head.

How would he know what Gu Xi was thinking?

It's just that Gu Xi had said before that if there was anything he needed, he could just ask.

For Lin Yuan, such things were not surprising.

Because he often heard similar things.

From his memories starting in kindergarten, people around him often said such things, and indeed, very few people refused his requests.

Because others can easily help me, I naturally have to help others as much as possible.

Until 11:40.

Finally, someone suggested, "It's getting late, let's take a break. Lin Yuan and Gu Xi, let's have a meal!"


Lin Yuan became lively.

Seeing Lin Yuan agree, Gu Xi quickly nodded. How could she miss the opportunity to have a meal with Lin Yuan?


There is a cafeteria on campus, and, of course, there are also restaurants.

However, restaurants are a bit more expensive than the cafeteria.

To express gratitude for Lin Yuan and Gu Xi's assistance, this group of people naturally didn't opt for the cafeteria. Instead, they reserved a table at the school's finest restaurant, complete with delectable dishes.

Lin Yuan thoroughly enjoyed the meal.

As they progressed, a variety of post-dinner desserts arrived at the restaurant.

Almost immediately, Lin Yuan's eyes were drawn to the custard jelly among them.

He had a particular fondness for two types of sweets: ice cream and custard jelly.

"This is their specialty."

There were only two portions of custard jelly, and classmates naturally refrained from competing. While introducing the dishes, they distributed the only two portions of custard jelly to Lin Yuan and Gu Xi, the protagonists of the dining table.

Truly delicious.

Lin Yuan happily finished the strawberry-flavored custard jelly, finding himself wanting more.

Observing Lin Yuan's fondness for the custard jelly, nearby classmates awkwardly explained, "This custard jelly is in limited supply; they only make this much every day. Next time, we'll buy it for you."

"I haven't had mine yet."

Almost instinctively, Gu Xi spoke, "If you don't mind, you can have mine..."

Surrounding classmates gradually shifted their gazes towards Gu Xi.

Initially, their looks were somewhat peculiar, but soon they became more understanding.

So, the piano goddess Gu Xi wasn't much different from those other girls in the class who always liked to share their favorite snacks with Lin Yuan.

Not feeling embarrassed by the surrounding glances, Gu Xi was only concerned about Music Dad.

Why should she care about others' opinions?

However, she felt a bit uneasy, reflecting inwardly, "Am I being too deliberate?"

Lin Yuan said, "Okay."

He gladly accepted Gu Xi's kindness.

After all, who would refuse ice cream and custard jelly?

Gu Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed Lin Yuan really liked custard jelly.

Oh right, he also seemed to like ice cream. Yet last time, she dared to compete with him for ice cream...

Is life not good?

After the meal, in the afternoon.

Lin Yuan and Gu Xi continued helping classmates record piano accompaniments, staying busy until the evening. Finally, they completed everyone's piano accompaniments.

Expressions of gratitude flowed as everyone departed.

After everyone left, Gu Xi slumped into a chair.

Having been busy all day, she was exhausted. To make it easier for Lin Yuan, she had taken the initiative to do many things.

However, thinking that her relationship with Lin Yuan had progressed a bit this time, Gu Xi's mood lifted, and she clenched her fist with determination.

"Hold steady."

"Don't be too hasty!"

Encouraging herself and earning Music Dad's approval, Gu Xi recognized that gaining recognition from Music Dad was a long road, and she had enough patience for it.

Meanwhile, at Starlight's company.

Sun Yaohuo, preparing to leave work, suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

"Is Jiang Kui going to make a move again?"

Sun Yaohuo considered himself unbeatable in flattery. The only time he failed was when facing Jiang Kui.

He still couldn't forget the scene where Jiang Kui bought all the milk tea flavors for Lin Yuan.

"This is a formidable opponent."

Sun Yaohuo also clenched his fist.