
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 72: Complaint

The vice president of the Painting Club is named Shen Liang. Normally, he spends his time painting in the adjacent room. Occasionally, when he takes a break, he comes out for a stroll. However, this time, as he emerged, he found a group of people gathered.

This situation was not uncommon in the Painting Club. Whenever a master artist was at work in the hall, many members would surround, hoping to learn some techniques up close. The peculiar thing today was that none of the painting masters had shown up. So, what were these people huddled together for?

Shen Liang decided to investigate.

The crowd parted to make way for him.

With a single glance, Shen Liang laid eyes on Lin Yuan's artwork. His eyes widened momentarily. It wasn't until he looked at Lin Yuan that he suddenly remembered – wasn't this the newcomer he had just called to clean up?

This skill level, from a newcomer? And he claimed to have started learning fine arts this year?

Shen Liang couldn't believe it. The sketching proficiency displayed in Lin Yuan's work was top-notch throughout the entire Painting Club!

However, that wasn't the crucial point.

The crucial point was that the Painting Club now had a new sketching master! Shen Liang took a bold step forward, extending his right hand towards Lin Yuan. "Vice President Shen Liang, on behalf of the Painting Club, I welcome you to join!"

"Hello, Lin Yuan."

Lin Yuan shook hands with him.

Shen Liang glanced around. "The rest of you can go back to your tasks."

The people around took one more look at Lin Yuan's artwork before reluctantly dispersing, leaving only Zhong Yu.

"What are you doing here?" Shen Liang asked.

"This is my spot," Zhong Yu weakly replied.

Shen Liang ignored him and turned to Lin Yuan with a smile. "Your sketching is excellent. If you ever want a quiet place to work, you can use the room next door."

"No need," Lin Yuan refused, then looked at Zhong Yu. "Consider yourself lucky for an hour."

Zhong Yu immediately said, "Master, let me add you to my contacts, and I'll transfer the payment."


Lin Yuan added the contact, receiving a 300-yuan transfer.

"Three hundred?" he questioned.

"Don't be polite, Master."


Lin Yuan nodded.

Beside them, Shen Liang was astonished. "What's this?"

Zhong Yu explained, "I asked the Master to teach me sketching. Two hundred per hour."


It was the first time such a thing happened in the Painting Club. Shen Liang should have criticized it, but afraid of upsetting Lin Yuan, he could only accept it. Having an additional master in the Painting Club was not an easy feat.

"Two hundred per hour?" Others around, who overheard, got excited. "Master, teach me, I'll pay the fee!"

"Next time," Lin Yuan said. Although he wanted to continue earning money, he had classes in the afternoon and limited time.

"Can we talk in private?" Shen Liang asked.

Lin Yuan agreed.

The two went to the adjacent studio. The room was empty, with several easels arranged. Some of them still held unfinished works – sketches, watercolors, even oil and traditional Chinese paintings.

Shen Liang asked, "Can your recent work be displayed on the exhibition wall?"


After Lin Yuan agreed, he got straight to the point, "I heard there are some exhibitions in the Painting Club. Can I participate?"

"With your skill level, of course, you can."

Shen Liang could guess why Lin Yuan joined the Painting Club. "When there's an external exhibition, I'll make sure to notify you in advance."


After adding Shen Liang as a friend, Lin Yuan prepared to go to class. Meanwhile, he summoned the system to check his data.

[Name: Lin Yuan]

[Music: 52345]

[Literature: 19658]

[Painting: 98]

The painting reputation had reached 98. Today's visit to the Painting Club had earned him some reputation, though not a considerable amount, but every bit counts.

This indicated that his strategy was correct.

Gradually gaining reputation from students could also accumulate to a thousand, albeit taking some time.

But that was alright.

As long as there was money to be made, a bit more time was acceptable. After all, this task had a relatively long timeframe.

With this thought in mind...

Lin Yuan returned to the painting club that evening.

Unlike the noon visit where he was immediately tasked with cleaning, this time, upon entering the painting club in the evening, Lin Yuan received nods of acknowledgment from some members.

Evidently, a few members had seen Lin Yuan during lunch and had witnessed his sketching skills.

After entering, Lin Yuan suddenly noticed a large display board on the wall of the painting club.

He hadn't paid much attention during noon.

On this display board were works by the club's masters.

Watercolors, gouache, oil paintings, traditional Chinese paintings, and more, all were represented.

The high-difficulty character sketch Lin Yuan copied during lunch was also on the display board. Moreover, in the blank space on the paper, Lin Yuan's name and the date of creation were written.

After observing for a while, Lin Yuan nodded in approval.

The skills of the club's masters were indeed remarkable; there were several paintings on the display board that Lin Yuan found truly excellent.

Among them was a traditional Chinese painting and an oil painting, both reaching a professional level!

In other words, the skill level of the artists was no less than Lin Yuan's!

Just at that moment.

A voice next to Lin Yuan said, "Master, I've been waiting for you."

Lin Yuan turned to see it was Zhong Yu.

"Teach me," Zhong Yu looked at Lin Yuan with anticipation.

Lin Yuan nodded, "Same rules as before."

"Deal," Zhong Yu readily agreed.

So, Lin Yuan sat down to teach Zhong Yu sketching.

This time, Zhong Yu was the one drawing, and Lin Yuan guided.

Zhong Yu's sketching skills were there, but he lacked some direction for improvement.

With the eyes of a professional sketching master, Lin Yuan could naturally spot his shortcomings at a glance.

So, Lin Yuan began to teach him hands-on.

"Thank you, Master."

After two hours, the teaching finally stopped, and Lin Yuan needed to rest.

Zhong Yu smiled, "I've transferred 400 bucks."

Lin Yuan nodded.

He liked Zhong Yu's attitude.

In the following days, whenever he had free time, Lin Yuan would go to the painting club to boost his reputation. Every time he went, he offered paid teaching.

It seemed Zhong Yu was relatively well-off, as he sought Lin Yuan's guidance the most.

Occasionally, when Zhong Yu wasn't around, Lin Yuan would also teach other club members.

More than just Zhong Yu were willing to pay Lin Yuan to learn sketching.

Of course, the tuition fee for all club members was the same. Lin Yuan treated everyone equally, charging 200 per hour.

And so.

In less than a week, Lin Yuan's name spread throughout the painting club!

The entire club knew that a formidable sketching master had appeared in the association!

However, as Lin Yuan's fame spread, his actions also stirred some controversy.

Some felt Lin Yuan was too mercenary.

While other masters in the club occasionally guided members in painting, they never asked for compensation.

In comparison, Lin Yuan's practice of charging money seemed quite lacking.

Finally, some people couldn't stand it anymore.

A group of individuals directly went to the club president to file a complaint...