
Dream or Past?

He was an Orphan in his previous life, he was always alone, living in the streets, fending for himself, he had no one to drink him the milk when he was just a newborn baby.

It was a miracle on how he survived to date. But he did...

But there is something that neither he nor anyone else knew, The rumor has it when he was born there was a huge snowstorm in the small town.

And the snow always protected him... always.

Thus he named himself as Snow. After the only he thing he knows always protected him

After he grows up, He became a thief, He stole from anywhere and everywhere he could, What could he do though, if he didn't steal, he would have to sleep starving, He was illiterate and no one ever told him there was something called Orphanage or Shelter for beggers like him.

When he was 8 years old, he finally found a Job, a Dark Job that required him to gather some Drugs the client hid in the mountain forest... The pay was Good and he had nothing to refuse it for.

That's where He found her, a Sleeping Child covered within the leaves, there were Dead bodies of a man and a woman someplace ahead. Definitely Killed.

He took the crying Newborn and told the police everything...

He took care of the newborn on his own... without the single reservation.

A few days later, It was found out there was a murder of a rich couple, and the murders were their own relatives, and the new will of the couple was found as well, Their Child's guardian would be able to use the money till she becomes 20.

But oh well she didn't have a guardian, a Kind Officer helped though...

The Kind Officer settles all the process that needs to be read or write...

He became her official Guardian... he named the Girl Arya

That Kind Officer taught Snow how to read, how to write... how to live among people like a human being.

3 Years Later... The Officer died in the line of Duty!!


(Snow at the Age of 11)

Child's toys were shattered in the room... Snow can not get used to seeing Arya with that Sloppy appearance, Sighing, he picked the little girl in his arm at which she laughed and giggled...

He smiled and helped the 3-year-old brush her teeth and take her bath.

She sat on the sofa playing with her barbie, while he does her School dress today is her first day in L.K.G.

"Brother", she asked innocently with big teary eyes, that almost made Snow hug her.

"Yes?", he smiled

"You will be with me the entire time right?"

He chuckled and pinched her cheeks, "Yes, my little princess, I will be Just outside the School waiting for my little princess"

She grins childishly...

He smiled Just content with that one smile...

Snow can't attend the school because of her, but he continued to study, His utmost passion for the study never goes away. he has the money to do it as well, So he became homeschooled.


"What's your name?", ask the teacher

The little girl lowered her head to think a while then looks at the teacher before saying fast "I am called Arya"

After saying, the little Kid then sneaked in her Big Brother bosom, She seems somewhat embarrassed.

Snow touches the small head of Arya, looks at her saying with a voice that only contains love and only love, "Silly child, you wished to come here so much yesterday, now that you are here, you have been shy..."



In the middle of the night he jerked his head here and there, his t-shirt was sweating heavily, he was breathing harder and he was clutching the sheets with his full force.

(Arya At the age of 10) (Great Snowy Mountain)

Snow ran through the hill of the Great snowy mountain, "wait, Arya!"

"You can't catch me!" the little girl laughed in joy as she ran between the rocky snowy path

Snow's eyes were wide opened as he saw his sister's dead body covered in blood

"ARYA", he yelled and ran towards her. Only to stop in his footsteps as a Gigantic king statue appeared

"She wasn't worthy of our powers, prove that you are worthy, and you shall inherit our powers"

"Black and blue, the emissaries of frost hung from thy lips, thy brow and thy nose. A subtle shift when the temperature slides accelerating after sundown becomes the first signal to the inhabitants of the tundra. Winter approaches by degrees to fall from Autumn's crisp cold leaf turning. The man who is capable of single-handedly changing the temperature of the environment understands winter's passion. He is the Avatar of Winter's Desire."

That was the last thing he heard...

He fell to the ground...


(Massacre of Uzushio)



Left and right, up and behind, everywhere was a dead body of Red Hairs Uzumaki's

Civilians...Shinobis...Woman...Children...Everyone every single one of them was killed like a chicken

In the middle of it, One red hair boy was running left and right... trying to protect as many as possible...

That red-haired boy's name was Uzumaki Yoshiro.

He spotted a little child, younger than him... probably at the same age as that of his nephew...He ran up to the little boy as fast as possible.

"Are you alright?...Go and run catch the boat and may-", Yoshiro was talking to a boy when suddenly


The explosion occurred and the boy was blown to pieces and Yoshiro managed to come out... although hurt, though still alright.


He looked here and there...everyone was dying, Once a great clan is on the Verge of Extinction


He fell on his back, because of the destruction that happened...

He stood up though, he didn't have the time to be idle at the moment...he needs to save his family.

He skillfully dodged several blows and ran towards his house.

A Woman holding a newborn came out with blood all over her, "How is the condition outside"

"It's not safe, we are not getting out of here anymore, use the forbidden seal on our son..!!"


"Our Son is already going to die either way, either like this or through the hand of the Shinobis outside, This is his only chance of survival"

There were tears in the woman's eyes, "But... But"

He gently cupped his wife's cheeks, "There is no other way, this is what we have to do, as a mother this is what you have to do, and as a father, this is what I have to do"

The Woman with the tears ran inside

The Boy stood outside, waiting for the enemy to come here, He was determined to die.


She put a teleportation seal on her child made by her cousin Kushina, this will transfer him to Konoha, safe and sound, but he is still too young for this, so the seal won't work, she put another seal, capturing and freezing his body in a ice block, while his soul went through space and time to be born again.

In Order for the Ice to never Block or melt, she used the forbidden seal, the seal that uses Natural Energy in order for it to perform.

Once the child grows 18 years Old, the seal will be broken, 18 years later, their child will come back to this world again. This is his destiny, his home after all. However it may happen, but after 18 years, he will come back. And wherever his soul may be, she prayed that he gets really great people to look after him.

And they did come inside...

She died that day...


It was Rumor that the Joint Shinobi Alliance tried to destroy or melt the Ice for a month. But nothing happened and in the end, they left the ice alone.

The Ice Block sucked in the Natural energy, and the Body naturally sucked in the natural energy as well.

And after a few years, the body started to passively absorb the Heat, and he becomes the natural-born sage.

With so much Natural Energy, and covered in Ice seal, His ice affinity Improved by leaps and bounds.



He kept jerking his head...

The Huge white eyes appeared behind the snowstorm 'I am waiting for you'

He opened his eyes


With a gasp of breath, He woke up, His shirt sticking to his moist skin from the perspiration on his body.

His hand traveled through his head, "The same dream Yet again"

'I am waiting for you'

He gritted his teeth, he has had enough, "WHERE ARE YOU... Just where the heck are you", he smiled wryly and great disdain at himself "... I am Going Crazy... Just who am I talking to anyway"


"Wake up Naruto"

"Ugh... Just 5 more minutes", Naruto grumbled in his sleep

"Sigh... Naruto wake up, today the trip is going to depart, You don't wanna be late don't you"

"AAAGGHH... Why didn't you wake me up before Nii San"

Yuki Shrugged, "I wonder if you will ever be on time without me"

"Hee-Hee, See you later Nii San", Naruto grin and ran out waving his hand,

Yuki Smiled and went back to clean the table. Sometimes he wondered if he became the mother of the house.

"Naruto Wait, your Travel Bag", Definitely the mother


(At the Dango Shop)

"For the umpteenth time Yugao I am not going to Kiri"

"Who said about this, I am just here to have my Dango, I am your customer aren't I"

"Yugao, if you aren't here for that, then why the hell are you stalking me from the morning... From the morning Yugao, From the morning"

Yugao grin, "Because It's fun teasing you, and I got the holiday from my duties as the ANBU Guard"