
Frozen Emotions

As soon as Asher Singh entered the hotel room, Klondike got up from the bed. She stared at him with her sharp eyes and slammed the door. It was twelve o'clock at night, and the suburbs of the city were in a strange, mysterious silence.

Klondike sat up on the couch. Asher Singh, who was probably untying the tangled threads of his scattered thoughts, was standing in a corner with a sword in his hand. A few moments passed in silence like this. After a while, Klondike did not like his posture, and she started shaking both her legs by hanging them from the bed. Asher Singh still did not say anything.

Klondike was a woman with full arms and legs. Wide chubby buttocks, a very high chest full of sagging flesh, sharp eyes, gray dust of hair on the upper lip, the structure of the chin showed that she was a woman of large stature.

Asher Singh was standing quietly in a corner with his head down. His tightly tied turban was coming loose. His hands, which were holding swords, were a little shaky, but his stature and character showed that Klondike was the most suitable man for a woman like Kaur.

A few more moments passed in silence like this, and Klondike burst into tears. But with sharp eyes, she could only say, "Ashersian." Asher Singh raised his head and looked at Klont Kaur, but Karmana could not bear the bullets in his eyes and turned to the other side. Klondike shouted, "Asher Sian." But he immediately raised his voice and got up from the bed and walked towards her, saying, "Where have you been for so many days?"

Asher Singh moved his tongue over his dry lips. "I don't know."

Klondike was roasted. "Is this also an answer?"

Asher Singh threw the sword aside and lay down on the bed. He seemed to be ill for several days. Klondike looked at the bed. The answer was full of Asher Singh. A feeling of empathy arose in his heart. So he put his hand on her forehead and asked lovingly, "Johnny, what happened to you?"

Asher Singh was looking at the ceiling, took his eyes off him and started caressing the familiar face of Klondike Kaur.

There was pain in the voice. The whole summit of Klondike came to her upper lip. "Yes, Johnny," she said, biting him with her teeth.

Asher Singh took off his turban. Klondike looked at the cover with supportive eyes, slapped hard on his fleshy hip and shook his head and said to himself, "This link or brain is bad."

The shock opened his case. Klondike began to comb them with her fingers. In doing so, he asked with great affection, "Asher Sian, where have you been for so many days?"

"The house of the evil mother" Asher Singh stared at Klondike and suddenly started rubbing his bulging chest with both hands.

"I swear Wahguru is a very lively woman."

Klondike shook Asher Singh's hand to one side with a sigh and asked, "Tell me my oath, where are you ...?" Were you a citizen? "

Asher Singh, combing his hair in a single wrap, replied, "No."

Klondike's cover went up. "No, you must have gone to the city ..." And you have stolen a lot of money that you are hiding from me. "

"Let him not be the seed of his father who lied to you."

Klondike remained silent for a while, but immediately erupted, "But I don't understand, what happened to you that night ...?" The good ones were lying with me, you were wearing all the jewels you had brought back from the city. My aunts were taking me, but as soon as I left, what happened to you, I got up and went out dressed.

Asher Singh's color turned yellow. Seeing this change, Klondike said, "Look how the color turned blue ... Asher Sian, by Wahguru, is there something black in the lentils?

"I swear to you, nothing."

Asher Singh's voice was lifeless. Klondike's suspicions grew stronger, he pursed his upper lip and said one word at a time, "Asher Sian, what's the matter?" Aren't you the one you were eight days ago today? "

Asher Singh sat up suddenly, as if someone had attacked him. Wrapping Klondike in his strong arms, he began to whimper with all his might. "Johnny, I am the same ..." Less and less, the heat of your bones ... "

Klondike didn't resist, but she kept complaining. "What happened to you that night?"

"That's what happened to the evil mother."

"Won't you tell me?"

"Let me know if there's anything."

"Burn me with your hands if you lie."

Asher Singh put his arms around her neck and pressed his lips to hers. When the hair of the mustache got into the nostrils of Klondike, he sneezed. They both started laughing. Asher Singh took off his chair and looking at Klondike Kaur with lustful eyes said, "Come on, let's play a game of cards!"

Sweat dripped down Klondike's upper lip, and with a sigh he rolled his eyes and said, "Let's go and bury."

Asher Singh clicked hard on her full hip. Klontkor shrugged and moved to one side, "Don't do it, Asher Sian, I'm in pain." Asher Singh stepped forward and pressed Klontkor's upper lip under his teeth and started gnashing. Klondike's core melted. Asher Singh took off his shirt and threw it away and said, "Look, let's go back ..."

Klondike's upper lip began to tremble, Asher Singh grabbed Klondike's shirt with both hands and took it off as he took off the skin of a goat and set it aside, then stared at his naked body. He looked at her and pressed her arm loudly and said, "Klont, by Wahguru, she is a very strong woman." Klond began to see the red spot on her arm. ''

Asher Singh smiled in his thick black mustache, "Let oppression happen today?" And by saying this he started inflicting more oppression. Klondike's upper lip gritted under his teeth. Cut off the earlobes, slam the bulging chest, slap the raised hips to make a sound. Kisses all over the cheeks. Sucking, he spat all over his chest. Klondike began to boil like a pot on high heat.

But Asher Singh, in spite of all these tricks, could not generate heat in himself. No matter how many falls and bets he remembered, he used them all like a wrestler, but none of them worked. Klondike, who had all the strings of his body ringing and ringing automatically, was annoyed by the unnecessary teasing and said,

As soon as he heard this, the whole deck of cards slipped from Asher Singh's hand. Panting, he lay down on the side of Klondike's corpse, and a cold sweat began to form on his forehead. Klondike tried hard to keep him warm. But failed, so far everything was happening without saying a word, but when the limbs waiting for Klondike's body became very frustrated, she got down from the bed in a rage. There was a chador on the front peg, he took it off, covered it quickly and swelled his nostrils, and said in a scattered tone, "Asher Sian, who is the illegitimate daughter, with whom you have stayed for so many days." Who squeezed you? "Asher Singh lay on the bed panting and did not answer.

Klondike began to boil with rage. "I ask?" Who's up Who is that fatwa Who is that thief? "

Asher Singh replied in a tired tone, "No one, Klont, no one."

Klondike put her hand on her full hips and said with a determination, "Asher Sian, I will live the lie today, I know the truth ... I swear by Wahguru Ji ... Is there no woman in her womb?" ''

Asher Singh wanted to say something, but Kalwant Kaur did not allow it. "Before swearing, think that I am the daughter of Sardar Nihal Singh ..." I will weed, if you lied ... Now swear by Wahguru Ji ... Isn't there a woman at the bottom of it? "

Asher Singh nodded in affirmation with great sadness. He grabbed the sword from the corner, removed the scabbard like a banana peel, threw it to one side and hit Asher Singh. There were fountains of blood on his face. When Klondike Kaur was not satisfied with this, he started scratching Asher Singh's case like wild cats. At the same time, she kept abusing her unknown yarn. After a while, Asher Singh pleaded, "Let go now, Klont!" Let it go

There was a sigh of relief in her voice, and Klondike retreated.

Blood dripped from Asher Singh's throat and fell on his mustache, he opened his trembling lips and looked at Klondike Kaur with mixed eyes of gratitude and hug. ''my darling! You did it in a hurry ... But that's fine. "

Klondike's jealousy flared up again. "But who is your mother?"

The blood reached Asher Singh's tongue, and when he tasted it, a tingling sensation ran through his body.

''and I... and I... I have killed my sister or six men ... With the same sword ... "

There was only another woman in Klondike's mind. "I ask, who is that illegitimate daughter?"

Asher Singh's eyes were blurred, a slight gleam appeared in them and he said to Klont Kaur, "Don't curse this pimp."

"I ask, who is he?"

A voice cracked in Asher Singh's throat. "I'll tell you." Saying this, he turned his hand on his neck and smiled when he saw his living blood on it. "Man is a mother or a strange thing."

Klondike was waiting for an answer. "Asher Sian, then talk about the meaning."

Asher Singh's smile spread even more in his bloody mustache. "I'm just talking ..." My mother or I ... Now I will tell the whole thing slowly. "

And when he began to speak, cold sweat began to form on his forehead.

"Klondike!" my darling... I can't tell you, what happened to me ...? Man is a link or a strange thing ... When I returned to the city, like everyone else, I took part in it. I gave you whatever jewelry and money you could find ... But I didn't tell you one thing. "

Asher Singh felt pain in the wound and started moaning. Kalwant Kaur did not pay attention to him. And asked ruthlessly. "What?"

Asher Singh blew the blood that had accumulated on his mustache and said, "The house on which ... I stormed in ... There are seven ... There were seven men in it ... Six i Killed ... With the same sword with which you gave me ... Leave it Listen ... A girl was very beautiful ... I picked it up and brought it with me. "

Klondike listened quietly. Asher Singh once again blew blood from his mustache. "Klont Jani, what can I say to you, what a beauty ..." I would have killed him too, but I said, "No, Asher Sian, Klont Kaur enjoys it every day, taste this fruit too."

Klondike Kaur simply said, "I am ...!"

"And I put it on my shoulder and walked away ..." On the way... What was I saying? Yes on the way Near the canal track, I laid it under a few bushes ... At first I thought that I would crack, but then I thought that no ... "Asher Singh's tongue dried up while saying this.

Klondike swallowed his saliva and cleared his throat and asked, "What happened then?"

The words barely came out of Asher Singh's throat, "I ... I dropped the address ... But ... but ... "

Her voice drowned out.

Klondike shook his head: "What happened then?"

Asher Singh opened his closing eyes and looked at the body of Klondike, whose body was throbbing. ''They... She was dead ... The body was ... absolutely cold meat ... Johnny give me your hand ... "

Klondike put his hand on Asher Singh's hand, which was colder than ice.