
Frost's Greed (Marvel)

Everyone follows Xavier, the idealist. Everyone worships Magneto, the extremist. None dare to disrespect Apocalypse, the militarist. But what about the final of the big 4. The one who has lost their students at every turn. The one that walks down the darkest path and is unwilling to put their faith in none outside of their circle of trust. The one that cares not about how humans view mutants nor about the infighting of others. Whose only true care is for the students. This is not a story about her but about a student of hers that believes in her ideas and teachings. Not about peaceful coexistence or mutant supremacy or survival of the fittest. To strive for a brighter tomorrow, even if they have to make it through the blackest night. This is the story of one boy following learning how to be a mutant in a world that hates him under the teachings of the White Queen. He will go from an inexperienced kid to one of the most important mutants in the world ------------ I'm guaranteeing this story for a year, averaging a chapter per day (major holidays may get no chapter or more chapters.) This means that this will be my longest and most secure story, and hopefully the best, on the site. *Warnings! Warnings! Warnings!* - This takes place in an AU of Marvel. So while most things will remain similar to what most people are familiar with, there will be some changes (Some characters being mutants or mutates, etc) - He will start off weak power-wise. He will become very powerful eventually but not for now. He must earn the crowd's favor. - This will be a harem.

BoredAsura · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Issue #18

The armies were teleported once more but this time was slightly different. The main bodies of the armies were teleported outside of the gates of the city of Asgard while the 10 strongest members of the alliance and leaders of the Cabal were brought to the royal arena where Thor and his siblings would spar with one another.

The sands were from a beach lost to time of Asgard that could withstand the heat of stars and block bullets. The golden pillars were made of Adamantine bought from the greek gods. Whitestone seats that were stolen from the Japanese pantheon projected barriers to ensure those watching were not hurt by the battle.

This was truly the most luxurious training arena in the 9 Realms.

"Dibs!" Jack cried out when he saw the arena

The other turned to look at him with confusion on their faces.

"Since we are already moving around ownership of some stuff, I figured I could call dibs on this place. I mainly want the pillars since they would look great in my throne room."

"Not how it works. When this becomes my new kingdom, I plan to have beach parties here," Loki replied with a smirk

"How about we split it then? Jack can have the pillars, you can keep the sand, and I will take the stone to make statues outside of my goddess' temple. Everyone gets something then," Morgan tried to compromise

"You all forget that Doom fails to receive anything in this exchange," the metal man cut into their conversation

"You have an entire Realm of rare resources and materials. I'm sure you will find a way to get something close to what we are getting. I agree, Morgan," Loki said from the side

"While this has been bloodcurling to listen to, I believe that there is still one more match before any of you can split anything in this realm," Sif spoke up from the side

It was then that the Cabal turned and realized that the matches were still going on. Loki still had to win her match in order for their side to have a complete victory. But none of them were worried about Loki. They had already sent out the only two Loki would have had a hard time defeating.

"Send your champions forward. The rest, take a seat in the stands."

Gaea's words were not to be disobeyed. The Cabal walked over to their seats while the Alliance members did the same. Since Thor was barely conscious and could not really move, Sif and Heimdall carried him to his seat.

Loki took to the center of the arena but looked around in mock surprise. Although she knew who she would be fighting, she still decided to put on the show.

"Where is your last champion, Father? Are they too scared to emerge?" Loki taunted

"He shall be here soon, Loki. Be grateful for these last moments that you shall have," Odin threatened his child

The group waited for a few moments before they could hear loud thuds. As the thuds got closer, they became louder and louder. The people turned to the entrance of the arena and saw the person they had least expected.

Odin and Frigga had kept him under lock and key. This was because of his destiny. When their first born child died, he would bring with him the next Ragnarok.

But this did not stop him from occasionally sneaking out to cause trouble with his other siblings. Because of this, his parents placed a powerful spell on him. While in Asgard, his body, mind, and soul were immune to all harm except for one weakness. This made him Asgards strongest shield yet weakest blade.

Due to his history and his destiny, he had earned many titles over the years. The Golden One,Death-Bringer, The Good, The Loyal, The Gentle, The Bold, The true, The Protector, The Protector of all living things, Asgard's Last Hope.

Loki smiled as she saw her oldest brother emerge from the shadows and enter the arena.

"Balder. What a surprise?"

Balder smirked as his little sister

"Do not bullshit me, Loki. With your schemes, I am sure that you have planned for this. Which is why you must be carrying a mistletoe with you in order to slay me," Blader replied indifferently

Loki frowned when she heard that. Blader had been the only sibling she could not consistently trick. He had fallen for Loki's games once and had never fallen for them again. The one she feared the most.

Loki pulled out a couple of daggers made from mistletoe from her sleeves before pointing them at her brother.

"You are right. I was prepared for you, 'Asgard's Last Hope'. I have been planning for thousands of years. I have planned for everything! I have tried for all these years to become the ruler of Asgard. And I will not let anyone stand in my way! Not Father! Not Thor! Not you! Let this be your chance to stand down now before I cut you down."

Loki's voice got more passionate and desperate as she spoke. She was moments away from accomplishing her goal. And she was afraid of it all falling apart right before the finish line.

"Alright. I surrender then."

The tense atmosphere instantly froze. Everyone was stunned. From the Cabal, to the Alliance, to Gaea, and even Loki standing in front of him. Balder had stunned them all.

"You... you what?" Loki asked with a puzzled expression

"I surrender. But not because I am afraid of those little knives you have. Because you have indeed be wronged," Balder replied with a smile before turning to Odin. "You never gave Loki a chance, Father. Even before all this, you still never thought of her as your successor. And look at what she has done." Balder indicated all around him

Odin looked furious and wanted to speak up but Balder continued before he could

"She has made an alliance that has conquered 3 of the 9 Realms within a day. Something that not even you could do. She has plotted and planned so perfectly that even you could not see through him. Her magic surpasses all of those is Asgard except for your own. But you have never thought of her as the next ruler, even knowing what she is capable of.

So I shall stand aside. I shall watch her rule and only then shall I judge her as a ruler. Because face it, Father. Out of all your children, she is the best among us to rule."

He then pointed at the other Asgardians.

"What has Loki done that none of us have? Waged war on other Realms or planets? Thor and anyone that idiot calls a friend consistently did that. Sneak into forbidden locations, Thor and myself. Caused serious harm to a sibling? Every single Asgardian with a sibling should be raising their hands."

Balder walked over to the stunned Loki and raised her right hand to the sky

"I present to you, the new ruler of Asgard. Loki Odindóttir, Goddess of Stories, Mistress of Strategies, Queen of Asgard!"

Loud cheers could be heard inside of the arena. But the cheers did not stop there. They could be heard from the tallest tower in the realm to the lowest rut. Balder's speech was heard all throughout Asgard thanks to the Cabal.

Now the entire Realm knew, they had a new Queen.

"The Fourth round shall go to Loki Odindóttir and Asgard shall be under her rule for the next 100 years! Odin shall not be involved in any wars or rebellions against any of the 4 Realms which have won the War of Realms tonight. Odin shall only be allowed to bring harm to a citizen of one of these Realms if they bring harm to him and can only harm them in the same capacity in which they have harmed him. This I decree!"