
From Weak Lord to King of The World

Transported to the medieval era, I became a noble named "Field." My cheap father is like a candle in the wind, not long for this world, and my beautiful stepmother is a beast among beasts. At the start, the protagonist is sent to a corrupted land filled with poverty and monsters. Fine, you want to play this way? I won't be the good guy anymore! I'll develop and plunder simultaneously!

VawterMOSE · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Chapter 9: The Blessing of the Winter Goddess

She transitioned from malnutrition to a sub-healthy state, and her unawakened status changed to being ready for awakening. This meant that with the use of an awakening crystal, Field could immediately gain a Chosen One!

"Master, is there something you need?" Asheena asked nervously, fidgeting with her small hands.

Having eaten meat for ten days straight, Asheena now had a very favorable attitude toward Field. Before being captured, she had lived a hard life, foraging for wild grass to eat. Now, under the care of this peculiar noble, she enjoyed lavish meals daily. Perhaps this was the unpredictability of life, full of surprises.

"What is this?" Asheena asked.

"It's an awakening crystal, a treasure that cost me sixty gold coins," Field replied with a twinge of pain, considering he only had five hundred gold coins in total. "Every year on Awakening Day, the empire uses these to find Chosen Ones."

A single awakening crystal could test nearly a thousand people.

"Do you really believe I am a Chosen One?" Asheena was taken aback. "Um... let's not joke about this."

"Close your eyes and feel it. I have received a divine message; you don't need to worry," Field lied convincingly, placing the crystal ball in front of Asheena.

Although Asheena didn't believe she was a Chosen One, she didn't want to disappoint Field. Over the past few days, she had come to see him as a very different kind of noble, at least one who treated her well.

As soon as her hands touched the crystal ball, countless blue starlights surged out, forming the elegant and serene figure of a goddess.

"The Winter Goddess!" The humanoid slaves immediately recognized her as their deity. "My God! Asheena is the Chosen One of the Winter Goddess!"

The slaves immediately knelt down, trembling with excitement and eager to offer their hearts.

Field, witnessing such a spectacle for the first time, was equally thrilled and broke out in a sweat. This was a true divine miracle.

Blue starlight converged into intricate runes. Asheena instinctively reached out to touch them. The light gradually gathered, finally etching itself onto the back of Asheena's hand.

Simultaneously, Asheena's body underwent a transformation. She grew taller, her legs becoming more shapely and flawless. Her skin turned as white as snow, her expression icy, and her crimson eyes exuded a cold aura. Her features became more refined, her beauty increasing by thirty percent.

She now exuded a powerful, disdainful, and seductive aura—an inherent allure.

"I have truly become a Chosen One. Master, how did you do it?" Asheena asked, her mouth agape in disbelief, filled with reverence for Field.

It's common knowledge that the appearance of a Chosen One is unpredictable. Even the Empress of the Holy Griffin Empire couldn't ensure her own daughter would become one.

The other slaves were also incredulous. They had assumed that Field was merely training a plaything, but now he had indeed produced a Chosen One.

A Chosen One is a divine decree.

The slaves began to speculate that Field was favored by the gods, and their reverence for him grew.

"It was nothing," Field modestly waved it off, pretending to be humble. He then turned to address everyone. "Now, who among you still worries about our journey to the North and opposes my plan to develop the territory?"

Everyone exchanged glances, but no one dared to speak up.

"Trust me, as long as you do your jobs well and complete my tasks, I will not only grant you freedom but also ensure you live a life free of want," Field announced loudly.

"Please, let me sign the contract with you," Asheena suggested proactively. Field had mentioned earlier that she would become a Chosen One to help develop the Nightfall Domain.

"Of course, it is destined," Field said, pretending to be a divine seer.

The process of forming a contract was simple. Asheena activated the power of the runic mark, linking herself with Field to establish the contract.

After sealing the divine contract, Field produced the slave contracts. Although the slave marks had been cleansed by the Chosen One's purification ability, Field still went through the formalities, tearing up the slave contracts and declaring Asheena a free citizen of the Nightfall Domain.

Asheena smiled radiantly and raised her hand, transforming the rune into a large black dragon wolf that leapt from the void. Covered in jagged scales that glinted coldly, the beast frightened everyone present.

"What is this?" Field was stunned.

"A dragon wolf, a mount gifted by the goddess," Asheena replied, adjusting her hair with an air of elegance. "I've also gained many combat skills."

After becoming a Chosen One, one might receive various strange treasures, which could remain even after the Chosen One's death. The Ross family owned a sixth-tier divine spear from a deceased Chosen One named "Blood Rose," which was the origin of the Ross family name.

Field opened Asheena's status panel.

**Name:** Asheena 

**Level:** First-tier Chosen One 

**Class:** Wolf Cavalry 

**Divine Skill:** Extremely Cold Killing Spear 

**Legion Skill:** Howling Assault (100% increase in charge power for subordinate cavalry)

Asheena's combat power had soared. Her dragon mount alone could rival a third-tier knight with combat energy.

With newfound strength, Field felt emboldened. He no longer feared his stepmother or brother; he would eventually crush them.

Field smiled. "Now, let's visit the barracks and armory."

Near the city wall, Field noticed small skull icons on the map, which were moving.

"There are some corrupted creatures here," Field announced, drawing his sword. "Helping the local lord eliminate corruption is a duty of every imperial noble."

Lighting a holy fog lamp purchased from the church, its sacred glow dispelled much of the gray fog, protecting the slaves from the deadly miasma.

"I feel the power of the Chosen One," Asheena said, pointing to the golden lamp in Field's hand.

Field blinked. "No doubt about it. Too bad I don't know how the church makes these. It's a lucrative business—each lamp costs 25 gold coins and lasts only 30 days."

Inside the fort, Field instructed his ragtag group of slaves to stay together. Without military training, they were best kept in a tight group.

Asheena gently pushed open the barracks door, revealing two armored zombie soldiers without weapons, likely infected by the gray fog before they could arm themselves.

"Kill them!" Field ordered, eyeing the sturdy armor on the corpses. "Try not to damage the armor."


Asheena kicked open the wooden door and rushed in, her movements precise and deadly. Becoming a Chosen One had greatly enhanced her physical abilities and combat skills.