
From Weak Lord to King of The World

Transported to the medieval era, I became a noble named "Field." My cheap father is like a candle in the wind, not long for this world, and my beautiful stepmother is a beast among beasts. At the start, the protagonist is sent to a corrupted land filled with poverty and monsters. Fine, you want to play this way? I won't be the good guy anymore! I'll develop and plunder simultaneously!

VawterMOSE · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Chapter 4: The Slave Bought Turns Out to Be...

Field had considered buying more slaves but was short on funds.

Surviving in the death fog required anti-fog lamps, a magical item sold exclusively by the church at high prices. Plus, the upkeep for over two hundred people wasn't cheap.

"How did it go? Did you get the loan?" Field hurriedly asked as he saw the butler coming out of the merchant guild, but Kaa's sour expression gave him the answer.

"Sorry, sir. Even the greediest merchants won't lend to us. The Northern Frontier Province is synonymous with death, and no merchant wants to take a loss."

"But I only received my appointment today. How are the merchants so well-informed?" Field had planned to take out a loan, thinking if he died in the North, it wouldn't need to be repaid. If he survived, repayment would be easy.

Kaa rolled his eyes, not in the mood to serve a nobleman about to die. Had he not caught the Countess in an affair with a groom, he might have had a promising career in Golden Eagle City. Now he was off to die in the cursed land.

"Because your sister preemptively warned the merchants in the city. Anything you buy will cost ten times more."

Field wiped his sweat, thankful he hadn't used his real name when buying slaves, or the price would've been much higher.

"Damn, thanks a lot, dear sister." Field's veins bulged in anger.

Everyone treats me like I'm nothing?

The original owner of his body had no savings. A third went to the family treasury, and the rest to the border fortress for weapons against corrupted creatures. He was the poorest noble.

"Forget the loan. It's the merchants' loss." Field shrugged. "Now, let's buy some supplies."

Field spent 180 gold coins on draft horses, farming tools, food, and books—17 horses, all old and weak. Horses were vital in the medieval world, strictly controlled by lords. The food barely enough for modern people for half a month would suffice for slaves, who survived on a black bread mixed with bark and sawdust.

"Magic items will be cheaper at the border city. Those sly officers often sell at a discount," he thought, knowing how medieval armies often sold soldiers' equipment for extra money.

Originally, Field wanted to hire some talent or mercenaries from the tavern, but upon hearing their destination, they refused.

"That place is a death sentence."

"You'd be better off fleeing to another country. Even cockroaches would struggle to survive there."

The mercenaries' warnings echoed in Field's mind. He glanced at the beast-eared girl curled up in the hay cart and wondered what was special about her.

After resting at an inn for a night, Field called the beast-eared girl the next morning.

"What's your name? Did you sleep well?" Field examined the 50-silver-coin slave, amused by her bewildered look.

"A... Asheena."

It took Asheena a while to finally utter her name. She hadn't spoken in a month.

She had been living in constant fear, waiting for fate to befall her, never expecting to have a normal conversation again. After being carefully cleaned by the maids, the beast-eared girl looked completely different. Her matted and dried fur was now smooth and glossy, cascading down like pure white snow. Paired with her delicate features, she appeared calm and elegant, fitting Field's preference for mature beauties. However, her constantly twitching wolf ears and tail clearly showed her anxiety.

After stating her name, the green dot above Asheena's head disappeared, replaced by a simple status panel:

- Name: Asheena

- Level: Unawakened

- Advancement Path: Wolf Cavalry, The Chosen

- Status: Malnourished, Nearly Collapsed

(Please provide nutrition!)

"Holy crap!" Field couldn't hold back his surprise and exclaimed.

The green dot was actually an unawakened The Chosen! Field was stunned and speechless for a moment. Since the map could mark a green dot, it definitely wouldn't just mark it once!

Every year on September 1st, the nation held an Awakening Day where every eligible female had to be tested. Though the chances of awakening as The Chosen were extremely slim, the immense value they held made the expenditure of substantial resources worthwhile.

Field excitedly paced back and forth, then pumped his fists. His abilities undoubtedly held great potential. This time, going to Nightfall Domain might actually allow him to establish a foothold.

Seeing Field's strange behavior, Asheena mistakenly thought he was plotting some cruel torture for her. She trembled with fear, her skirt clutched and released repeatedly, uncertain of what awaited her.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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