
From Weak Lord to King of The World

Transported to the medieval era, I became a noble named "Field." My cheap father is like a candle in the wind, not long for this world, and my beautiful stepmother is a beast among beasts. At the start, the protagonist is sent to a corrupted land filled with poverty and monsters. Fine, you want to play this way? I won't be the good guy anymore! I'll develop and plunder simultaneously!

VawterMOSE · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Chapter 34: The Sinister Treasure of Maple Leaf City

At auction, a rare Black Pearl wine could fetch twenty times its base value, generally fluctuating around 550 gold coins. However, the auction house would take a 10% commission, and a portion would go to the nobles as a goods tax, leaving a maximum of 400 gold coins in hand through this method. By selling directly to nobles in bulk, Field avoided any taxes.

A price of 500 gold coins was already quite generous.

"My friend, could I buy that rat monster's skull? I'll give you 20 gold coins. I hope to hang this heroic trophy in my collection room," Simon asked.

"Of course," Field pretended to be reluctant, suppressing a laugh. His story had clearly moved Simon, but in reality, this old rat monster had lasted less than three minutes against Asheena and was worthless to him. Field gave a thumbs up, "A noble identity needs excellent collectibles to match. I believe it still carries the divine power of a miracle."

After completing his trading route, Field obtained a total of 5,020 gold coins, a harvest that could only be described as terrifying.

But Field didn't foolishly take all the gold coins with him. Instead, he paid 30 gold coins to deposit 3,000 of them in the royal treasury established by Maple Leaf City. This was both a gesture of goodwill towards cooperation with Maple Leaf City and a precaution against being robbed upon leaving.

Field was well aware that despite Simon's current generosity, he might secretly be scheming to reclaim the money.

"Maple Leaf City earns and spends within Maple Leaf City; don't even think about taking a penny home."

"Baron Field, it was a pleasure doing business with you. The maids have prepared your bed and drawn a bath at the perfect temperature. It's time to indulge in your masculine nature. Of course, not with those lowly maids," Simon said. As Field had anticipated, after spending a large sum, Simon couldn't hold it together any longer. He jiggled his belly and affectionately took Field's hand, "I bet you've never been with The Chosen."

"Uh," Field thought to himself. I can pet my family's The Chosen whenever I want; they're adorable.

"Indeed, I've never had the chance. The Chosen are precious treasures, so rare," Field responded, playing along.

Simon generously said, "Hmph, Maple Leaf Collar has a rare treasure. Come, I'll let you play with it. You've never seen such a wonderful treasure."

The rare treasure of the Daughters' Kingdom was its queen. Damn, the rare treasure of Maple Leaf City wouldn't be that dancer who used to count "zheng" marks with the stable boys and horses, would it?

Field's mouth twitched. As expected, after spending 5,000 gold coins, Simon was desperate to reclaim them.

"Uh, maybe next time," Field awkwardly wiped his cold sweat and changed the subject, "Baron Simon, do you know where I can buy giant wolves in Maple Leaf City? I need to purchase a large batch."

Simon, while dragging Field upstairs, replied, "Giant wolves? Those rare creatures only appear in the nomadic khanates and are hard to find."

Field, much fitter than Simon, easily broke free from the now weak and debauched nobleman. He took a few steps back, coughing to ease the awkwardness, "The Northern Province is filled with corrupted plants, writhing tentacles, and flesh lumps. Horses often get their hooves stuck. I need mounts better suited to complex terrains. Besides, giant wolves are impressive and would become symbols of my bravery."

Realizing he couldn't keep Field, Simon reluctantly jiggled his belly, "I'll have the caravans keep an eye out for giant wolves. No one can refuse gold coins."

"Even cubs would do. I promise to pay a price that will satisfy you."

Field thought to himself that once Simon actually bought them, he would still haggle over the price. His lordly skill allowed him to appoint fifty first-tier Wolf Cavalry at once, but he needed giant wolves for that. They would be a significant boost to his power.

Moreover, preserving the genes of dragon wolves was an invaluable treasure. Just like the royal griffins originated from the founding emperor's "Holy Griffin."

The treasures left by The Chosen included more than just artifacts; animals, technology, or magical combat techniques could all be utilized.

"I must return to the North to continue my expansion. I feel treasures and glory calling me," Field bid a simple farewell and turned to leave.

Soon after Field departed, Simon showed a pained expression, groaning in agony as he walked towards the guest room.

"Oh, my dear gold coins~ tiny, pitiful, alluring gold coins. Heavens, they've all left me. Is there anything worse than this? Except for that time my baguette broke."

Entering the guest room, Simon casually opened the door. A seductive figure, clad in a thin veil and posed alluringly, had been waiting for some time.

"I expected the handsome Baron of Nightfall Domain," the woman said coldly. Though she was dressed provocatively, her eyes were unusually calm. "By the way, your thing isn't a baguette; it's at most a little maggot."

"I failed. Baron Field isn't interested in women. He prefers adventure and taking the gold that should be mine," Simon lamented, "If I'd known, I wouldn't have sent those lowly maids to charm him. He might think I have no quality goods. I should have sent you right away. Who could have predicted a 5,000-gold coin deal! Damn it, the North still has treasures left. Isn't it all corpses and tentacles there? Maybe I should send someone to assassinate him."

"Haha, your pettiness strikes again. Long-term business brings more profit. He's shown sincerity by depositing money. Now isn't the time to kill him, and it can't be done in Maple Leaf City."

Simon, looking like a 200-pound child, sulked, "Alright, you're right."

"Your greed scared him off. What a cute little boy. I want him," the woman said, licking her lips seductively, reclining on the cushions and fixing her right hand in a shackle. With a sly glance, she added, "Or maybe he has unique tastes. Nobles often have strange fetishes. Some like handsome men, some like children, some even enjoy watching killings. So, Simon, have the servants inform him that on the fifteenth, three months from now, Maple Leaf City will host an underground masquerade ball. Make sure he attends, and assure him it will satisfy all his desires."

"I did mention it in passing," Simon shrugged.

"Then send a formal invitation. The Maple Leaf City ball welcomes anyone of value."

"Alright, though I doubt he'll live that long. Luck won't always be on his side. The corrupted monsters of the Northern Province aren't a joke. Many Chosen have perished there," Simon said.