
From Weak Lord to King of The World

Transported to the medieval era, I became a noble named "Field." My cheap father is like a candle in the wind, not long for this world, and my beautiful stepmother is a beast among beasts. At the start, the protagonist is sent to a corrupted land filled with poverty and monsters. Fine, you want to play this way? I won't be the good guy anymore! I'll develop and plunder simultaneously!

VawterMOSE · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Chapter 30: Issuing New Decrees and Heading to Highcastle Province

"The two of them are different species, yet humanoid and human can truly become friends," Field nodded in satisfaction, wondering if he could use them as an example for propaganda. Thus, he discreetly followed them.

The next moment, Field regretted his foolish act. The two women squatted down with their legs forming an M shape, revealing their dirt-covered, filthy behinds, and began to relieve themselves unrestrainedly.

Field's pupils contracted in shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing and exclaimed, "What the hell! My eyes!"

They were actually defecating on the road! Was there no law here?

"Is this really so strange?" Kaa touched his nose, not even raising an eyebrow. He was long used to it. "The lower-class people are just that filthy."

The butler was unperturbed. In the Holy Griffin Empire, and indeed across the entire continent, this was commonplace. Roads, streets, and even hallways were filled with excrement, with flies buzzing around and rats swimming in the filth.

Even the maid serving Field would secretly relieve herself in the corners of the house because it was dark and terrifying outside.

Kaa speculated that perhaps the lord liked to watch and was just too embarrassed to admit it in front of him. Moreover, the first thing Field did upon arriving in Nightfall Domain was to buy a plaything, which, although it became The Chosen, Kaa believed was just luck.

After all, what noble isn't a pervert?

"I was so busy dealing with the domain's affairs that I forgot about this," Field pressed his temples, trying to lower his blood pressure. He suddenly remembered that the Middle Ages were a time of chaotic sanitation conditions, even leading to widespread Black Death.

Field, who always traveled by horseback, hadn't noticed the excrement within his territory from his elevated position.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Field, as a modern man, couldn't allow the chaos of the Middle Ages to exist in his territory.

"Filthy sanitary conditions breed viruses and cause diseases like the Black Death."

The butler couldn't understand. "Excrement and...uh, what's a virus?"

"Kaa, I am now issuing an important law. From now on, no one is allowed to relieve themselves in public places. They must use a designated pit for excrement," Field said, waving his finger. "Make sure everyone memorizes this law. For the first three violations, they will receive warnings; after that, fines! One copper coin for slaves, three for freemen."

"Fines?" Kaa's eyes lit up immediately. "You truly are an economic genius."

Field frowned. "It's just a fine, what does it have to do with economics?"

"Many lords have already imposed breathing and blinking taxes, but a tax on excretion—well, a fine for excretion—is your unique creation. It's a genius idea. If we can enforce it, we'll have a steady income every day."

The butler was overjoyed. Previously, he had been distressed over Field wasting eggs, but seeing Field's "talent for extortion" reassured him. It seemed Nightfall Domain's finances could hold out for a long time.

"This is what a noble should do," Kaa said, bowing respectfully. "You are a model for nobility."

Field waved his hand dismissively. "Go execute it."

Then, Field continued training the guards.

By noon, Asheena returned to the domain. Field finally spared the wailing guards and allowed them to eat. He summoned the newly returned Asheena.

"How did it go? Was the trip to the granary smooth?"

Field opened the mini-map. The skull markers indicating the granary's location had all been wiped out, leaving a refreshing sight.

Asheena playfully stuck out a bit of her tongue, lazily stretching in a charming manner. She blinked playfully and said, "Thanks to you, clearing out the zombies went very smoothly."

"The only pity is that the granary held nothing of value. The piles of wheat were completely rotten, and most of the granary had collapsed," Asheena said, taking out a bag containing samples of the granary's wheat.

"That was expected. Go rest now."

After several battles, Field realized that sending regular soldiers with Asheena only increased her difficulty. Thus, he planned to split the forces. Asheena, with her superior combat skills and mobility, would frequently attack, clearing out the surrounding zombie clusters. Meanwhile, the guards would focus on training and clearing smaller zombie waves during their spare time.

Field himself would oversee the soldiers' training and occasionally massage Asheena's legs or rub her tail and ears.

Everyone had their role, and the future looked bright!

Field spent a week in Nightfall Domain. The domain extended 5,000 square meters into the eastern forest, not quite the size of a football field, but still a decent achievement.

Expanding the controlled area was difficult. It required using fog lamps to disperse the local fog, then having the guards eliminate the zombies. Afterward, slaves would clear all signs of corruption, such as plants and animals. Once this was done, Field's lordly powers could permanently protect the land, provided no new corrupt creatures invaded.

Field had figured out the pattern.

"Hey, idiot! Be careful with the wine barrels. If you're this careless again, I'll kiss your butt with my boot and shove your head into a pig's ass!"

From downstairs came the butler's angry roar.

"It's time to go to Highcastle Province," Field said, setting down his quill and stretching. The maid, Jazz, immediately and obediently handed him his coat.

Nightfall Domain had no food sources. The territory's food was running out quickly. Getting food from the fields would take a long time, so food had to be imported through trade.

When Field reached downstairs, he met Sam, the guard captain. He and the guards stood straight, though they still looked a bit crooked and their formation was poor. Field was quite satisfied. The extra meals every day hadn't gone to waste; at least the guards were less skinny.

"My lord, we wish to be your shield!" Sam shouted, filled with respect for Field, their benevolent lord. "Take us with you!"

"Haha, you have always been my shield, but now I need you to protect the domain," Field said, patting his shoulder.

For this trip, Field only brought Hammer and two others as guards. However, he was bringing Asheena and her raiders. Having a Chosen and 20 raiders was a decent escort.

After carefully explaining the defense arrangements, Field turned to leave.

"Our lord is a true noble, a kind lord with a warrior's spirit," Sam sighed. Typical lords wouldn't venture into the death fog multiple times.