
From Weak Lord to King of The World

Transported to the medieval era, I became a noble named "Field." My cheap father is like a candle in the wind, not long for this world, and my beautiful stepmother is a beast among beasts. At the start, the protagonist is sent to a corrupted land filled with poverty and monsters. Fine, you want to play this way? I won't be the good guy anymore! I'll develop and plunder simultaneously!

VawterMOSE · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Chapter 29: Military Posture Training

Last time Field gave them eggs, many soldiers swallowed them whole without even chewing, greedily gulping them down and choking as a result. The scarcity of food made them crave protein intensely; some even dreamed of the taste of eggs. They never expected that such a coveted benefit would come again so soon.

"It's simple, just follow my lead," Field said.

Field demonstrated the military posture training that students undergo in modern society, patiently correcting each soldier individually. Among these soldiers, Field had high expectations, as they would likely form the backbone of his future army.

After completing the demonstrations, Field had the butler bring a chair and set up an hourglass for timing. 

"Hold your positions for half an hour, and the eggs are yours," Field said, showing a devilish smile.

Hammer awkwardly stood with his butt sticking out, trying his best to stand straight with his rough hands placed at his sides, feet spread at a specific angle.

"This might be a comedy act nobles enjoy," Hammer thought, having heard that nobles loved clown performances. Though he had never seen a clown, he imagined they might look as ridiculous as he did. "But for an egg, it's worth it. Is there any work harder than bricklaying or mining?"

Hammer soon discovered how tough standing at attention could be.

The farmland of Nightfall Domain, even after being purified by potions and Field's lordly powers, hadn't fully recovered, still as soft and squishy as after a rain. Hammer felt like he couldn't keep his balance. 

To onlookers, it wasn't the ground; it was the soldiers trembling, their legs shaking like limp noodles. Feeling the heaviness throughout their bodies, the soldiers realized that standing still was no easy task. The soreness and numbness were as painful as a day of heavy lifting.

Sweating profusely, Hammer bit his lip and silently encouraged himself.

"For the egg."

Several soldiers repeated this mantra, despite their swaying bodies, determined to endure.

Field's mouth curled into a smile as he glanced at the hourglass. "As expected, material incentives are very effective."

After leisurely finishing a cup of tea, Field announced a break. The soldiers, relieved, collapsed to the ground like a pile of mud.

"Master, this is a genius move. This is how they should be treated," the butler Kaa said, holding a still-wet sheet of paper and coming to report after checking the wine cellar. Seeing Field "torturing" the soldiers, Kaa assumed Field had grasped a key noble principle: treating people as less than human.

Kaa felt greatly reassured.

"Oh, you understand the power of discipline?" Field was surprised, sitting up straighter. The meaning behind military posture wasn't something a medieval person could easily grasp. He didn't expect his butler to have such a progressive view.

Kaa scratched his nose in confusion. "Discipline? I mean, you should constantly find new ways to torment the slaves. That way, they'll be more obedient."

"Oh, never mind then," Field said, disappointed, reclining back in his chair with a sly smile. "This isn't torture; it's training. They did well, so I've decided to give them eggs for lunch."

"Eggs? For slaves again?" Kaa was struck dumb, almost fainting from the shock. "Lord, this is the second time you've done something so absurd. Slaves should eat whips, not eggs!"

Kaa could barely praise the idea of pouring shiny gold coins into the old hag's "treasure trove," but giving eggs to slaves made Kaa's heart ache.

Kaa could swear that Field's actions were the most bizarre and explosive in the entire empire. Even the most rebellious scions in the imperial capital wouldn't come up with such a creatively wasteful idea.

Seeing the butler tugging at his collar to breathe, Field found it amusing and tried to comfort him. "This is a cursed land; we can't follow the usual rules here. Everything will be new. I believe you'll get used to it. By the way, how's the inventory of the wine going?"

"I came here to report that," the butler said, handing Field the results with excitement. "According to the standard sherry barrels, we have three barrels of barley beer, seven barrels of mead, seven barrels of olive wine, twenty-four barrels of Black Pearl wine, and one barrel of rare sparkling wine, champagne."

The first three were commoners' drinks, but the wine was valuable.

"Better than I expected, wonderful," Field said, pacing with excitement, unable to sit still. He laughed heartily. "Now the main thing is to liquidate them all. Only when they turn into shiny gold coins will I be at ease."

If monsters broke in and caused havoc, the gold could be lost.

"Kaa, select some slaves and prepare ten days' rations for forty people. Don't forget the fodder for the horses. You'll oversee the details. I'm going to Maple Leaf City personally to find buyers for the wine."

"Isn't that too risky? The death miasma is no joke. We might not be as lucky as last time. If we encounter a large wave of undead, it could be disastrous. Master, let The Chosen lead the team," Kaa suggested, looking around to ensure Asheena wasn't nearby, feeling relieved as he disliked the terrifying humanoid. "Besides, we've only been in Nightfall Domain for a few days. Everyone needs your leadership."

Field sighed, knowing that sending anyone else would be more dangerous. If Asheena perished, he couldn't defend the manor. Without the mini-map, Asheena would certainly run into large hordes of undead, not just one or two waves. Field knew how dangerous the northern province was; they were like swimmers in a sea of undead, one wrong move and they were finished.

"This is an order. Just execute it," Field said, waving dismissively, too lazy to explain. Kaa could read, but that didn't make him an internal affairs talent. Sending The Chosen on the trade mission would reveal to the empire that Field, an unsupported and isolated minor baron, possessed a valuable Chosen.

Field couldn't afford to lose Asheena or expose her to outsiders.

"Huh, what are they doing?" Field noticed two female slaves whispering and walking towards the outskirts of the domain.

"Maybe it's a woman's secret, gossip, or... a conspiracy."

A conspiracy was unlikely without a fog-repelling lamp. Unless they suddenly became Chosen, they couldn't escape.

Probably just slacking off, Field thought, familiar with the act.