
From Weak Lord to King of The World

Transported to the medieval era, I became a noble named "Field." My cheap father is like a candle in the wind, not long for this world, and my beautiful stepmother is a beast among beasts. At the start, the protagonist is sent to a corrupted land filled with poverty and monsters. Fine, you want to play this way? I won't be the good guy anymore! I'll develop and plunder simultaneously!

VawterMOSE · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Chapter 1: Exile - Sent to the Cursed Land Right After Crossing Over

Field forced a bright smile, waiting for his father, Count Court, to pass judgment. He didn't originally belong to this world; he came from a blue planet and had only been here for three days.

Good news: he was the descendant of a count.

Bad news: he was very unwelcome.

"Field, you have come of age. Like a mature lion, it's time for you to forge your own path." The elegantly dressed middle-aged man's words were filled with inspiring phrases, but the old count's weak tone and languid demeanor made them seem like a joke.

Everyone present had eyes full of mockery.

The count paused for a moment, his attention wavering, and then seemed to forget where he had left off.

The original Field had been a very kind person. He had given his younger brother the potion to awaken his combat energy and ceded the opportunity to study at the Mage Academy to his sister. He was even kind to every servant. By all rights, such a good person should have been respected. Unfortunately, he was a noble, and from the nobles' perspective, the original Field was a weak and useless waste.

The mature woman beside the old count was Field's stepmother.

The voluptuous and beautiful lady sat gracefully in the seat reserved for the lord's consort. She elegantly sipped her tea before setting the cup down, her almond-shaped eyes with long, drawn-out corners casting a disdainful glance at Field. The sunlight carved out deep ocher shadows that highlighted the high bridge of her nose. She raised her chin arrogantly and nearly looked down her nose at Field, "The vast northern Nightfall Domain will be your barony, enough for you to make a name for yourself."

"So, despite trying to please everyone, I still can't avoid the fate of exile."

Feeling a bit dizzy, Field recalled that the original had been bullied and had died from illness, leaving this mess for him to deal with. Field bit his lip hard to steady his mind.

Then, Field let out a cold laugh. The original owner had been so foolish, thinking kindness would allow him to survive among nobles.

His stepmother glanced down at him carelessly and asked, "Any objections?"


Field forcibly suppressed his anger, restrained his smile, and responded in a calm tone, "As you wish, Father."

His father had already been drained by his stepmother, following her every arrangement.

"Pfft~ Fool!"

Some relative laughed, mixing in a sharp insult.

The northern region was inhabited by both humans and orcs, filled with bloodshed, violence, and savagery. Ten years ago, the Holy Griffin Empire used corrupting miasma to massacre 300,000 orc soldiers. That place was likely now swarming with filthy goblins and trolls.

Of course, things had only gotten worse in the north.

The 300,000 orc soldiers, along with all the humans and animals in the north, had turned into corrupted beings, hiding in the miasma year-round, becoming synonymous with hell on earth. The royal family had organized three campaigns to reclaim the lost land, all ending in total failure.

The lands in the north, big or small, were merely nominal territories. Even dogs wouldn't go there.

Most of the time, no one would even mention it.

It was a cursed land, even worse than that. Not even runaway peasants or criminals would choose to flee to Nightfall Domain.

It's okay. I still have my cheat.

Field consoled himself silently. With a thought, a transparent map popped up, marking a slowly moving green dot.

"Go and prepare." The count seemed very tired, his face pale.

His stepmother helped the count, her nearly transparent silk nightgown giving his almost withered body some semblance of movement.

Field pressed his lips together. His brothers and sisters had all received fertile fiefdoms, but his father had said a few perfunctory words and wanted to send him away. Field wouldn't stand for it and immediately stated his request, "Father, I need your support. It's not easy to develop Nightfall Domain."

His stepmother's soft flesh pressed against the count's arm, and she squinted her eyes seductively.

"Greed is not a virtue, Field. You have already received enough," the count said without hesitation.

The family members nearby also cast disdainful glances.

"Going out with those black eyes is a disgrace to the Ross family."

"A bastard!"

Black eyes were no longer a symbol of noble blood since the nomadic invasions from the east and the fall of the ancient inland kingdom.

Field was displeased, his eyes flashing with anger.

The original Field's birth had been the count's own doing, so why make things difficult for him?

His mother had been a maid in the castle, sold as a rare slave by nomadic merchants from a distant eastern land. After one night of drunkenness, the count had fathered him.

His low status, lack of maternal family influence, and the inheritance of some of his mother's features were major reasons for Field's ostracism and disdain.

"Five hundred gold coins, and you can take your personal servant. I treat all my children equally." The count left these words and was hurriedly helped back to the bedroom by his stepmother.

Field was extremely frustrated. Five hundred gold coins sounded like a lot, but it was nothing when it came to investing in a territory; it was just a drop in the bucket.

But it was better than nothing.

"Hey! Field, Nightfall Domain is a great place. It's perpetually dark, a rotten land full of corruption. It suits your devilish eyes." Field's half-brother came over, smiling exaggeratedly, and said, "My fief isn't that great. Poor Fuyan City, known for its beer and goats."

Field felt a surge of anger, his heart burning. Even though the fief was terrible, as a transmigrator, he would find a way.

But being mocked for his appearance made Field want to dig up his brother's ancestors.


Moreover, his half-brother had awakened his combat energy thanks to Field's kindness! His brother's talent had been poor, and when he had hidden in a corner crying, Field had been the one to help him.

"Get lost!" Field didn't give him a good face.

"Remember the flaxen-haired girl?" His brother ignored Field's expression, showing a weird smile and leaning close to his ear.

Field squinted his eyes, recalling a smiling face. It was the girl the original had liked. Later, her naked body was found in the tavern's back alley. The original was so devastated that he fell ill and died, allowing Field to transmigrate.

His brother licked his lips, "I did it. Her struggle was so exhilarating."

Field's pupils contracted sharply, a feeling of shock gripping his heart.

His equally young brother had committed such a heinous act. Although, as a transmigrator, that girl was just a stranger to him, the casual disregard for life made Field feel an unprecedented disgust.

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