
From Trash Bag, To Cash Bag

Achiel was considered a trash bag. He was worthless, looked down upon, and derided. Adding fuel to the fire, his wife cheated on him, then framed him for being the cheat. His last hope was lost in Auroville. When he thought his life couldn't get any worse, a twist turned. A LAVISH SYSTEM. It's time for some fun.

Zuxian · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 6.

"What do you think you are doing?" Arold yelled at Achiel.

"Are you trying to make a joke out of Mr Ari? What app are you using to mimick the call?!" Arold walked towards Achiel in rage.

Arold seemed to be having trouble believing what was right in front of his eyes.

Though Mr Ari's voice had been heard over the speaker of Achiel's phone, yet Arold didn't want to believe it. It was as though he was trying so hard to understand how someone like Achiel would be the very important person they had been waiting for. How is it possible?!!!

"We should teach you some lesson for trying to pull a prank on -"

Whoosh! Strike! Slap! Mr Ari sent ear-ringing slaps across Arold's face. Everyone was very shocked to see what Mr Ari had done.

Even Achiel was equally surprised.

"Mr Ari? Why did you slap me? I was trying to -"

Arold had not asked another question when Mr. Ari landed him another sequence of slaps. Two of his teeth flew off the roof of his mouth. Blood followed suit, chasing the two teeth.

"Do you want to die?! How dare you still have the guts to yell at Mr Achiel? Are you deaf or deranged? What app are you talking about?" Mr Ari was fuming in rage as he yelled at Arold.

Arold couldn't have believed that Mr. Ari would do that to him. Especially not in the presence of the security guards.

Mr Ari suddenly turned to Achiel and bowed,

"I'm so sorry, Mr Achiel. I was so myopic. I should have noticed earlier when I saw you. My sixth sense told me about the possibility of you being the person I have come for. To clear my doubt, that was why I decided to make the call here. Regardless, I'm so sorry." Mr Ari apologised.

Mr Ari dropped on his knees at once. Dropping on his knees, Mr Ari glared at Arold,

"Are you tired of living?! Get down on your knees!!!" Mr Ari ordered.

Arold, alongside the security guards, also fell on their knees right in front of Achiel.

Achiel really didn't know how to react to this. All his life, he had been disrespected and hardly noticed in the Auroville Mansion. But now, prestigious and influential men who work in Hoveland are bowing to him?

He blinked his eyes several times to be certain that he was neither hallucinating nor daydreaming.

"So, the call is true?" Achiel thought.

Achiel had wanted to say that to himself, but he ended up thinking out loud.

"It is true, sir. Please come with me, I will take you to Miss Zoe. She will tell you the details of everything. She is waiting for you." Mr Ari explained, then jumped on his feet.

"Okay then. Lead the way." Achiel said.

Mr Ari led the way to the office of Miss Zoe. Achiel was escorted by a very dignified and great man who works for Hoveland. This kept the lips of other staff of the company moving when they saw him.

"Who is that with Mr Ari?"

"I heard that our company has been bought by a mystery man. Could that be him?"

"By his looks, he doesn't look like he could afford a pair of sneakers."

"But then why is Mr Ari escorting him?"

A group of workers murmured and gossiped as Achiel was escorted. Achiel was led into the elevator, which stopped at the apex floor of the building.

Mr Ari and Achiel stopped at the front of a door, which was opened from the inside.

The door opened to a very beautiful lady, who had long legs, clear skin, blue eyes, and enchanting aura. Her form was magical.

"Mr Achiel?" The lady, Zoe, said with a big smile.

Zoe was very perceptive and receptive. She didn't know who this new man was. Even though this man is not dressed like a wealthy person, he is with Mr Ari. Which could only mean one thing.

"Are you Miss Zoe?" Achiel asked.

Achiel was trying to be polite, too. Zoe was the hottest shot in the whole of Jade City. Anyone who is close to her has nothing else to worry about.

Only a few of the biggest business tycoons in Jade City have met with her. The likes of Madam and the father of Derek could never think of seeing her. Even though Hoveland had been partners with the company.

"Please have your seat, sir. I know that you must be busy. I shouldn't waste your time, so I will be straight to the point." Zoe said.

Zoe seemed very professional as she spoke. She signalled Mr Ari, and the man left the office.

"Since a few months ago, Hoveland has been going through an internal financial crisis. We kept it away from the media so that the reputation of the company would not be damaged. The crisis happened because of some international shareholders who suddenly got other options. That is why Hoveland has not started any project very recently." Zoe started.

Though Achiel didn't know much about the status of companies in Jade City, let alone that of Hoveland, yet he had noticed that Hoveland hadn't been giving out projects. Naturally, Hoveland put out projects every three months. And it has been a six month.

"We were desperate and had to put out some really classified article requesting for shareholders. We just wanted a higher shareholder who would invest in the company and sustain it. But to our utmost dismay, you didn't only invest but splurge over a hundred billion on the company. We can't be more grateful." Zoe stopped talking.

Zoe stood up and wanted to kneel, but Achiel prevented it. These people were making him look awkward.

"No, don't do that. Just sit." Achiel said.

Since she couldn't kneel, Zoe bowed to Achiel.

"Thank you, Mr Achiel. You are our superhero. And you are kind too."

Achiel nodded and smiled. He quickly looked around the office. It was breathtaking.

"This is your company, now, Mr Achiel. You can do whatever you want with it. I am just your humble servant. And I will do my best to serve you and help the company grow stronger."

She paused for a while, then continued,

"When will you love to resume job as the new CEO? Your office is vacant. As the manager of this great company, it's my duty to show you to your office and be of service to you."

While Zoe explained all these things to him, he still couldn't explain what happened exactly. Who was the person who bought the company in his name? Was it that man?

He couldn't ask Zoe directly. He would sound weird.

"Miss Zoe, I'm afraid that I can't take up the job for now. Like you said, I'm always busy. So, you can keep overseeing the company. But for a start, I want us to start a new project." Achiel informed.

Achiel checked the time on his phone and realised that it was almost 4 pm.


He cussed in his mind. He should quickly return home. He got up.

"I will leave immediately."

Zoe quickly rushed after him and led him to out of the building. Everyone had no doubts anymore. It was obvious who this strange man is. He is the new owner of Hoveland!

"I need a favour, Miss Zoe." Achiel asked.

"Please call me Zoe, sir." Zoe bowed.

They were now standing outside the building.

"Okay, Zoe. Keep my profile hidden for a while. And tell everyone in the company not to put a picture of me on the media."

"Absolutely, sir. I will do as you have said."

Zoe bowed and nodded. Then Zoe noticed three men who were kneeling not far away.

"Is that not the janitor, Arold?" Zoe gasped in shock.

"A janitor?" Achiel quizzed.

Achiel was stunned to hear that Arold was a janitor. A janitor acting so high and mighty?

Zoe walked briskly to them.

"Miss Zoe. Please beg Mr Acheil on our behalf. We wronged him." Arold pleaded with tears in his haughty eyes.

Zoe was fuming in rage when she discovered what had happened.

"What do you want me to do with them, sir?" Zoe asked Achiel.

"Demote Arold to a security level. And these two guys? They almost hit me. So, beat them up until they can hardly breathe. Then, take them to the hospital to be treated." Achiel said, then walked away.

As he walked away, his phone started to ring. As he answered the call, a loud pitched voice came over the speaker, almost making his deaf,

"You piece of shit, where are you?!!!"