
Face Reveal

As June's mask was fully removed, the studio fell into an expectant hush. June had his head down, but his mid-length, fluffy, black hair was on display.

Anticipation hung in the air like a heavy curtain, and everyone braced themselves for the reveal.

Jia and her friends collectively gasped. Jia covered her mouth as if forgetting how to breathe. She wanted June to reveal his face, but not this way.

"I'm going to puke," Jia said. "Are we really going to see his face?"

"I didn't fucking expect that," Na-ri exclaimed with wide eyes. "I still can't see his face."

Jia covered her eyes. "Tell me when this is over."

Mimi stood up from the couch, her eyes wide and mouth agape.

"Holy shit! And it's happening in a live broadcast, too," Lala said. "Are you okay, Mimi?"

"Don't be disappointed when he's not what you expected," Sasha added.

Mimi stayed silent and kept her gaze on the screen, not wanting to miss the moment.