
Boom Boom

June felt like a total beginner. He marked all of the movements without giving it his all since he was sure that he'd look like an amateur if he did. 

The last time he attempted to dance something this quirky was during his audition in Rising Stars. 

'Hip-Hop ABC' by Little Meow Meow was similar to the song they were currently learning. 

However, the main difference was—'Hip-Hop ABC' was for total beginners. Even 10-year-olds can dance to the song. Meanwhile, 'Boom Up' was for beginner dancers...especially those who specialized in girl group dancing.

"One...and....two...and three," Katana said, moving her hips left to right while her hands were crossed in front of her waist.

June pursed his lips as the students struggled to get the movements right. However, one of the students, particularly the man just right before him, followed Katana without any struggle.