
From this point on I will be happy [BL]

"This has to stop." Alex slaps his palm on the desk, standing up and facing his dog: "Zero, I moved out of my parents house for two reasons. First, to keep you. Second, to gain the freedom to act on my sexual orientation. And what have I done regarding the latter? Nothing. Two and a half months of freedom and all I did was move my stuff, run around the public offices and training for my new job." He breathes in deeply, locking eyes with Zero. "Zero, I will get the number of a handsome guy tonight." Speaking it out loud made him realize – this is it. He is gay and he will act on it. This story revolves around kindergarten teacher Alex, the four-year old Peter and a gorgeous mafia boss. Will they manage to find happiness? Warning: This story will contain some graphic scenes. And it is BL. You have been warned. And: I do not own the picture - I got it from google in want of something better. But I suck at drawing, so ...

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64 Chs

Chapter 34

Alex stirrs in his sleep. He feels warm and sweaty. Slowly, he wakes up. An already familiar picture of a chest in front of his eyes greets him. Daniel's chest. His boyfriend's chest. But this time, the chest is naked. Alex blushes as the memories of the last night play out in his mind. His first time. The first time he had sex. The first time he acted on his deepest, most hidden desires. And the first time he felt this deeply connected with a person.

The act itself was embarrassing and painful. Being naked in front of another person, showing him his most hidden sides, letting him touch his most protected parts. It afforded a lot of trust and courage from him.

He couldn't have done it with any other person than Daniel.

He smiles when he thinks about how caringly and tenderly Daniel treated him yesterday. He made sure of his understanding and consent on every step of the way. As much as he wanted to sleep with Daniel, he can't deny that he was also afraid. But Daniel really considered his fears and addressed them one by one.

And the act itself, he could have never expected it. He had already masturbated while using his fingers 'down there' multiple times, but taking in his lover's member was entirely different. It hurt and was uncomfortable but as soon as he relaxed under Daniel's distractions this pain turned into a pleasure he has never known. And coming from his lover's thrusts, feeling his lover release inside him, knowing that he himself was the cause of his pleasure was an exhilarating thought.

Subconsciously, Alex snuggles deeper in Daniel's embrace, hugging him close while smiling.

This motion wakes Daniel from his sleep. With half-closed eyes he mumbles in his lover's hair "Good morning, my love. Have you slept well?"

"Good morning." Without seeing it, Daniel can still hear the apparent smile in Alex' voice. "I slept really well."

"Mmmh, that's good." Daniel sleepily starts to stroke over Alex bare back. Contentedly, Alex snuggles in his embrace, trying to get rid of even the slightest bit of distance between them. His leg sneaks between his lover's thighs.

Suddenly, he feels his leg touching another part of his lover's body. "Mmmh." Daniel moans sleepily. "Love, if you move anymore, I will want to continue from last night." Alex, feeling bold in front of his sleepy boyfriend, who doesn't even manage to open his eyes yet, whispers seductively "I would love that."

He didn't expect the following reaction: Daniel's eyes flutter open in an instant, his eyes quickly focusing, but at the same time clouding with lust. The member touching his legs starts twitching. "Oh. If you ask me so nicely, I have to wake up a bit quicker.", Daniel teases. He grabs Alex butt, squeezing and kneading it. He bends his head down a little, nibbling and licking on his lover's earlobe. He feels Alex swallow hard next to him, his member starting to react. He whispers in his ear, "Love, you might still be sore from yesterday. Are you sure?"

But the question already comes too late. Alex' eyes are clouded by desire; he bites his lower lip, asking to be devoured. "I am alright." He does not manage to say anymore than this, but starts to move his leg again, intentionally stirring his lover's member up. Daniel doesn't need to be told twice. He moves on top of Alex, pinning him under him, positioning himself between his legs. "Okay." Then he smiles wickedly. "But today I want to watch you. When I stretch you, when I enter you and when I make you come. I want to watch every expression your face can show me." He licks Alex' chin, trailing kisses down his neck. He finds the bite and kiss marks from yesterday, licking them, sucking them again to deepen their colour.

Alex lets out a low moan in answer. Daniel notices amusedly that he reacted to his words, his shaft filling rapidly with blood, standing up fully. It seems like his lover secretly likes to be watched. He will keep this in mind for later. But right now, he wants to devour this willing man under him.

He leans down and kisses him, starting their early continuation from yesterday.


When they finally get out of bed, the broad daylight shows the signs of last night and this morning on Alex' body. His neck is full of kiss marks, the bite mark on his shoulder turned red, his nipples are swollen, on his hips are blue marks from being grabbed too tightly and he walks with a slight limp.

"Love, I am sorry. I should have been more careful. You are hurt all over."

"Don't worry. It looks worse than I actually feel.", Alex smiles bravely. Daniel still feels guilty, but decides to let it be for now.

"What are we going to do today?", Alex asks, trying to distract Daniel.

"Mmmh.", Daniel ponders over the question, than his face lights up. "Let's go on a date."

But Alex' face directly falls, showing discomfort at the thought of moving around, especially walking in his physical state. Daniel quickly retreats "Well, let's save this for another time. How about we sit a bit in the garden, let Zero play outside and in the evening I will take you out to eat?"

Alex relaxes "Yes, that sounds wonderful." And so they spend their day lazing at the mansion, Zero exploring the garden. They sit in the sun with drinks in their hands, snacks prepared and just talk about everything and nothing, enjoying each other's company. Daniel notices that Alex is still in pain, subconsciously rubbing his hand over the bite mark on his shoulder and limping while walking.

In the evening, Daniel drives them to a high end restaurant he frequents when he has to meet with important associates. Since he learnt about Alex' favourite food, he wanted to take him there. It is a steak house. Alex' eyes visibly light up at the sight of it.

Daniel places his hand in the small of his back, guiding him inside. They are shown towards a table in the far back, relatively private but still with some occupied tables in the vicinity. It is a Saturday evening and the place is packed.

Once settled, they look in the menu "Please, choose everything you want."

"Thank you.", Alex smiles.

They order and once served, start to nip on their wine. Without saying much, they just look at each other, their gaze creating more intimacy than a simple touch ever could. Daniel reaches over to lay his hand on top of Alex'. At first, Alex' smile widens, when suddenly, he tenses and pulls his hand away. "Don't.", he says pleadingly. Daniel is confused, but then sees Alex panickingly look around. He is afraid of being seen. Daniel sighs inwardly. He isn't one to flaunt their relationship in everyone's face, but these little intimacies should be okay, shouldn't they? No one will notice, as long as they don't directly look at them.

But instead of voicing this, he just complies. "Okay." He smiles reassuringly, glad, to see Alex relax again. "I will be careful." For this, Alex gives him a thankful smile. "Thank you for understanding."

The waitress comes with the plates. They start eating, the issue temporarily forgotten.