
From this point on I will be happy [BL]

"This has to stop." Alex slaps his palm on the desk, standing up and facing his dog: "Zero, I moved out of my parents house for two reasons. First, to keep you. Second, to gain the freedom to act on my sexual orientation. And what have I done regarding the latter? Nothing. Two and a half months of freedom and all I did was move my stuff, run around the public offices and training for my new job." He breathes in deeply, locking eyes with Zero. "Zero, I will get the number of a handsome guy tonight." Speaking it out loud made him realize – this is it. He is gay and he will act on it. This story revolves around kindergarten teacher Alex, the four-year old Peter and a gorgeous mafia boss. Will they manage to find happiness? Warning: This story will contain some graphic scenes. And it is BL. You have been warned. And: I do not own the picture - I got it from google in want of something better. But I suck at drawing, so ...

Syndala · Allgemein
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64 Chs

A restaurant by the ocean

Nearly a month later.

'What is going on with everyone?' Alex can't help but wonder. Lately, it seemed like everyone was out of his mind. He barely got to see Daniel. His birthday party was already three weeks ago and the two weekends after they only met for dinner. Alex can't help but feel a little lonely. And each time he goes to the mansion Dana looks at him with a huge, badly hidden smile he can't figure out.

And now, even his parents join in on the crazy train.

"Alexander, how are you? Did anything happen lately? You have to tell us immediately if something happens." This is already the third time his father called him in the last two weeks. Why is he so worried? Normally, his father hates to call and just waits for their occasional dinner get-together.

His mother is even worse. Barely a day goes by without a phone call from her.

It went so far he even asked his brother about what is going on. But his answer only left him with more questions.

"Don't worry, Alexander. They are just happy." Happy? But why?

Alex can't take it anymore. Is everyone crazy? And all those half-answers. Even worse: As the phone calls go on his parents, even his father, start to ask more and more about Daniel. What he is up to, whether they have something planned for the weekend. Alex is glad that they accept his relationship so wholeheartedly but what is up with this sudden change? Even his father, who always considered Daniel of being 'under probation' started to end his phone calls with greetings to Daniel.

'Has something happened with Daniel?' Alex can't help but wonder. He decides that this weekend he will ask Daniel and get to the bottom of it.


Saturday afternoon Daniel picks Alex up at his apartment. When Alex sees him he is startled. "Why did you come in a suit?"

"Hello, love." Daniel leans down and kisses his surprised lover. "The restaurant we visit tonight is on the fancier side. Why don't you also dress up?"

Alex sighs. He really wanted to have a comfortable conversation with Daniel, but he could never do that in some fancy restaurant with all eyes on them. He grumbles while he starts to change "You know I don't like the fancy ones."

"Don't worry, love. I know. Give this one a chance. I think you might like it."

With a sigh Alex follows Daniel outside. Zero is placed in the trunk. "Do you mind if Zero stays with my sister tonight?" Alex' eyebrow inches upwards. That sounds like a promise for a hot night ahead. After only dinner dates the last two weekends he is glad that Daniel also is eager for a whole night together. With a blushing face he says "Okay."

They leave Zero at the mansion before Daniel drives the car outside of town. They drive for nearly two hours when Alex shouts surprised "The sea!"

"Yes, I thought you might like it. The restaurant is nearby." Alex' eyes sparkle. They didn't go to the sea since their time at the lake.

This afternoon they take a walk at the beach, Daniel's hand gently placed on Alex' lower back. The setting sun over the ocean provides them with the most romantic scenery. Daniel really wants to kiss Alex right now in front of the sunset, making this scenery even more perfect. But his eyes dart over the few people also walking on the beach and the many people sitting on the terraces of the restaurants lining the shore. He sighs. Alex wouldn't like it. But it is all within his expectations.

Then they walk back towards the restaurant. It is already dinner time and once Daniel says his name at the reception desk a waiter leads them along a corridor lined with doors. In front of one of these doors he stops and opens them for the guests to enter.

"Please make yourself comfortable. I already placed the menus on the table. When you want to order, please push this button." He points towards a place on the left side of the table, then towards another one "And with this one you can close the shutters for the windows. I will now excuse myself and await your order."

Without another word the waiter discreetly leaves and shuts the door behind them.

Alex is speechless. The room is small but cosy, with enough place for two persons. It has a huge window facing the ocean, granting them a marvellous view. But the best point: In this little room they are completely alone. Instantly he feels himself relax. Especially if the waiter only comes when called he doesn't have to fear sudden interruptions.

"What do you think, love? Is this okay?" Alex is surprised to hear a hint of worry in Daniel's voice and for the first time he realizes that his normally well composed boyfriend is fidgeting a little.

"Don't worry, Daniel. I love this. You really thought about everything." He gives Daniel a reassuring smile and is startled to see Daniel actually relax.

Daniel coughs a bit as if clearing his throat. "Okay, then let us sit down and look at the menu."

They sit opposite each other and instead of looking at the menu Alex looks at Daniel. He really is handsome. The suit lets him look even more mature and this face... Alex could spend hours just looking at him.

They order and eat in silence. Alex from time to time starts a conversation but Daniel seems to be lost in thoughts, fidgeting, smiling, fidgeting again. It nearly drives Alex crazy.

"What is wrong with all of you lately? Everyone is acting strange!" Alex can't help himself any longer and finally demands an explanation.

"Oh? Do you think so? I am sorry, love.", Daniel answers distractedly. But before Alex can poke further he adds "How about we order some champagne as a finish?" Before he even finishes talking, Daniel pushes the button to call the waiter.

Alex resigns. It seems like he has to wait for Daniel to open up to him.

Some minutes later the waiter brings two glasses of champagne. Daniel doesn't even spare him a glance, locking his eyes firmly on Alex'. Even before the waiter can fully close the door behind him he clings his glass with Alex'.

"To us, my love." He smiles and quickly drowns half of the glass as if in need of the liquid courage. Alex still doesn't know what is happening but for some reason his heartbeat accelerates. In that moment, Daniel stands up and walks towards the button that lowers the shutters of the windows blocking the marvellous view. Alex' eyes widen in surprise and he just wants to complain because he likes to watch the waves when his words catch in his mouth.

Daniel went on one knee in front of him.

In just this instant all those fairy-tale like romance scenes flash through Alex' mind. 'He wouldn't, would he?' His heart is beating like crazy and his hands start to sweat. But before he can wipe his hand nervously, Daniel reaches for it, holding it gently.

"Alex, my love." His eyes burn into Alex'. Daniel swallows his own nervousness down. His own hands are trembling. He starts again. "My love, the last year together with you was the happiest time of my life. We faced problems, we faced insecurities but we faced them together and grew stronger with each step. And with each problem solved, I loved you more and with each insecurity faced I admired you more. You, who is so easily scared and insecure, are the strongest person I know for you to overcome it all. And each day I feel honoured that you placed your trust in me."

The grip on Alex' hands tightens. His throat clenches shut and his breathing quickens.

"My love, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Growing together with you, facing fears and happiness together with you." Alex gasps when he sees Daniel reaching for a little box inside his pocket. He opens it and displays two silver rings inside.

"Alexander Johnson, will you marry me?"

Alex freezes in his motions. Marriage? Fear, happiness and surprise rush through him. Marriage!? Alex takes a moment to taste the word on his tongue. Marriage. Husband.

He remembers how proud he felt despite everything at introducing Daniel as his boyfriend. And now: Husband? Husband. The word sounds like love and future in his mind. Daniel is right. They overcame so many obstacles. What is there to be afraid of? With Daniel by his side he overcame so much and gained so much in return.

A thought surfaces inside of Alex. 'If it is this man, I can entrust him with my future.'

This thought rings true inside of him. The hesitation and fear vanishes from his gaze. With clear eyes and a voice full of determination and happiness he finally answers.

"Yes. Daniel Smith, I will marry you."


They spend the rest of their night in a daze of happiness. They kiss, laugh and kiss again, nearly unable to be apart from each other.

And Alex finally gets an answer to why everyone acted so strange. The answer was simple: They knew. Everyone knew.

"You what?" Alex asks incredulous.

"I went to your parent's place to ask them for your hand in marriage."

Alex still can't believe him. "And they granted you permission? Are we in the middle ages?", his voice has a mocking tone.

But Daniel only smiles at him knowingly. "Love, I know how much you value your family. I know how important their approval is to you. So I wanted to pave this road for us." He laughs at a memory. "I admit, it wasn't easy. Especially your father. I think he cross interrogated me for nearly an hour. Lawyers really can be scary. But somehow I managed to make him believe my sincerity." With a warm smile he adds "And your mother was just wonderful. She nearly cried when she realized I was serious. She was really, genuinely happy for you. And from Christian I was instructed to pass on his blessing as well." He gently strokes Alex' cheek. "Love, your whole family gave their blessing for our marriage."

He gently wipes under Alex' eyes and sure enough he feels a dampness on his fingertips. He can only imagine how happy his lover - his fiancé - is right now.

"And not only that. Do you know who instigated this whole trip? My sister and the group. They all collected money for my birthday present. Dana knew I always planned to make my proposal here, I just didn't find the right moment. And then she and the group all arranged for me to have the weekend off and to book this private room and hotel." Daniel laughs to himself. "I can't believe those idiots actually planned my grand proposal for me."

But Alex looks at him lovingly. "It shows how much they love and support you."

Daniel corrects him: "How much they support us."

They let the moment linger between them. After everything, after all those insecurities the support they meet from their surroundings is outstanding.

"Oh, and with permission from Dana and Peter I want to give you something else. Peter even handcrafted it." Alex looks at him puzzled. Then Daniel fishes a key with a colourful keychain out of his pocket. The chain clearly is crafted by a child, but with great care.

"My fiancé." Daniel lets the word linger between them. He really likes the sound of it. "Will you move in with us?" He presents the key to Alex and without a second thought Alex accepts. "It would be my pleasure."

Will the future only be rosy and bright in front of them? Probably not.

But is he afraid?

No. Because Alex now knows that he doesn't have to face this future alone.

At his side will be Daniel. His boyfriend. His fiancé. And in the near future, his husband.

Alex can't help but feel his heartbeat quicken at the thought. This scary, unknown future, he is ready for it. Because he knows amidst all the scary and painful parts, happiness awaits him.

The search for happiness has ended. With this chapter the story comes to a - final - end.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Thank you all for your support!

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