
From the shadows I rise

All my life I have lived in the shadow of others. So when I got my second chance I decided to let others live in my shadow. Traveling through the multiverse in search for godhood. All rights belong to their respected creators, except for my OC's.

artemis_kingson · Andere
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13 Chs

Taking in Potter 1

Making my way to the Dursley's house, I start to think about my plans. I don't want to alert Dumbledore, so I don't want to use any magic. So I have to choose my words very wisely and maybe I will be left with no other option than to use my secret weapon.

Before I reach the house I decided to enter an alley way and call Poppy. I asked him to get me a bottle of fire whisky for me from our cellar. I made sure he got us the cheapest and least aged fire whiskey he could find. I am not gonna waist good alcohol on these people. It is already a great deal of effort to part with even this one bottle of it. After I was done convincing myself that this is a good idea, I make my way to their house.

I reach the front door and kock only to hear quick footsteps heading for the door. The door swings open and I see that Petunia put in a lot of effort to clean this house and get all dressed up. I also notice that Vernon went and got a haircut and put on what I assume is his best sweater. I put on a charming smile and greet everybody.

"Hey Vernon, I am delighted that you have invited me for dinner. Mam it's nice to see you again." I can see that Vernon seems a bit surprised at how young I look and I decided to ease his worries with some light lies. Then again they are kinda true.

"I see that you seem surprised, Vernon. Let me ease your worries I was one of the kids placed in the advanced classes for my very high intelligence. So I graduated as a teacher for science, just last year and got a jon at the school." He seemed to understand. I mean in this 'school' for geniuses and I get placed in an advanced class, I must be the cream of the cream of the crop.

"Ah yes. Sorry you just looked to young, I was a bit skeptical. Never mind all of that come in." He leads me into his house and introduces me to his family. They even got harry all dressed up to make sure I don't suspect any kind of foul play in the house.

"Let me introduce you to my family. This is my wife Petunia, my son Dudley and my nephew Harry. His parents had died so we took him in." He made it sound like they are a benevolent and humble family. Which almost actually made me puke.

"Let me formally introduce myself. I am Arthur William Adam Mary. A teacher at a school for gifted young minds." After all introductions were over we decided to make our way over to dinner. Which tasted like rubber after you have had elves cook for you for so long. I learned they use magic in cooking to make the food more nutritious. Which in a weird way makes the food taste way better. Like eating a frozen patty and grade A beef.

Forcing down my meal we had a 'lovely' conversation, where the Dursley's hyped up their son, Dudley, more than was needed. He looked like a complete idiot.

After dinner they made the kids go to bed and we headed to the living room to talk about the arrangements for sending their son to boarding school. I toon out the fire whiskey and offered some to Vernon. Petunia didn't want any, instead she opted to drink wine. After some small talk and loosening up due to alcohol, I decided to start the talk with them about Harry Potter. I immediately used my magic to help my liver process the alcohol faster. Can't have a cloudy mind, I have to be in tip top shape to make sure this goes my way.

"Well we had received a call from your nephew Harry's school. We had seen that your nephew has an above average intelligence, that if nurtured properly could make him another great mind to better humanity." I started to b**lshit my eay through this. They didn't seem so pleased that I wasn't here for their son, but for Harry. So I decided to name some benefits.

"If you agree I will be coming back in 2 days to pick up young Harry and take him to our boarding school. It's location is up near Elgin in Scotland. It is an all year boarding school and he will have a chance to visit in summer vacation. At the start of the year we will let him take a couple of tests to see in which class we should place him." They still don't seem convinced, so I decided to bring out my secret weapon.

"The school will pay for all expenses and will reimburse you for the amount of money you have paid for Harry's eduction at his school. So just let me know how much his education had cost you and I will let the school know how much to sign on the check." Thats right my secret weapon, kapitalisme. Moment I mentioned money, Vernon immediately started to calculate how much he could get out of this. When he came to the end of his calculations he realized it was worth and agreed. I left the Dursley's house with a promise to come back in 2 days to get harry even gave them 100 pounds to buy a couple of things harry might need for his time at school. Even told them to keep the change, which got me quite a few brownie points.

I went back to my hotel room with a smile on my face. I have accomplished my first objective.

The next morning I wake up and over to the bank where I will be storing some money. I store a few thousand pounds, that I wrote off as an inheritance. That way the bank won't be too suspicious about the transaction. I even got myself a checkbook from the bank. I decided to head to some famous restaurants to have lunch and dinner. After dinner I decided to head back to the hotel. But on my way back I noticed a pretty lady staring at me. I have been in this world for almost 7 months, my younger self has nothing but train all this time so I am a 19 year old virgin. I think it's time I changed that.

I walk up to the lady and decided to break the ice with some small talk. Maybe I can convince her to come back to my hotel room.

"You know instead of staring you could have just said 'hello'." I say and manage to get a little giggle out of her. Damn handsome men have it easy. I couldn't help but curse in my mind.

"Well wouldn't want distract you from whatever you were thinking about. You seemed really concentrated." She says back, while raising her hand to shake mine. I take her hand hand kiss the back of it.

"Well mam you would have been a happy distraction. Maybe you would like to distract me for the rest of the night." I say in a very smooth and tempting voice. She seemed to have lost to my charm and agreed. I took her back to my hotel room and started going to town.

Now most of you would think a virgin has no skill and in my last life I didn't have many sexual relations, but a talent for everything means I easily learned from the mistakes I made in my last life and continuously corrected my mistakes as the night went on. By the time 3 am rolled around, you could find who I had learned that her name was, Jenna. She seemed absolutely exhausted and her eyes were rolled all the way to the back of her head. You could find my seeds dripping from her vagina. I wasn't scared that she would get pregnant. As a member of the dragon race, we have children once every hundred years. And a chance to get a female pregnant in those hundred years is extremely small. And my luck is pretty good, so no need to fear.

When morning sunlight shown through my window I woke up and felt something holding my arm. Then I remembered that I am no longer a virgin and by the way things went last night I think I just awoke my libido, which is gonna be a pain in the ass to manage. But as a man with a strong will, I will figure something out. Looks like I will become the inter dimensional version of a Tony Stark. Which doesn't sound to bad.

After I had managed to get Jenna out of my hotel room, treated her to breakfast and a cab home. I went on with my day planning my next course of action. Which is training harry and becoming like an older brother figure to him. I should probably also join the Wizengamot and take my rightful place among the pureblood family's.

I should also help release Sirius Black, he could be a helpful allay. As a pureblood with rights in the court, especially a falsely accused one he will have a lot of say. I will have to get as many benefits as I possibly can out of this world before I leave. I need the resurrection stone and the philosopher's stone. I also have to create a magical spell to get rid of Horcruxes.

I learned that even though I only need intent to cast magic I still need to know the way magic effects the world so the magical formula comes in handy here. With the magical formula I can study how the magic effect the world. So for example if I know how a luminos spell effect the world around it I will never have to learn another incantation for any type of illumination spell again. Cause I see how the magic effects the world.

That brings me to another discovery, the accio spell only works if you put in the necessary amount of mana into it. For example if I accio a pen I will need next to nothing of mana to be put in the spell. On the other hand if I try to accio a broom to fly, I would beed to add in more mana to get it to me. Weight, size and magical property all effect the spell. If you have two rocks in front of you one is magical and the other is a normal rock. It would be easier to accio the normal rock, compared to the magical one.

Accio in this world also seems to teleport the object to your location if it is out of sight and not make it fly in your direction like in the movie. So if I accio all the Horcruxes to my location it would be better.