
From the shadows I rise

All my life I have lived in the shadow of others. So when I got my second chance I decided to let others live in my shadow. Traveling through the multiverse in search for godhood. All rights belong to their respected creators, except for my OC's.

artemis_kingson · Andere
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13 Chs

Diagon Alley

As my consciousness started to return to me I opened my eyes and noticed that that is not the ceiling to my bedroom, which can only mean that whet I had just experienced was not a dream. I start to get up from my bed, whiles I was getting up I could feel a steady stream of memories that weren't there before enter my head. I don't quite understand why fanfics always made it seem like your brain was gonna explode, it felt more like waking up from a hangover. The memories were there already, they have already been processed. All you have to do is remember.

As I take a moment to look at my memories I recall my time in Egypt where I met William Weasley or better known as Bill. I had somehow managed to convince him to teach me how to be a better duelist. Due to my high affinity with mana and large mana pool, I have no need for a wand. All I need is the intent to cast and I got it.

I also remembered my time studying martial arts in china with my master, Li Fang Wei, where I learned Tai Chi to help regulate the energies and help my muscles become more flexible. Also learned Karate and Taekwondo. Karate for upper body and Taekwondo for lower body. Also spent some time mastering Muay Thai. I have become deadly in the art of hand to hand combat. I had decided to put off weapons training for now and focus more on my body and magic.

As I reviewed all my memories I must say I'm impressed. Also Tai Chi is a lot more helpful in a world where energy exist within the body that you can actually feel. While i was lost in thought about all these different memories, my body had gone on autopilot and done my morning routine for me which consists of a little bit of light stretching and then some Tai Chi. By the time I was done I head for the shower. But as I passed by the mirror I had to stop and look at myself again. Once again confirming that this is not some dream but a real reincarnation.

I finish my shower and fish out a white t-shirt and black jeans from my suitcase. I grabbed a pair of sunglasses and put on my shoes. I left the hotel room and went to a clothing store nearby. The moment I entered the store the lady's in the store couldn't stop staring. I walked up to a tailor working in the store and asked him to make me 2 suits, one black and one grey. I also bought 3 ties, a red one, a black one and a purple one. After he was done taking my measurements, I paid for everything and left. I will have to come back in a week to collect my suits, I paid extra for quality so it takes more time.

Now I was back on the streets of London, I quickly found my way to the Leaky Cauldron. I entered the 'fine' establishment and decided to talk to the bartender and owner of the inn Tom.

"Hey what can I get for ya." Tom asked me as he was cleaning a glass.

"Yeah, I need you to open the door for me in the back." I tell him. He looks at me suspiciously and I can tell that he is debating doing it for me. So I decided to persuade him to help me out with a little bit of coin. "I need to visit Gringotts I have quite the sum in the old vault, so how about if you help me I can get you a 10 galleon." And that was just what I needed for Tom to happily open up the back door for me.

We headed to the back and he did his old tappady tap tap and the wall opened up to form a door. I open that door and I have officially stepped into Diagon Alley. In all honesty very underwhelming, I mean everything is curved. For a modern man who has enjoyed the art of the straight line all these curves look weird, I mean where are the edges or the corners. I just sigh to myself and head towards Gringotts.

On my way there I feel quite a few gazes on me as I am wearing muggle clothing, quite a few of those feel hostile. But I just mind my own business and make my way to the big, white and shiny building at the end of the street. The moment I set foot on the little step to the front door of the bank I feel the goblin guards look at me, trying to think of a good reason why a muggle like myself would be visiting their bank. In the end they just let it go and continue doing their work.

I enter the bank and to my luck the moment I enter a teller is free, so I make my way over to the teller. Before I can even make some small talk or get a conversation going the teller decides to speak.

"Name and reason for visit." He sounded kinda fed up and tired of his work. Well I could imagine, dealing with racist and prejudice wizards and witches all day could get real old real fast.

"Arthur William Adam Draknos, reason for visit is opening up my family faults." The moment I state my name and reason for visit I swear you could fit a golfball in the goblins mouth. I mean who would expect that someone would show up claiming to be part of a most ancient and noble household, thought to have gone extinct for more than 4 decades. But like any professional worth his weight in gold he soon composed himself and sneered at me.

"Well you will have to prove that you are who you say you are or else you will be paying dearly for entering Gringotts and trying to make a fool out of us." He says and makes me follow him to a private room. He leaves me there to go get some magic paper to confirm my identity. Not even a minute goes by and he has returned, he tells me drop a drop of blood on the paper and give it a minute. After waiting a little bit the paper starts to transform and words start to appear on them.

{Name: Arthur William Adam Draknos}

{Mother: ????}

{Father: William Adam James Draknos}

{Age: 19}

{Vaults owned: 3

- Draknos family vault #23

- Wiliam Draknos vault # 52

- Draknos family trust vault # 617}

{Total amount: 401,000,000 galleon}

The same amount as I had written down in my backstory. After I was done confirming this I looked at the goblin, he looked surprised at the paper. I decided to give the goblin a minute while I myself do a little bit of thinking. I have so much money but I probably won't stay in this world forever so I should create some kind of spacial magic where I can hold all of this gold. Could come in pretty handy for other worlds. As I reach the end of my thought process I see that the goblin has calmed down.

"If you will follow me sir. Draknos to your official banker." I nod and he leads the way towards an office where I meet my family's banker.

"Well it nice to know that the Draknos family hasn't been wiped out. My name is Flitslay. Since it says here that you are 19 years of age, you are old enough to claim your vaults and become head of your household." As he finish saying what he has to say he takes out a box and hands it to me. In the box there is a ring with a red ruby on it, the ring itself looks like a dragon that is about to eat it's own tail but it's head points upwards letting the ruby rest in it's mouth. I put on the ring and then Flitslay tells me drop some blood on it. The moment I do that I feel like the ring and I have gotten a deeper connection,also have a feeling that it can't be stolen and I feel something else, but I will explore that later.

"Mister Flitslay, I would like to inquire about my family's properties." I say. I need to find my family mansion and ransack that library. Sadly I wrote my backstory a little too well cause apparently our main mansion was destroyed in the fight with Grindelwald. But luckily there is a smaller mansion that I can use, that hopefully has a proper library. After a few more formalities I take a mole skin pouch and leave the bank heading toward Flourish and Blotts. I need to buy all the books for Hogwarts from 1st to 7th year.

When I arrive at Flourish and Blotts I decide to take the easy way out and walk up to the counter. There I find a middle aged man who seemed kinda bored.

"Hey there mu friend, I'm kinda in a hurry and don't have time to look for all the Hogwarts school books. I was wondering if you could do it for me." I ask the man, he looks at me and can't seem to believe what he is hearing, he looks like he is about to reject. So I slip him some motivation, in the form of 20 galleon. He looks at me then the money, nods his head and gets to work. Ahhhh the power of kapitalisme. About 5 minutes later he comes walking back with a magically expanded crate with 7 years worth of books.

"Also got any extra alchemy, potions and rune books that might be interesting." He looks at me again waiting for me to bring out the money for him to fetch the books, ahh do I love kapitalisme. "For every interesting book you bring I will give you 5 galleon." I tell him and he gets to work in the end he brings back 5 interesting and pretty advanced books. 2 on potions, 1 on alchemy and the last 2 on runes. Alchemy is not as heavily invested in as runes and potions.

That's when I noticed I made a stupid mistake I don't have anywhere to put them. I should have bought a suitcase first. Just when I thought of that my ring sucks up all the books and thats is when I realize what the other feeling my ring gave of was, it was a spatial ring. Pretty rare treasure here in the wizarding world. I just shrugged it off and paid for the books which cost me 658 galleon. Some pretty expensive stuff.

I exit the store and walk a little bit then I remember one this worlds biggest cheats to ever live, house elves. So I decided to check and see if any of my family's house elves are still left.

"I call upon the Draknos family house elves." As the words leave my mouth I hear multiple pops and I find 7 house elves standing in front of me the oldest looking one takes a step forward and decides to speak to me.

"Master has called upon us once again. My name is Poppy, master should bond with us first." As he says that I raise my hand on instinct and feel that I had just connected a portion of mu mana to 7 other individuals. Surprisingly house elves don't take a lot of mana to 'keep' or maybe it's just that my mana pool is too big. Either way that is not important I need them to take me to my family's mansion or the back up mansion is a better term for it.

"Take me to the family mansion." And that is exactly what they did. With a pop we were all gone.