
18. Chapter 18

The rain felt appropriate given Maya’s mood.


She stood in the middle of a busy sidewalk, umbrella in hand, but couldn’t quite bring herself to walk away yet. A few drops of cold water dripped onto her back and her hair was damp.


Somehow, she found the weather comforting.


Rain and Seattle were synonymous. She’d grown up running in rainstorms, on tracks made slick from stormy weather, in flooded high school fields. Lane had insisted she run in the rain because there would be no excuse for losing a race.


So, Maya had trained her feet and her legs to compensate when the ground was slippery. She taught her body not to notice the cold or the wet. She forced her eyes to see through the droplets. And sometimes standing in the rain was still where she felt the most control, as if her entire body was at her command, every nerve, every tendon.


She took one last second to breathe in the damp air, aware that she was disrupting busy morning commuters, which is what finally inspired her to walk away from SFD Headquarters and back to the car.


Submitting a formal complaint had been surprisingly easy. As with everything related to bureaucracy, it was all in the paperwork.


She wrote down her name. Her station. Her rank.


She wrote down her take on the situation and made a list of witnesses and evidence.


And then she’d signed at the bottom and handed the papers to a clerk.


That was it.


The papers would go to HR, who would likely kick them up the chain until they reached the desk of Chief Ross and every other senior member of the fire department. Including the Battalion Chiefs.


Maya guessed she had only a few days before Robert Sullivan received word. Which meant Station 19 only had a few days too.


Her thoughts were distracted as she approached Carina’s Porsche, though she forced herself to concentrate as she set aside her damp umbrella. Driving the Porsche was a rare treat and Carina had very strict rules. Rainwater on the leather upholstery would not be appreciated.


Maya managed to climb in without making a mess and as she sat in the driver’s seat, she took a moment to smile. Because Maya Bishop had a thing for driving powerful cars.


Fire engines.


Aid cars.


Her wife’s precious Porsche.


She revved the engine and set her hands on the wheel, her smile growing wider because even when she wasn’t present, Carina had a way of making her happy.


Maya merged into traffic, still focused on the fact that she’d finally done it, she’d finally filed the complaint. It made her anxious too, but the smell of leather and Carina’s bodywash enveloped her like a security blanket all the way to the station.


It was a clinic day, which left Maya feeling both excited and disappointed. While she was looking forward to seeing Carina, she desperately wished for a very large, very dangerous fire to keep her distracted.


Upon entering the station, however, her disappointment faded immediately because she caught sight of Carina in the barn, setting up, and her wife looked particularly beautiful as she moved a portable ultrasound device from one end of the room to another.


Carina hadn’t seen her yet, so Maya headed upstairs. She was already in uniform, but she needed to re-do her hair and put her backpack away.


Jack and Warren were downstairs in the clinic, which left Travis on breakfast duty. He waved as Maya walked by and she waved back, guilt eating away at her.


Would they interview Travis? Would he take her side? Travis liked to point out that Maya stole Andy’s job, but Travis rarely said anything that didn’t end in a punchline, so Maya couldn’t be sure.


Theo and Vic were busy sparing in the gym, and with Andy presumably in her office, Maya had the lockers and washroom all to herself. She set down her backpack, smiling warmly at the sight of Carina’s purse and jacket already stowed away. Maya lightly touched the picture of Carina and Jamie as she grabbed a brush.


This is what matters. This is why you’re fighting so hard.


The thought revived her, and she managed to push some of her worry aside. Filing a formal complaint was important for her career. It was so much better than sitting around passively as corruption ruined her dreams. If her colleagues spoke out against her, there was nothing she could do to stop them.


But Maya knew she had allies in the building too.


And more importantly, she had her wife. And their baby.


Walking into the washroom, Maya still shook her head at the idea of their baby. Jamie was doing better and better every day. She was gaining weight and her heartbeat had finally stabilized. It seemed like every time Maya went to see her, Jamie had one less sensor. One less IV line. They just needed her lungs to mature a little more and then she could leave the NICU.


Maya pulled the elastic from her hair and ran her fingers through the damp strands. Her ears were cold and so was her nose. Despite wanting a firegasm, staying inside for the day was probably a good idea.


The door swung open just as Maya raised her brush and she paused upon seeing Carina in the mirror because Carina’s trousers fit her just a little too perfectly and Maya was nothing if not observant.


“Lieutenant Bishop, do you come here often?” Carina leaned against the doorway and winked before walking in and locking the door behind her.


Maya raised an eyebrow, but didn’t complain. Theo and Vic were undoubtably making out in the gym, she was allowed a little privacy with her wife.


“Dr. DeLuca,” Maya said in greeting, turning from the sink to find Carina standing right in front of her.


“Did it go okay?” Carina asked, taking Maya’s hand.


Maya nodded. “Yes. But am I supposed to feel this nervous about it? I feel nervous about it.”


Carina took one step closer.


“You are doing what’s right, Maya. What’s fair and just,” she said, leaving no room for doubt.


Maya considered her words. “Do you want to hear something silly?”




“When I signed the paperwork? The first thing I thought was…I hope I make Jamie proud, which is dumb because she’s tiny and probably thinks I’m just a shadow blob that gives her milk, bu…”


Carina cut her off with a kiss so desperate that Maya gasped for air. She quickly recovered, moaning at the feel of Carina’s tongue sliding against her own. Two hands found her belt buckle, but she managed to get a hold of Carina’s wrists before her wife could get any further.


“Whoa,” Maya laughed, finding Carina staring at her with open lust.


“Scusa, you’re going to be an amazing mother and…”


“…that turns you on?”


Carina answered with another kiss, bringing both hands to Maya’s face.


“It is very, very sexy,” she said, panting just a little.


Maya filed away that information for later, but not before sliding her hands down Carina’s back and squeezing her ass.


“I’m going to paint the guest room this weekend,” Maya wiggled her eyebrows as she spoke, trying not to lose it as Carina bit her lip.


“The things you say, Bambina.”


“And I ordered a diaper hamper,” Maya whispered, wedging her thigh between Carina’s legs. She knew it was mean, but that didn’t stop her from pushing up. Carina leaned forward, planting her hands on the counter, pinning Maya in place. She rolled her hips, a challenge, and Maya was seriously considering breaking her own rule against public displays of affection at work and finding the nearest bunk when someone knocked on the door.


“Please stop lesbianing! I have to pee!” Vic’s voice was muffled, but it was enough to cool down the DeLuca-Bishops who moved apart, both slightly out of breath.


Before letting Vic in, Carina turned to Maya one more time.


“Jamie is proud of you, Maya. She will always be proud of you. Just like me,” she said, heartfelt and true.


She blew Maya a kiss and then unlocked the door, side-stepping a hopping Vic as she disappeared.




Throughout the day, Maya found herself pausing her work to catch a glimpse of Carina. It wasn’t like her – she was usually hyper focused on her job and clinic days offered time to do inventory and stack hoses. Instead, she was lurking around corners and smiling like a lovesick teenager when she occasionally heard Carina’s distinctive voice instructing patients or making a diagnosis.


Something about Jamie had softened Maya, though she would never admit it to herself. And Carina was the only other person who could understand the feeling. They loved each other, but it felt like Jamie had somehow injected their already big love with steroids.


There was also the fact that Carina had decided to torture her all day long. A little teasing was one thing, but Carina was basically edging her, and Maya was grateful for it. Not just because it felt good, but because it was a distraction from her worries about the formal complaint.


Instead of anxiously watching the door in case her colleagues were about to be served with subpoenas, Maya was watching Carina, or, at the very least, she was waiting to see when Carina would strike next.


At lunch Carina sat next to her in the Beanery, her hand slowly gliding up Maya’s thigh under the table. They ran into each other again at the lockers where Carina bent over searching her purse, her ass conveniently pushing against Maya’s pelvis. She hugged Maya as she left, slipping something into her pocket before prancing from the room. Maya nearly fell over when she discovered that the something was a thong. A still-warm thong.


Maya was in such a good mood that she didn’t notice Chief Ross’s presence until the woman herself appeared in the barn, walking up and down the cubicles. Andy was beside her and they were deep in discussion though Ross had a pleased smirk on her face. It faded slightly as she caught sight of Maya, but Ross quickly recovered, schooling her features into a mask of indifference.


“Lieutenant Bishop,” she said, pausing in front of the equipment room.


Maya stood at attention, her chin raised, praying Carina wouldn’t overhear. She didn’t want Carina to hear this humiliation, she didn’t want Carina to see her cut down.


“Chief,” Maya answered, her voice neutral.


“It’s good to see you back at 19. Captain Herrera informs me that congratulations to you and your wife are in order.”


Maya felt her hands go cold. The last thing she wanted was for Jamie to be anywhere near the situation. Chief Ross had already demeaned her wife. But her baby? Maya willed herself to stay calm.


“Yes, Chief. Thank you, Chief.”


“Captain Dale was very complimentary about you, Bishop. I’m glad to hear it.”


Maya nodded.


“Captain Dale is the exemplification of leadership. I was honoured to serve with her,” Maya said, relieved the conversation had moved away from her family.


“Excellent. Then you’ll be honoured to serve under Captain Herrera too.”


Under not with.


Maya swallowed hard. “Yes, Chief.”


The sound of heels on cement pulled everyone’s attention and they all looked to their right where Carina had just stepped out of a cubicle.


Maya watched as her wife’s face shifted from friendly physician to secretly enraged spouse. Her cheekbones were somehow sharper. Her eyebrows arched. Maya was relieved that Ross likely could not pick up on the subtle changes, though Maya knew better than anyone that Chief Ross was in danger. At least judging by the set of Carina’s mouth.


Huge danger.


“Ah, Dr. DeLuca, so good to see you again.” Ross spun around, facing Carina.


“Likewise, Chief Ross.”


Maya felt her heart beating too quickly. She really did not want a fight to break out between her boss and her wife. Though Carina would never make a scene, the tension alone was anxiety-inducing.


“I was saying to your wife that I hear congratulations are in order?”


Carina’s jaw twitched and her nostrils flared. Maya was certain that a silent prayer had just been sent to a very angry saint and Ross was going to wake up the next day with the measles.


“Thank you,” Carina said, her accent thicker than usual, a sure sign that she was trying to hold back a wave of emotion.


“It’s quite the thing! Herrera told me that you both rescued her? It would make a great story, a real human-interest piece. Would you consider an interview and maybe a picture? I can get in touch with my contact at The Times – they’re always looking to promote the SFD and this would be perfect.” Ross spoke breezily, as if she was suggesting a picnic in the park.


She didn’t seem to notice that Carina’s face had turned red or that Maya was breathing strangely. Maya was about to step in and burn her career to the ground, but Carina found the words first, subtly raising her hand to stop Maya.


“Thank you, Chief Ross. But my wife and I prefer to keep our private lives private,” Carina said, her look pointed.


“Understood. Though if you change yo…”


“We won’t.”


Ross looked from Carina to Maya and back again, as if she could understand the silent language that existed between the two. But she couldn’t. No one could.


Because Maya was saying thank you as she tilted her head.


And Carina was saying I love you as she raised her eyebrow.


“I should let you both get back to work,” Ross said, looking at Carina, “Thank you for your efforts here, Dr. DeLuca. It’s a testament to this station and the community.”


Carina responded with a small nod of acknowledgment and the DeLuca-Bishops watched in silence as the Chief and Andy walked out of the barn and towards the stairs. When they were out of sight, Carina let out a low growl and stormed back into the cubicle. Maya followed quickly.


“Come osa parlare del nostra bambina. Come osa!” Carina paced the small space, raising one finger and shaking it skyward.


Maya looked over her shoulder, making sure they were alone, and then caught Carina’s hand, pulling her closer.


“Why do you think Andy told her?” Maya wondered out loud.


Carina huffed. “I do not know. But if any of them think they can use our Jamie…”


“Hey,” Maya took Carina’s face in her hands, “she can’t touch Jamie. I won’t let her.”


Weeks ago the confrontation would have broken Maya. It would have sent her spiralling. But holding Carina’s face, knowing she’d taken a step forward to right the wrongs of the past year, Maya channeled her anger into strength instead of darkness.


Carina’s anger, however, was still palpable, a rare occurrence given her ability to find the good in even the worst situations. She wrapped her hands around Maya’s biceps, squeezing, and despite the seriousness of the moment, Maya couldn’t help the small smirk.


“I’ll protect you. And Jamie. Forever,” Maya said, flexing just a little, just to see if Carina would notice.


Sure enough, Carina licked her lips, her anger shifting into something else entirely.


“Baciami,” Carina whispered, demanding. Usually, Maya would refuse given their location, but her boss had just tried to use their baby as propaganda. Decorum be damned.


Plus, Carina didn’t specify where she wanted a kiss, which left Maya with so many options.


She tucked her face into Carina’s neck, licking her pulse point before lightly biting the sensitive skin. If Maya’s parenting plans were an aphrodisiac for Carina, the way Carina fearlessly defended their family was very much working for Maya too.


“That’s not really where I want to kiss you,” Maya brushed her lips against Carina’s ear, her voice husky.




“I mean, it’s perfect. Every inch of you is perfect. But I want something very specific. Something that just mine.”


Carina inhaled deeply and when Maya pulled back her eyes were squeezed shut.


“Just a few more hours, Dr. DeLuca,” she said, backing out of the cubicle, “a few more hours until I give you that kiss.”


Carina’s dopey smile and hazy look eviscerated the memory of every word Chief Ross said.




They walked quickly through the parking lot, hand in hand, until Carina’s Porsche came into view. Maya had parked it far away from the other cars, knowing how cautious Carina was about scratches.


Carina circled the Porsche and slipped into the driver’s seat while Maya took her place on the passenger’s side, both tired from a long day spent on their feet. Maya tucked her backpack away and then reached for her seatbelt, only pausing when she felt Carina’s eyes on her.


“Everything okay?” She asked, finding her wife staring at her intently.


Carina pressed her hand to Maya’s cheek and then slid it behind her head, pulling her closer. The leather squeaked as Carina leaned over to kiss Maya, her lips warm and soft. Maya opened her mouth, relieved to finally have the freedom to kiss her wife properly, the Porsche’s tinted windows affording them privacy. She curled her hands into the lapels of Carina’s jacket and forced her forward, deepening the kiss, running the tip of her tongue along Carina’s bottom lip before licking inside, moaning as she felt Carina’s tongue in her mouth.


They’d been teasing each other all day and with the added stress of Ross’s appearance, the need to touch was almost unbearable. Carina pulled away first, searching Maya’s face.


“Home?” Maya panted, expecting Carina to turn on the car and tear out of the lot.


Instead, Carina furrowed her brown in thought and then bit her lip.


“Take off your shoes and get into the back seat,” she said, finally releasing her grip on Maya’s head.


Carina didn’t let Maya drink coffee in the Porsche and now she wanted to…


Maya didn’t wait for her wife to change her mind. She reached down, quickly untying her sneakers before kicking them off. Very carefully, she lowered her seat and climbed into the back, waiting to see if Carina would do the same.


The light from the Station provided enough illumination for Maya to see the blush on Carina’s cheeks. Carina removed her jacket, leaving it on the front seat, and then discarded her boots before somewhat awkwardly climbing over the centre consol. With her long legs, Carina was less graceful than usual in her movements, but she quickly ended up sitting beside Maya, still breathless.


Despite the late hour, Maya knew that B-Squad was on for the night. She could see cars pulling into the lot and while she knew the Porsche’s windows appeared black to anyone outside, the thought of people nearby thrilled her.


She didn’t say a word when she started unbuttoning Carina’s silk blouse. The buttons were delicate, and each took longer than she wanted, but the effect was alluring. Carina was revealed slowly, every mouth-watering inch of her torso.


Maya carefully leaned over, placing one knee on the seat between Carina’s legs.


“Hi,” she said softly, close enough to kiss Carina though she chose not to. Not yet.


“Hi,” Carina smiled.


“Thank you for today. For being beside me. I know it hasn’t been easy and…”


Carina shook her head as she set her hands on Maya’s shoulders.


“Maya, how many times do I have to say this? I want to be beside you,” Carina’s exasperation was clear. As was her love.


“Guess I’m still not used to it…I’m really good at chasing people away.”


“I love you,” Carina whispered against Maya’s lips, “and I choose you forever.”


Warmth spread throughout Maya’s chest and all thoughts of guilt fell away as Carina kissed her again. With her wife sprawled beneath her, Maya felt like she’d stumbled into a dream. She found Carina’s neck, nuzzling against it, overwhelmed by how good Carina smelled. But how soft she was.


“You’re so beautiful,” Maya said, kissing Carina’s chest, licking the curve of her breast.




The sound of her name gasped from Carina’s lips made Maya hungry. She maintained her balance with one hand on the back of the seat, but managed to lower herself further, pleased to see Carina’s bra was sheer and see through. She didn’t bother pushing it down, instead sucking Carina through the fabric, eliciting the sweetest moan from above.


It was so tempting to tease, but Maya really had been anticipating this all day. She paused as Carina reached behind her own back with one hand, clearly struggling under her shirt, and then her bra loosened giving Maya so much more to work with.


Eye-level with Carina’s chest, Maya was suddenly light-headed. Everything was just so perfect.


“Bambina, you look like a teenage boy right now,” Carina laughed, though judging by her hard nipples, she didn’t mind Maya’s attention at all.


“Sorry, they’re just so…” Maya sighed, her concentration slipping until Carina cleared her throat and gave her a pointed look.


“You have made me wait for a very long time, Maya,” Carina cupped her own breast, rubbing her thumb against her nipple.


Maya so loved to watch Carina touch herself and Carina knew it, but Maya had other goals, which is why she lowered her hands to the button of Carina’s trousers, dropping to her knees just below the seat. It was a tight fit, but Maya was determined, and the Porsche was spacious.


With Carina’s help, Maya managed to pulled Carina’s pants down to her knees and then off one leg. It left Carina seated half naked, her shirt open, her bra askew. She looked positively tussled, and Maya could not wait any longer.


She kissed Carina’s stomach, just above her navel, and tried to slow her breathing. This was about Carina. Carina’s pleasure. Carina’s joy. Maya wanted to ignore her own desire and take her wife.


Carina apparently wanted that too because she spread her legs, offering herself, one bent at the knee and pressed against the seatback, the other sprawled, her foot nearly in Maya’s lap.


“Fuck,” Maya whispered, almost incapable of speech. Carina knew exactly what she was doing, she always did. She knew the exact thing to say or the exact way to move her body that would drive Maya into a state of feral need.


Carina set her hand on top of Maya’s head, her fingers sinking into Maya’s hair.


“Did you not say it was yours?” She asked, coy.


Maya growled and descended. She spread Carina open with her thumbs, revealing her clit, taking it into her mouth and sucking hard. Carina’s spasmed, not expecting Maya’s sudden movement. She arched, one arm braced against the back seat, trying to find some leverage to move her hips.


“Cazzo, Bambina…” Her voice was loud in the small space and it made Maya smile. It made her greedy too.


She took Carina’s hips in her hands, forcing her to stay still, removing any chance that she could move away. Carina’s fingers were so sharp against Maya’s scalp, but Maya loved it, she loved feeling Carina’s pleasure.


Maya turned her face, nipping at Carina’s thigh, so close to where she knew Carina wanted her to be, but not close enough. She licked the smooth skin, sucking it just hard enough to leave mark, before turning.


“You taste so good,” she said almost to herself, licking Carina’s entrance with the tip of her tongue. The hand in her hair pulled, which forced Maya forward. She licked inside, moaning at the feeling, using her nose against Carina’s clit, lapping her up in frenzied need.


She didn’t think before lowering one hand into her own jeans, she was throbbing, fucking Carina, tasting her, feeling how wet she was, it was almost too much for Maya. After a day of waiting and wanting, after a whole day, she couldn’t help it, she couldn’t…


Maya slipped her hand into her panties and rubbed herself, gasping against Carina’s body as she finally found some relief. The sound obviously surprised Carina who in the midst of her own gasps looked down at Maya, meeting her gaze.


“Maya…are you…”


Maya nodded, soaking her chin as she did, pushing her tongue inside Carina again as she watched her wife’s mouth open in a silent moan. As Carina climaxed above her, Maya used her free hand to press down on Carina’s clit, rubbing in hard, relentless circles and the rush of moisture it induced had Maya on the edge herself. She swallowed, knowing her face was a mess, tasting Carina, wanting all of her.


But as Carina came down for her orgasm, Maya was nearly in pain, the spasms between her legs growing stronger and stronger. Carina was still blissed out, but she managed to bring her hands to Maya’s shoulders and pull at her shirt, and Maya understood what she wanted immediately.


It wasn’t easy slipping onto Carina’s lap in the small space. Maya leaned forward, her head bowed over Carina’s shoulder, but she managed to plant her knees on either side of Carina’s thighs as they sat sideways on the seat.


There was no way to pull Maya’s jeans down, but Carina didn’t seem to care as she slid her hand inside, forcing Maya’s own hand away. Her fingers were inside Maya so quickly that Maya felt her heart stutter.




The fingers curled, searching, searching…


Maya surged forward, her upper body smashed against Carina, her shoulder nearly hit Carina’s chin, but Carina rubbed her fingers in exactly the right place and Maya could feel herself on the precipice, she could feel herself about to jump off that cliff.


“Fuck…I’m so close…I…”


Carina’s thumb circled Maya’s clit, the touch light, a tease.


“Is this mine, Bambina?” Carina’s voice was so calm, so low, but the implication of her words made Maya clench hard around her fingers.




The pressure on her clit increased, and then a hand tickled down the back of her jeans, grabbing her ass. Carina squeezed, her blunt nails scratching lightly.


“And this?” She asked, squeezing again.


Maya squirmed, setting one hand on Carina’s shoulder, needing to feel her.




“So good for me, Maya, such a good girl,” Carina whispered into Maya’s ear, smiling, before she slipped a third finger inside Maya without any warning.


The stretch was enough to shock Maya’s system. Her orgasm tore through, a relentless, pounding, flood of sensation that felt endless as she struggled through, Carina’s body all that stopped her from shattering to pieces. She bucked against Carina’s hand, unable to control her hips from moving, unable to control the moans from her mouth, unable to control the gush of moisture that soaked Carina’s fingers as she continued fucking her.


It was only when Maya opened her eyes minutes later that she regained any semblance of awareness. She was somehow lying on top of Carina, her head just below Carina’s chin, though Carina seemed comfortable beneath her. Two hands coasted down Maya’s back until the settled against her ass again, holding her close.


Maya frowned as she realized how wet she was and tried to look down at her body, but it was too dark in the car to see much.


“Did I…” She wondered out loud still looking down until she heard Carina laugh.


“Did you squirt and almost ruin the upholstery? Yes, you did,” She said, which in turn made Maya push herself up on two hands so she could look at Carina’s face.


“Pretty sure you did first,” Maya licked her lips, still tasting Carina.


Carina raised one eyebrow, but her smirk widened.


Maya pressed a soft kiss to Carina’s mouth, knowing Carina could taste herself too.


 “I should file complaints with HR more often,” she mumbled, sighing when Carina squeezed her ass again.


“Hmm. It was all that talk of diaper hampers and nursery painting,” Carina almost looked thoughtful as she spoke.


“Oh? That worked for you?”




“And if I told you I’d narrowed down our crib choices to two?”


Carina stared at Maya with dark eyes. “Help me get dressed. We need to go home, right now.”


“Big plans?”


“Yes, Andiamo, Bambina!”


Maya didn’t move, she liked the look on Carina’s face. She liked the open desire.


“And what will I get if I do?”


“It’s more like what will I get.”


This time Maya raised her eyebrow, increasingly curious about what lay ahead.


“Tell me and I’ll move,” Maya lowered her body again, just enough to feel Carina’s breasts against hers.


 “When we get home, I want you on all fours for me.” Carina said, leaving no room for argument.


“Uh huh.”


“And then I’m going to use the green one and see if I can make you ruin our bedsheets just like you ruined your jeans, Bambina.”


The green one…


“Just the green one? You know I can take more, Carina,” she laughed, but quieted when she saw the devious grin on her wife’s face.


“You assume you know where I plan to use it.”


She squeezed Maya’s ass again, hard enough to leave red marks in the shape of her manicured fingernails.


“God, you are such a butt girl,” Maya teased, unable to keep her voice from shaking at the mere thought of what Carina had planned.


Carina shrugged against the seat, casual despite their increasingly heated discussion.


“Well, it’s mine. And I can use it however I want to,” she said, leaving Maya speechless.


They lay together for another minute, both content just to look, to memorize each line, each freckle, each scar.


Maya kissed Carina just as the rain started again.


She didn’t feel the cold because Carina’s warmth permeated every piece of her.


She didn’t feel the cold.