
From My Life


Birky · realistisch
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9 Chs

forever lonely

I mean I don't have much else to say. Same thing different day. School, work, get home and sulk. Feel bad about what i want but cant have, cry for a bit then push it to the back of my mind like i have been doing for the last couple years. Because who cares really . No one. This is a problem that i have to face myself since nobody is ever going to be there for me.

So i took up hobbies to take my mind off things, i started photography, and editing, also some reading which u can see from me using this app. But this can only keep me occupied for so long before those thoughts come back.

And they always come back stronger, these feelings i have get worse, my already low self esteem dropping lower to the point where i don't care anymore about how people view me.

Im broken i feel like there's no saving this life, i tried my hardest but do you understand how hard it is to be this lonely. I don't want to be alone i want people i can count on when Im in need. But here i am writing again so i can let out all these emotions in me. Even though nobody's ever going to see this makes me feel better.