
"My Beautiful Girl"

" When I saw you, I fell in love and you smiled because you knew"

-William Shakespeare

Jack POV

"She laid lifelessly on the limestone tiles, blood seeping from her mouth. Her body dyed with red, her disheveled hair and her clothes torn apart, she looked grotesque. He was there. He was complaining about how we ruined his career. Taking a puff from his favorite cigarette, he went towards the kitchen. As he emerged out with knife, he approached me and I was too terrified to breath. It was until I heard a scream,"

Sweat layered my skin. My bed soaked wet, blanket scattered away and my disheveled state, I knew I had that nightmare. That memory was awful. It was eating me emotionally yet I couldn't do anything. I thought that I was able to move on but it was just an illusion.

My mouth without any moisture and throat as dry as sand, I made my way to the kitchen. As I poured some water to drink, everything came to me. I knew that no matter how much I revisit my past, there was nothing new. But I couldn't stop myself.

I still remember those beautiful merry-go-around, where they would turn me around as I screamed with delight. The sweet aroma of cotton candies and the warm comforting hands holding me, I still remember. I remember that apple fragrance wafting from my mom as her black hair danced with the wind. And that light brown eyes that could speak thousand of comforting word while I was distressed. I still remember. I could hear those clicking of her heels with added rhythm to the soft jazz music that played as she danced with my dad.

My dad was perfect too. He was few inches taller than me. He was slim, muscular and had almost perfect symmetrical face. He had that brown skins Adonis look with dark eyes that made every women turn their head. No wonder my mom fell for him. Everything was perfect until that day.

Everything changed from that day. In that moment of loss my happiness collapsed. My perfect dad became a drunkard. Those Adonis look that everyone admired was no more admirable. With those tuft of beard bushing around his face, he looked much older than his year. Those dark eyes lost its warmth. The light that was my guide became shadow and left me. The once treasured memory was now a shadow beneath my mind.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I took of my sweat soaked clothes and placed it in the basket. Placing the new set of clothes near the bathtub, I turned the knob. The warm water was the only thing that felt warm in my life. Everything felt desolated and vague. Wearing a denim jean with stripped T-shirt, I went to get my black boot. Our college seemed old but it was the only place which filled the void within me. As I was walking by the hall way, I swear that I really saw an angel. That peculiar feeling which I thought left me came back again.

I was awe-stricken. Her black pupil held such an intelligence and grace that it was impossible for me to not to be held captive. Her cheekbones weren't especially high and her nose was small and way far from perfect but there was undeniable symmetry to her feature. She wore her long black hair in pony tail but in my mind it was long and fluid, lying beautifully over her shoulder. And those irresistible lips were too much. It was pale pink that reminded me of a rose bud and the top lip was thinner, but not too thin, the bottom was larger and plusher.

She was too much to be true. As I approach her she looked up and smiled at me. God knows how that smile turned me on. I could tell that she was fascinated by looks. That really swelled my pride. At one point I was thankful to them for gracing me with this looks. Yet I hated them from destroying my childhood.I wore a dark rimmed spectacle that perfectly hid my brown eyes. No close friend me could read my false facade. I made them believe that was totally satisfied.

Eyes are indeed the window to ones soul. She stared me and i could feel that she was reading me. She was in her sophomore and had not much of friend. I could really feel how lonely she felt. Her name was Elisa and she was 20 years old. She was from a small town called Cannara.

No one believes in love at first sight until that special person comes and steals your heart. And you get that tingling feeling rising within you which strengthen your perspective of life and makes you to see the world from beautiful angle. And you also feel like you could give up everything for her and that she will always be your world.

I knew nothing about her but it was such an amazement that an once encounter could evoke thousand of feeling within me. People say love is not only something you feel, it is something you do. And I knew I couldn't let her off without a proper confession.

Thank you all the reader for reading my work. I will try my immense best to give you a beautiful story.

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