

Joe's House

Naruto, Whitney, Iris, and Joe were eating as they all made idle chitchat, "So what happened?" Naruto asked Joe

"We talked Nate, and it was good, I really missed Jeff, and I owe you my thanks for pushing me to reach out." Joe said having spent hours today on the phone with his little brother and after apologies the two had caught up and Joe told his brother how proud he was of him, and they made plans to meet up at a bar over the weekend

"I'm happy for you." Naruto smiled as Joe nodded and sipped his wine

"Looking forward to being a father?" Joe asked

"Honestly, I'm kinda scared. I've never really thought I'd have children of my own." Naruto said truthfully, "I mean, do you think it's a good idea to bring a child into this life that I'm living?"

"Listen Nate, you have done amazing things as both the Flash and Nathaniel Allen. I am in awe of how you can keep smiling after all you've been through, its probably the thing I like most about you if I'm being honest. Their is nothing like the joy of fatherhood, and as one of your fathers I can say that you will be an amazing father, and remember you and Caitlin will not be alone, you'll have Iris, Whitney, Cisco and me. Always."

Naruto smiled as he and Joe tapped their glasses together, as Whitney and Iris watched smiling, "Thanks old man." Naruto said as he blinked his tears away

Enjoying their dinner, the four were about to watch a movie when a news bulletin appeared, "If you are just joining us we are live in downtown Central City where a portal of some kind has opened."

"You got to be kidding me." Naruto said before he sped off

"Come on, we need to get to the lab." Joe told his daughters who nodded and grabbed their coats before following him out

5th and Main

Naruto came to a stop where the on-duty cops were setting a perimeter around the intersection, the observing civilians cheered when they saw him, but they were ignored as Naruto waited for the breech to close

Uzumaki Labs

Caitlin was reading a pregnancy book, as Cisco and Harry worked on one of the various designs Naruto got from Wakanda, while Jesse had been went to Eliza, Alex and Jeremiah Danvers leaving the three alone before the West family entered, "Hey, what's going on?" Cisco asked

"A breech opened up in downtown." Iris said causing the three scientists to blink

"What?" Cisco asked as he got up and ran to the console and tapped a button as Harry, and Caitlin watched along with everyone as Zoom walked out of the breech with about 100 metahumans behind him before the breech closed

"Oh my god." Iris gasped

With Naruto

Naruto looked at the army Zoom brought with him, and noticed how about 20 had some kind of device strapped to their chests and blue lightning was flickering around their bodies just like Zoom

"Hello Flash." Zoom greeted

"Zoom, or would you prefer Hunter Zoloman?" Naruto asked

"You know." Zoom said

"Yeah, I heard all about you, your father would be proud." Naruto said sensing an explosion of anger from Zoom as he watched the man clench his hands into fist, "You should've stayed in your hole.'

"I said I was going to take everything from you. That includes your world." Zoom said before he looked to his army, "Bring me his head!"

With a war cry the army of metahumans rushed Naruto, "Here we go." Naruto sighed before he crosses his forearms over his chest and his suit began to glow from his own kinetic energy before he yanked his arms apart sending a shock wave of energy outward sending the closer metas flying back

Speeding forward Naruto kicked on on the head sending him face first into the asphalt, before in a bright flash of white lightning the army was all handcuffed in front of the cops before Naruto turned to Zoom and the 20 metas he had stay class to him but he noticed one of them were gone

"You've evolved. That's good its means more to take." Zoom said before the 20 metahumans beside him were given nods and Naruto's eyes widened when they sped forward in speedster fashion

"Shit." Naruto said turning and running to lead them out of town

Zoom smirked watching before he saw the cops taking in the unconscious metas and with a grunt he sped off

With Naruto

Naruto ducked under a swing to the back of his head, and sound with a right backhand and continued his spin so that his left grabbed the meta by the back of the head and slammed it into the street before Nsruto snatched the device he had attached to his chest and sped off just as the 19 other metas came around the corner

Uzumaki Labs

Everyone was shocked as they witness Naruto be chased away "Wait Zoom has speedsters under his control?" Joe asked the shocked scientists, and before they could say anything an alert went off

"Great Mercury Labs is under attack." Cisco sighed, "Nate!"

"Kinda busy Cisco." Naruto said over the com

"Mercury Labs is under attack."

"I got it." Naruto said

With Naruto

Naruto raised a hand to block the blow of a speedster who tried to cut him off, snatching the device from his chest and swinging the meta around so that he was in front of him, Naruto continued running and the high-speed caused the man to catch fire before Naruto tossed him off a bridge and continued running making his way to Mercury Labs

Uzumaki Labs

Team Flash watched in anticipation as Narito headed for Mercury Labs when suddenly the power went out and blue lightning sped into the cortex, before the backup power came on and Zoom was standing in front of them, causing everyone to gasp as Joe aimed his gun at the speedster

Zoom reached up and took off his mask, causing Harry to gasp as he was looking at his worlds Flash, "Hello Team Flash." he smirked

"Don't move." Joe demanded

"Don't worry Detective, I'm not leaving just yet. After all I'm exactly where I want to be."

"Why would you want to be here?' Harry asked

"I'm going to help Nathan reach his full potential. Before my time remnant was interrupted in his scouting of you all he was able to see that dear old Nate loved you all more than his self. I'm going to make him just like me."

Everyone frowned, "Nate is nothing like you." Joe said with a glare

"Yeah he's a hero." Whitney said

"Oh, I've played the hero. Running around dressed like The Flash." Hunter chuckled

"Why?" Harry asked frowning

"To give people hope, Wells." Hunter smirked

"Hope?" Joe asked causing Hunter to look at him

"So I could rip it away from them. It's so fun pretending to be a hero." Hunter said

"You are no hero. You're nothing but a monster." Caitlin stated causing Hunter to twitch

"You say that Nathan is nothing like me." Hunter said before he saw a photo of Nora, and Henry before he picked it up, "You know, I never saw the crime photos of my mother's murder. Well, I guess I didn't need to. I have a ringside seat while he got whisked away. Too delicate, I suppose."

Team Flash scoffed, Naruto was anything but delicate, "Same tragic background. Same reason for running. Same desire to be the fastest, to be the best. The difference? He thinks his anger is dirty somehow. He wants to be seen as pure, the hero." Hunter said

"You idiot, when he gets angry he-" Whitney began but she was quickly shushed by everyone as Hunter looked at them

"So he does have a dark side." Hunter said smirking walking forward pausing slightly as Joe cocked his gun, "I wonder which of he would have to lose to become truly far gone? I setup his fathers accident and it didn't have the desired effect, so I'll take daddy number 2."

Before they could process what Zoom said, he sped forward and shoved his vibrating hand into Joe's chest causing everyone to scream

Wth Naruto

Unaware of what was going on, Naruto had made it to Mercury Labs and saved Tina, before he dropped her off with her employees before he sped away and ducked when a green fireball flew over his head, before he planted a hand on the ground and slid his feet as he spun around and punched the fire throwing speedster in the face sending him flying as he quickly vibrated his body letting the meta speeding at him from his back phase through him before he caught the man in a full nelson before he lifted him up and released him before he palmed the meta's face and slammed it into the street,

Looking up Naruto saw the other speedsters had ran in a circle and tossed lightning at him the lightning bolts merging into one big lightning bolt. Quckly planting his feet, Naruto reached forward and grasped the lightning and hurled it up into the sky, before he looked at the speedsters to see that they were tired

"Hm." Naruto focused and lightning began to arc across his fingers as the thunder clouds rumbled before Naruto raised his hands and clenched his fist sending down a large bolt of lightning that struck him and the other speedsters causing them to scream as Naruto's electrified hands kept the lightning at bay

When it was all over, Naruto saw that the speedster were all unconscious, and smirked "Who would've thought, I'd find inspiration from an Uchiha." he said before he sped forward grabbing all the unconscious metas

Uzumaki Labs

Naruto tossed the metas into the pipelibe, while he put the devices they all had into a bag, before he walked up to the cortex, "Guess who gist took out 20 speedsters without breaking a sweat.' Naruto smirked walking into the room but he paused when he saw Harry sitting there, "Harry where is everyone?"

Harry stood up, "The hospital.' he said causing Naruto to frown

"Is everything alright?' Naruto asked getting a shake of the head, "Harry?"

"While you were out Zoom came." Harry said causing Naruto to freeze

"What?" Naruto asked before he sped away to the hospital causing Harry to look after him sadly

Central City Memorial Hospital

Naruto arrived at the closet hospital, and arrived to see CCPD on the scene, along with Iris, Caitlin, a crying Whitney, Jesse, Linda and Cisco in the waiting room

"Iris." Naruto said walking up as a feeling of dread settled in the pit of his stomach, causing everyone to look at him, "Where is Joe?"

"H-he uh," Iris began but she began to sob as Naruto's world stopped

3 Days Later

The entire CCPD came out to lay Joe to rest and it was a tough occasion for everyone especially Jefferson, Naruto, Whitney, and Iris

As everyone was leaving the funeral, Naruto was standing in the rain, looking at the grave as Jefferson walked up to him while Iris, Caitlin, Linda, Cisco, Jesse, and Whitney stood beside him

"Nathan, you alright?" Jefferson asked as from what he had heard Naruto hadn't spoken since he heard the news

"I'm going to kill him." Naruto said emotionlessly, causing Jefferson to look at him

"You can't."

"And why not huh?" Naruto asked looking at Jefferson his eyes glowing with lightning, "He set up my dads accident, and he kil-" Naruto took a deep breath, "He took Joe from his family."

"My brother wouldn't want to see you walk down this road. Straight up murder is not justice, it's revenge. You weren't raised to be a killer, not by Joe, or Henry and Nora. This guy Zoom wants you to stoop to his level, and if you do then you'll be just like him, and how would you have made Joe proud then?" Jefferson asked causing Naruto to frown

"This isn't fair." Naruto said clenching his fist tightly to the point that blood was drawn, as tears fell down his cheeks,

"I know, but you have to be strong for Whitney, and Iris now. You will get this guy." Jefferson said placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder

Later, West House

Naruto was sitting on the steps looking at a picture of him, Joe, and Iris when Cisco, Caitlin, Linda, and Iris walked out, "Hey.' Iris greeted as she, Linda and Caitlin sat down beside Naruto who looked up at them

"Hey, how's Whitney?' Naruto asked looking back down

"Asleep." Linda said

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do." Naruto told the girls, "I was finally at terms with my mom, dad, and Barry being gone. I can't fix this. I can't go back in time cause these goddamned wraiths are blocking me."

"Whats the point of being able to time travel when you can't go back and save the people who need saving?' Naruto asked

"You know how dangerous it is Nate." Cisco said as Naruto shook his head

"I'm not going to be able to get through this." Naruto said placing his face in his hands before Caitlin wrapped her arms around him

"Yes you will." Iris said causing Naruto to look up at her, "We will get through this together. All of us. We aren't just a team, we are a family."

"Yeah man, The Flash family is unstoppable." Cisco chimed in as everyone nodded

"Remember when we were little, and Dad sat us down and told us how dangerous his job was, and we should always be prepared for the worst case scenario." Iris said taking Naruto's hand into her own, "He prepared us to go through life without him, it may have came sooner than we expected but we have a responsibility to continue making him proud of us."

Naruto looked at Iris before a blue lightning streak with the sound of a high-pitched warping sound, "Zoom." Naruto said before he sped off

"Nate!" Everyone yelled

Naruto stopped a bit away from Hunter who was smirking at him, "Hello Flash, bad timing."

Naruto clenched his hands into cost as lightning surged around his body, "This ends now." he growled

"Not yet. There's always more to take, Nathan.' Hunter said

"You're gonna stay away from them." Naruto growled

"Well, that's completely up to you. When my time remnant met you did he tell you that Zoom needed to be the best."

"I don't give a fuck what you need." Naruto growled

"A race, Nate, between you and me to see who's the fastest. You win: this is over, and you get to be the hero."

"I'm not racing you." Naruto said

"Then your father won't be the only person you love that I'll take from you. Think about it, Flash. All I want to know is who's the fastest man alive on either world. I'll be waiting." Hunter said putting his mask back on before he sped off

Morning, Uzumaki Labs

Naruto was leaning against the cortex table, while everyone watched him "So Zoom wants to race you?" Linda asked

"Apparently he's obsessed with being the best." Naruto frowned

"Why would we trust him?" Whitney asked

"He just wants to race. You know, it actually makes sense in a completely-off-your-rocker sort of way." Cisco said

"That can't be everything he wants." Iris replied

"It isn't." Wells sighed causing everyone to look at him, "This Magnetar that was being developed by Mercury Labs that was stolen. Turns out, it can act as a pulsar."

"Whoa." Cisco said as Naruto sighed

"What is a pulsar?" Linda asked

"It's a power amplifier with a highly magnetized, dense rotating core that can be easily weaponized." Naruto explained

Cisco looked at the design of the magnitar and vibed something getting everyones attention, "Cisco?" Naruto asked

"What is it? What'd you see?" Caitlin asked

"Earth-2 splitting in half. Straight down to the poles. It's because of this machine." Cisco said

"That thing is powerful enough to destroy a planet?" Iris asked

"A lot more than just a planet, if it has the right power source." Harry said

"Like what?" Jesse asked

"Like me. That's why he wants to race. He wants to siphon the energy I create when I run." Naruto said

"He wants to siphon the energy off both of you." Harry sighed, "He doesn't want to just destroy Earth-2; he wants to take out every other planet in the multiverse."

"How many are there?" Whitney asked

"Infinite." Naruto said

"Yeah, well, he can do that?" Jesse asked

"If he can create a breach here from Earth-2 then we have to assume that he can get to all of 'em." Naruto said

"One pulse to destroy them all." Cisco sighed

"He wants to put me in a situation where I have no choice." Naruto said

"Nate you don't have to race him." Iris said walking closer to Naruto

"It's not that easy." Naruto replied

"Yes, it is." Caitlin said

"You just say no." Linda replied

"We find another way to stop him, together, like we always do." Caitlin said

"And do what, huh? Just sit around and wait for him to kill somebody else? No way." Naruto replied

"He needs you, Nate. He needs your speed to get what he wants. We have the advantage here." Cisco said

"And how do we get rid of him doing nothing?" Naruto asked getting no answers, "All I have to do is beat him. That saves the multiverse, this whole city, all of you. I won't let another person I love die when I can prevent it."

"I only have one question for all of you. Do you trust me?" Naruto asked

"I do." Whitney said walking up to Naruto, "Just promise that he won't win."

"He won't even finish the race." Naruto replied

"D-don't kill him." Whitney said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow, "Dad wouldn't like that."

Naruto nodded, "Harry, Cisco, can you track this thing?" he asked getting a nod Naruto watched as Cisco, and Harry got to work


Naruto and his team arrived to see the large race lap, before he looked at everyone, "You all don't really have to be here." he said

"We trust you." Cisco said getting nods from everyone

"So you brought the entire crew huh?" Hunter spoke up causing everyone to look at him "I don't blame you it's gonna be one hell of a show."

"Cut the crap. We know you plan to power up the Magnetar so you can destroy the multiverse." Harry said

"Bravo. You figured it out almost. I don't want to destroy all of it. Th-"

Naruto sped forward and punched Hunter in the face sending him flying back into the magnetar causing it to explode as Zoom rolled on the ground, "You must be a bigger idiot than I thought if you really expected me to do this your way."

Hunter got up glaring at Naruto, "You'll pay for that." he said

"Make a move." Naruto smirked

Hunter put his mask on and raced forward ducking under Naruto's jab, before he backflipped and kicked Naruto in the chin and tried to turn to kick Naruto in the jaw, but Naruto blocked and spun like a top striking Zoom repeatedly before a kick to the midsection ssmt Zoom flying back

Zoom landed in a tumble, and when he tumbled up to his feet and began to stumble back Narito sped in and punched him in the jaw before a high-speed combo of a right jab followed by a left hook and a right uppercut was repeated 45 times, before a left overhand blow to Zoom's head sent him face first to the ground before Naruto kicked him away

Zoom punched the ground and got up his mask ripped up as he spit blood before he soed forward with a growl, and Naruto followed suit

Naruto's family watched cheering him on as all they saw were blue and white/gold lightning clashing over and over again before Naruto kicked Zoom back as he flipped away and when he was about to rush forward but paused when a wail was heard and everyone looked up to see 2 time wraiths heading for Zoom who was about to speed away but Naruto appeared over him in a split second before Zoom was slammed into the ground when a Rasengan was slammed into his back

Naruto flipped away back to his team, and everyone watched as the time wraiths surrounded Hunter who began to mummify before his blue lightning turned red as the time wraiths dragged Zoom up into the air into a portal

Linda, Caitlin, Iris, and Whitney hugged Naruto as he smirked while he and Cisco fist bumped as Jesse, and Harry smiled in relief


After cleaning up the magnetar and going to Earth-2 to save the guy in the iron mask everyone was in the cortex, watching as Cisco and Harry argued while getting the mask off the man, "You know what? In battle, choose your weapon wisely." Harry saif

"All right?" Cisco asked

"Some people choose a gun. I choose a Phillips-head screwdriver." Harry said as he and Cisco worked

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry. You're so particular."

"Ramon, can you just please,"

"Have you ever worked with a tool before?"

"I'm working with one now." Harry scoffed

"Are you ready? One, two, and," Cisco counted down before the locks on the mask clicked and they helped the man take it off

"Ugh, I don't know what's more annoying, being in that thing or listening to you two arguing about it." the man said as the two looked at him in surprise

Naruto looked up and was shocked as he found himself looking at his father

"Um you're," Iris began

"I'm Jay Garrick." Jay introduced as he saw Naruto looking at him in surprise, "What?"

"N-nothing, its just..."

Jay saw the picture of Nora, Henry, Barry and Naruto, and walked over to it, before picking it up, "I'm your fathers doppelganger." Jay said

"Yeah." Naruto nodded watching Jay,

"Lets get you cleaned up." Caitlin said walking up to Jay and leading him away

"You okay?" Iris asked getting a nod from Naruto

"I will be.' Naruto said

Moments Later

A cleaned up Jay walked into the cortex with a red vest with a large lightning bolt on it and blue pants, before Harry, and Cisco walked up with the mask

"So the reason you didn't have your powers is because there was a dampener in the mask." Cisco said showing Jay something attached inside of the mask

"I don't want to see this thing ever again." Jay said vibrating his hand and splitting the mask in half, "Thank you, all of you, for saving me from Zoom, especially you, Flash."

"You're welcome, Flash." Naruto nodded shaking Jay's hand, "I'd like to pick your brain about your experiences if your up for it."

"Anytime, but not now I have to do is find my way home."

"Of course, and where's that?" Iris asked

"I think you would call it Earth-3." Jay said

"Uh-huh. Well, I can get you to Earth-2." Cisco said who had been practicing opening breeches

"My daughter and I can help you with the rest." Harry said

"We can?" Jesse asked

"Yes, we can. We're going home." Harry smiled

Later, Breech Room

Everyone was in the breech room, saying their goodbyes, "Okay. Snow. You're a tremendous scientist, but you're an even better person." Harry said to Caitlin who smiled

"Don't make me cry, Harry." Caitlin said before the two hugged before Harry walked over to Naruto

"Hey. I'm a better man than I was when I got here, and that's 'cause of you." Harry said

"Don't mention it." Naruto replied smiling as he and Harry shook hands before Harry walked over to Cisco

Naruto was approached by Jesse, "So if its not to much trouble, can I keep coming here and training?" she asked

"Your always welcome here." Naruto smiled before he and Jesse hugged with Jesse kissing his cheek

Harry and Jesse walked over to Jay as Cisco opened a breech, before Jesse looked at her new friends, "Thank you guys, seriously, for saving our home."

Everyone nodded before Jay room the Wells by their shoulders and sped into the breech


Everyone returned home with Cisco being called away for some kind of emergency with his brother as Caitlin, Linda, and Iris were sitting in the living room with Naruto in their home, "Can't stop thinking about my dad's doppelganger. Never thought he'd be a speedster. It makes me miss him even more. We just won. We just beat Zoom. Why does it feel like I just lost?" Naruto asked sighing

"Because you've lost a lot in your life, Nate, more than most." Linda said

"That is true but I've gained so much too, your girls and my friends. I will do whatever I need to do to keep you all safe no matter what." Naruto said getting smiles from the girls as they cuddled up with Naruto on the couch


Whitney was in the guest room she was borrowing in the house, looking at the tube she found in Harry's workshop with yellow lightning inside it from when Harry had siphoned off Naruto's speed force energy before they went to Earth 2, she didn't know what she wanted to do with it yet

Meanwhile across the street a figure in a black cloak and a brown mask comparable to a gas mask combined with a plague doctor mask watched the house before he turned and left.