Naruto, and Linda were relaxing just finished watching The Originals, on there flatscreen, and we're making out till the trailer for the next episode came on, when both there phones went off, "It's Iris." Naruto said
"Cisco." Linda said before they both answered
'Hey, Iris what's up?" Naruto asked
"Yeah, Cisco what is it?" Linda asked
"Nate, I need your help, now!" Iris shouted
"Robbery at Central City Racetrack." Cisco said as Naruto sat up when he heard gunshots over the phone
"Were those gunshots?" Naruto asked as Linda sped off
"Yeah. I'm at Baldwin Tower! I can't find a way out."
"Window is there window?"
"Um, yeah, up ahead...Okay, I'm by the window. Why?" Iris asked
"Okay, great, you're gonna need to jump." Naruto said
"What? Are you crazy? Nate, no way." Iris replied
"Iris! Do you trust me?" Naruto asked
'Yes. I trust you."
"Okay, then jump." Naruto said speeding off
Baldwin Tower
Iris was hiding behind a wall as two gunman continued to shoot at her "I can do this. I can do this." she said getting ready, before she Ean and jumped out screaming as she fell toward the concrete before Naruto sped up the building and caught her before he set her on the ground
"All right. You good?" Naruto asked
"Yeah, yeah." Iris nodded, getting a nod from Naruto who sped up and knocked the two men out before he went back to talk to Iris
Central City Racetrack
Snart, Mick, and Lisa were robbing the racetrack, when Lisa looked back to talk to her brother and saw a man about to knock him out causing her eyes to widen but before she could say anything a white light sped onto the scene
Linda saw 3 men, along with Cold, Firestorm and the one Cisco called Golden Glider, knocking out the first man who was about to knock out Snart along with Mick she turned to see Lisa had been grabbed by a man who had a syringe in her neck
"Stop right where you are.' Lewis Snart said as Cold glared at him
"Let her go." Linda said
"Not going to happen, after all I am her father." Lewis said causing Linda to raise an eyebrow "I don't nee-ugh!"
Lewis went down as he was knocked unconscious as Linda faded into view while the Linda that he had been talking too faded away in a shower of light, and as soon as Lewis was down Smart shot him with his cold gun killing him, causing Linda to gasp
"I told him of he ever touched my sister again, I'd kill him." Snart said
"Surrender." Linda said which Snart happily did so, tossing his gun to the ground as Linda looked to Lisa "Your free to go." she said just as police arrived and she ran off
2 Weeks Later
Uzumaki Industries
"Why can't my life be simple,' was the thought going through Naruto's mind, first Martin had needed a new bonding mate for F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M when his health began to fail, from not merging for so long.
They had found a successor for Ronnie by the name of Jefferson Jackson, he was the one Naruto chose and the best candidate since the other one had a violent history, luckily Naruto had Cisco look into the two police records or there would've been a self-absorbed scientists with anger problems and an oversized ego walking around with the abilities of Firestorm.
While that was going on, apparently Iris, had met her mother Francine who returned after vanishing when Iris was a child. According to Joe Francine was dying of McGregor's and had a few months to live. Iris had also found out that she had a secret
Currently Naruto, Caitlin, and Cisco were in the cortex standing across from Harrison, who was reading his autobiography "Very strange to be holding your autobiography, especially when you didn't write it and it's not about you."
"Dr. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, meet Wells from Earth-2." Naruto introduced
"Hi." Cisco said
"Hi." Harrison replied
"So let me get this straight. You're the doppelganger of the man who murdered his mom, and brother and is responsible for both Ronnie and Eddie's deaths?" Cisco asked
"Yeah, but he's not even the doppelganger of the that we knew because that Dr. Wells' body had been taken over by the Reverse Flash, who was really Eobard Thawne and Eddie's distant relative from the future." Caitlin said
"Yeah, I didn't follow any of that. I'm my own man. I had nothing to do with the murder of your family or your friend Ricky."
"His name was Ronnie." Caitlin frowned
"Him either." Harrison said
"You told me you have proof of your identity?" Naruto asked
"This almost hit me when I went through the portal. Your stabilized breach downstairs connects directly to the S.T.A.R. Labs on my Earth." Harrison said pulling out Caitlin's bag which they had thrown into the breach as a test
"Technically, this could be mine, but I want to run some tests on you." Caitlin said taking her bag
"I'll be genetically indistinguishable from my Earth-1 counterpart. Your tests will reveal nothing." Harrison said looking down at her
"Great! Still gonna run 'em." Caitlin replied
"Be my guest." Harrison said as Cisco walked over to Naruto
"Why are we even listening to him? How do we know he's not evil like the other guy"
"He saved my life last night. The question is why." Naruto said looking to Harrison
"I came here to help you, Nathan, to stop your greatest enemy." Harrison said
"He already did that." Cisco said frowning
"I'm not talking about Reverse Flash. I'm talking about Zoom." Harrison replied before he noticed everyone frown "I see you've already heard of him."
"Yeah, Zoom has been sending meta-humans from your world through the breaches to fight me." Naruto nodded
"Well, they're the symptoms. Zoom's the plague, one that's infected my world, and now he's coming for yours."
"What do you know about Zoom?"
Everything. I created Zoom." Harrison said getting frowns from everyone "I'm responsible for all the Earth-2 meta-humans, a fact I've ignored for far too long, but now I'm doing something about it."
"Why?" Naruto asked causing Harrison to look at him "What's changed?"
Harrison only looked at Naruto
"You came for our help, the price for that is honesty. Why are you really after Zoom?" Naruto asked
"He has my daughter." Harrison revealed clenching his hands into fist "The only way I get her back, if to capture him, I tried to do that by myself, I failed."
"Okay, so you said you know everything about him, what's his end game?' Naruto asked
"Zoom is obsessed with speed. He will never allow there to be another speedster in the multiverse, and he's gonna keep sending these metas here, one after the next, all with the same goal: to kill The Flash unless we stop him together." Harrison said
"Last time we listened to a guy with your face, some bad things went down." Cisco said with a frown he felt sorry for the man's daughter but he wasn't comfortable with this, and just when he started feeling good about his powers too
"We lost people we cared about." Caitlin frowned
"Everyone loses someone they care about, Snow. The real test of character is what you do once they're gone." Harrison said, just as Joe walked in and saw Harrison and immediately pulled his gun out, before he shot at Harrison 3 times, quickly Naruto raised a hand and the 3 bullets stopped in midair, before falling to the ground
"Joe! Put the gun down!" Naruto said walking over to the man
"How is he still alive? How are you still alive?" Joe asked glaring at the man
"I don't know, because you missed?" Harrison said
"ey, I'm trying to keep him from shooting you. You're not helping. Let's take a walk, all right?" Naruto asked leading Joe away
"Look alright, I know that this is a lot to take in, but that guy back in that room, that's not Thawne." Naruto said
" swore she saw him. He broke into Mercury Labs." Joe said
"Eddie erased that one from existence, and I killed him this guy is someone else, and he says he's here to help us stop Zoom."
"How can you even look at him?" Joe asked
"The real Harrison Wells was murdered, and his body was stolen from him. That is how I have to look at this, plus he's a father Joe. He wants his daughter back." Naruto said
"That's a low blow using the father card." Joe sighed "I just want one week where we're not surprised by somebody from our past. I better go fill in Iris."
"Good luck." Naruto smiled
CC Picture News
Linda was on her phone looking at a text, when her boss walked up "I hope you're happy, Linda." Larkin said causing her to look up "Tanner's lawyers are threatening to sue us."
"I'm sorry, Chief. I don't care how many touchdowns Tanner throws. I'm not interviewing some roided out jerk who hit his wife unless it's to hold him accountable for domestic violence." Linda replied
"All right, run your story, Park. The sports page used to be a lot less complicated." Larkin sighed walking away
"She shoots, and she scores." Iris said to her friend
"Larkin, the best editor I've ever worked for. It's just, every once in a while, you have to remind him it's the 21st century." Linda smiled before Joe walked in and lead her away
CC Jitters
Naruto walked into the coffee shop beside Cisco "You do realize that when I said I wanted a drink, I didn't mean a latte, right? I was talking about alcohol. Like, mind-numbing alcohol."
"You can't drink at the CCPD; besides he at least deserves a chance, and I'm not comfortable leaving some girl in the hands of a psychopath with super speed." Naruto said
"I never thought I'd miss time travel." Cisco groaned
"Time travel, huh?"
Naruto and Cisco turned to see Patty standing there smiling
"Hey! Are you kidding?" Cisco smiled
"Hi! Is there a meta-human who can time travel?" Patty asked
"Time no. Time travel's not real." Cisco said shaking his head
"Cause that would be pretty cool!" Patty nodded
"Patty, you know Nathan Allen right?" Cisco asked
"Oh, yeah, you were a CSI for the CCPD, became an award winning author, and now run Uzumaki industries, talk about a shift in gears." Patty smiled shaking Naruto's hand
"Yeah, that's me." Naruto smiled
"Hey, Cisco, did you hear I was right about King Shark?" Patty asked having thought up the name
"They're made for each orher." Naruto thought
"You should've seen it; King Shark almost ate The Flash." Patty said
"Oh, I'm sure The Flash had it handled." Naruto spoke up
"Oh, no, I was there. I saw it all. Some hooded guy saved his life." Patty said
"Wait, and you're not, like, traumatized or anything?" Naruto asked
"I just watched a half man-half shark take on the fastest man alive. I love this city." Patty said before her phone buzzed "Oh, uh, Captain just texted me. He wants me to write my police report. Uh, you maybe want to write it with me?"
"He'd love too." Naruto said before Cisco could
"Uh, don't we have that thing tonight?" Cisco asked
"Naw, I need to finish the next installment for my book anyway." Naruto said
"Okay," Cisco nodded before he looked to Patty "So I'll meet you here around 8?"
"Yeah! Coolio." Patty nodded smiling "I'm gonna go, and get a head start. Good to see you guys."
Narui and Cisco looked to each other when Patty left "For real?" Naruto asked
"Stop, all right? I was gonna ask her out earlier, and then Dr. Wells the sequel showed up."
"Okay, can we not use the name "Dr. Wells"? I'm just gonna call him "Harry." Naruto said
"Okay. Harry, yeah."
"Listen, there's always gonna be distractions out there, but you can't let them get in the way of you living your life." Naruto said placing a hand on Cisco's shoulder "After all the shit we've been through we deserve to be happy."
"And what happens if I do actually like her, I can't keep our secrets from her."
"Well in my mind, I think that if your really going to be with someone, trust needs to come first. So if you trust, and care about her enough feel free to tell her, whatever you want." Naruto said causing Cisco to nod before he suddenly had a vision and found himself at the bank with everyone cowering from a woman in black and white with a helmet on, before she turned to him and fired a white blast of energy at him causing him to jump, before he was back in the coffee shop
"We got another breacher." Cisco said taking a deep breath
"Central City Bank. You gotta go now!" Cisco said getting a nod from Naruto who walked out of sight before he left in a burst of speed
Central City Bank
Dr. Light was walking toward the exit, with a bag if money, screw Zoom she wasn't a murderer, she had nothing back at home anyway, so she was going to skip town and go into hiding, but she jumped when Naruto appeared in front of her "All right. You got my attention."
"Flash." Dr. Light said causing Naruto to blink he knew that voice, but before he could think on it, he was forced to dodge a ray of light, followed by a shockwave of light energy that blasted three people back before in a burst of speed he placed a couch and a chair under them only to see that Dr. Light was gone
"Who the hell was that, she wasn't in any of the files, I got from Barry." Naruto thought
Uzumaki Industries
Naruto, Linda, and Caitlin were with in the cortex, watching Harry who had a Big Belly Burger "Her name is Doctor Light. Small-time thief on my Earth until exposure to the dark matter from the Particle Accelerator and became a meta-human with the ability to derive power from starlight."
"Who is she, really?" Linda asked interested as that sounded a bit like her powers
"No one, knows." Harry said eating his burger
"Okay, so obviously, Zoom brought her here from your Earth like the others." Caitlin replied
"Mm-hmm. Now that we know that, we can use that to gain advantage." Harry said
"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked
"We capture Doctor Light and use her to lure Zoom here." Harry said
"Your talking about her like she's some object." Linda said
"She's a criminal." Harry replied
"But she's not a killer." Naruto retorted having read all that was in the file
"Zoom, can make you do things out of character."
"We need to find her first." Caitlin said just as a beep was heard "The silent alarm just went off at the Bank of Central City."
"That's gotta be Doctor Light." Linda said
"Could be a trap." Harrison said
"We'll just have to find out." Naruto said before he and Linda were gone
Bank of Central City
Dr. Light was using her powers to cut a hole in the safe, and upon accomplishing her task she stepped in to look for the cash, when a purple, and white flash got her attention and she saw the Flash, and Lady Flash standing in front of the money
"Looking for this?" Linda asked
"Look, I know Zoom sent you here to kill me. Good news, you don't have to do that." Naruto said
"Not if I can get out of town with that cash." Dr. Light replied
"And then what? Zoom's not gonna like that you ditched him, right? My friends and I can help you." Naruto said
"Nobody can protect me from Zoom!" Dr. Light said before bright light lit up her palm, causing Naruto to squint
"All right, why don't we take it down a lumen, have a normal conversation, all right?" Naruto asked before Dr. Light calmed down and the light subsided "Thank you."
Dr. Light pressed a button on the side of her mask, causing the visor to come up and when it dod, Naruto's and Linda's eyes widened as they were looking at Linda's Earth-2 doppelganger (Dr. Light will either be called Light, or Linda (2))
"What in the hell?" Linda asked, while Naruto looked between the two as Linda's mask glowed and receded and her hair turned back to normal. and Dr. Light found her eyes were wide as well and the two stepped closer to each other
"Your gorgeous." Dr. Light said
"Thanks, you are too." Linda smiled before she got serious "We can help you, all you got to do is trust us."
Light looked at Linda, before she look to Naruto "You trust him?" she asked
"With my life." Linda said wholeheartedly, before after a moment if contemplation Light nodded
Uzumaki Industries
"What do you mean, you didn't capture her?!" Harry asked
"She hasn't hurt anyone; she robbed the banks to skip town." Naruto said
"We need her to lure Zoom, your letting your emotions cloud your judgment." Harry replied
"So are you. Light, is her own person, we can't and won't force her to bait, for the guy who she's running away from. We'll figure out a way to get Zoom here, you just have to calm down and be patient." Naruto said causing Harry to frown and walk off, as Naruto sighed and looked over as Cisco walked in "Hey, how was last night?"
"Pretty fun actually, we're going to dinner tonight." Cisco smiled
"That's what I'm talking about." Naruto grinned giving Cisco a high five, just as Iris walked in "Hey, Iris what's up?"
"I need to talk to you." Iris said,
"Yeah, come on." Naruto said leading her to the exit, but Harry walked in causing her to pause
"You look just like him." Iris said in shock
"I'm guessing, my counterpart did something to offend her as well?" Harry asked
"Her fiancé died because of him." Cisco answered
"Oh." Harry said walking off, as Naruto lead Iris away into his office
"Look, Iris, I know it's weird seeing him." Naruto said
"Yeah, it's just a lot to process lately. Wells, my mother." Iris replied with a sigh
"How are you doing with that, by the way?" Naruto asked
"I need to tell you something." Iris said getting a raised eyebrow from Naruto "Look, I know I was so mad at you and Dad for not telling me that you were The Flash, but when I found out about this, I didn't know what to do."
"What? What's going on?" Naruto asked, before Iris began to pace
"When Francine came back, my Dad told me not to trust her and he was right. I didn't know how much. When my mother left us, she was pregnant. She had another daughter, Joe's daughter. My sister."
Naruto surprised blinked, before he asked "What's her name?"
"Whitney. Whitney West." Iris said as tears began to fall from her eyes "When I found out, I told her to leave and never come back and to never tell my dad, but Nate, I can't keep this from him, every time I look at Dad, I feel like I'm hurting him. I don't I don't know what to do.
"I think you know what you have to do." Naruto said placing a hand on her shoulder
"I can't. It's gonna kill him." Iris replied
"No, it won't. You don't have to do this alone." Naruto said "I'll be there with you."
"Thank you." Iris said kissing Naruto's lips before she buried her face into his neck, as he blink before he wrapped his arms around her
Joe walked in, to see Naruto, and Iris sitting down facing him "Hey." Naruto said as Joe looked at the two of them
"Okay, the last time the two of you were looking at me like that, it was when you both took my convertible on a joy ride and wrapped it around that big oak tree on Fairmont Drive."
"That was her fault." Naruto said pointing to Iris causing her to shake her head, as Joe chuckled, before they got serious
"Dad, um, I have something that I need to tell you." Iris said, causing Joe to raise an eyebrow "It's about Francine...When she left us she was pregnant."
Joe's back straightened as he looked at her wide eyed, looked looked to Naruto who was looking at him in sympathy before he sat down running a hand across his face "...Did she have the baby?"
"Yes. Her name is Whitney. I only found out a week ago. Dad, I am so sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. That's why she reached out to us after all these years. She wanted us to know before,"
"Before she died. And I thought Francine was running out of surprises." Joe said looking down before he stood up "I got to get to work."
"Dad, listen Dad." Iris said following him out, but he stopped and turned to face her, and a standing Naruto
"I'm...I'm sorry. Just let me sit with it." Joe said walking off
Iris sighed sadly and turned to Naruto "Do you think that he's gonna be okay?"
"I do, yeah, It's just a lot to take in, having a child he never knew about. He just needs a little time to process it." Naruto said causing her to nod
Naruto's House
Linda and Linda(2) had spent the entire day, just talking with each other about there lives
"It's funny how different, and similar we are," Linda(2) said, flashing a smile towards her 'sister' "You know, when I first got here. I never even thought I had a double, but I'm glad I met you, on my Earth I never had anyone that got me."
Linda responded with a smile. "I thought telepathic apes, would be the weirdest, but this is even more surprising then that," Linda said, reaching forward and touching her hand on her sister's. Linda(2) flashed her with one of those smiles. "Nate, and I will protect you from Zoom, and if you don't want to go back, your more than welcome to stay on this Earth."
Linda(2) smiled before she frowned "Is he alive here?" Linda(2) asked, voice shaking a little, as Linda frowned knowing who she was talking about
"No, he was murdered when I was 15." Linda said, eyes locked onto Linda(2)'s and her hands touching the top of her sister's.
Linda(2) responded with a nod, and a sad smile "I guess we have that in common as well."
"Listen, our dad would want us to live our lives without regret, I don't care that your a thief, your not a killer, don't let anyone turn you into one." Linda said
Linda(2) cracked a smile before the two of them scooted closer together, so their dark brown eyes could match each other.
"Oh, what the hell." Linda(2) gripped Linda's jaw and pressed her hot lips forward onto her doubles. Linda(2)'s soft lips pressed over Linda's.
Linda could not believe her double kissed her as she would a lover. One gaze into Linda(2)'s eyes caused Linda to see the lust which had been involved. Linda(2)'s arms wrapped around Linda's throat and pushed her tongue into mouth.
Linda's tongue returned and danced with Linda(2)'s when they met together. Both hot sisters pressed together. Their nipples stuck out the other side of their tops.
The door opened, and Naruto stepped inside the room to the tantalizing sight of Linda(2) and Linda kissing each other on the bed and caressing the other's bodies, and Naruto could sense their arousal.
Linda(2) broke free from Linda's lips, giving it a few more parting nibbles. A trail of salvia partially connected the two counterparts at the mouth before they could pull apart. She licked the side of Linda's mouth and trailed down her cheek towards her neck.
"Hello, Nate," Linda(2) said, bouncing up to her feet. The bombshell trailed her tongue around the lips a couple of times before giving a smacking sound to it. "I'm so glad you're here to join us."
"Oh, given what I've seen, I wouldn't miss this for the world." Naruto said taking off his jacket
Linda(2) crossed the distance across the ground, grabbed Naruto's jaw, and gave him an aggressive kiss. Naruto returned the kiss with fever and hunger, shoving his tongue down Linda(2)'s throat.
Linda watched, a heat rising from her body. Her boyfriend and her counterpart were about ready to go at it. The look Linda noticed from Linda(2)'s eyes showed the fire and the lust she had for Naruto.
"I want to thank you," Linda(2) said, grabbing Naruto's shirt and tearing it back, while planting passionate kisses.
Linda(2) looked so hot and horny. Naruto accepted her desire to thank him. The Earth 2 resident tore through his clothes, while sucking on his neck.
'I guess that's the same as well, we both are the type of girl who won't take no for an answer,' Linda thought. 'I'll let you two have fun for a while, but please, give me a good show.'
The moment after Linda(2) tore through Naruto's clothes with all of the excitement of a child wrapping open a present on Christmas morning, Naruto grabbed Linda(2)'s head and pushed his mouth against hers for a second kiss.
The kiss shot passion from Linda(2)'s lips down the base of her spine and inflamed her loins. It made her want something more than anything else in her life. Naruto's able hands explored her, and pushed her towards her.
Linda(2) broke free from the kiss, and started to kiss Naruto down his neck. Naruto smiled at Linda(2)'s eager lips going down his neck, down to his collar bone. Linda(2) continued to worship Naruto's body and travel down every single inch of him.
"You have to have it in your mouth," Linda said, sitting back, and pulling off her shirt and jeans to be in nothing other than a pair of lacy bra and panties.
Linda(2) wanted it in her mouth. The girl's mouth watered at the thought of Naruto's cock. She removed the final layer of clothing from him, saving the best for last. The more of Naruto's huge cock which had been involved, the more Linda(2) grew wet. She could not wait to impale herself upon his cock.
"To bad I don't have you on my Earth," Linda(2) said, tracing a pattern over her lips with her tongue.
"Go for it," Naruto said, his eyes darkening in lust "Suck my cock."
Linda(2) smiled and teased Naruto's head and herself with a little kiss. The blonde woman's tongue started to trace around the thick head of his cock and moved down him. His veiny cock twitched against her tongue.
Naruto enjoyed the sensations of her hot lips wrapping around his cock. Linda(2) grabbed onto Naruto's ass to gain the leverage and shoved him down her throat.
"Fuck!" Naruto groaned, feeling Linda(2) make a slurping action.
"She's such a good little cock sucker, isn't she?" Linda said. Her fingers rubbed up and down the slit. Linda's eyes followed the progress of Linda(2) when she drove herself down throat first on Naruto's cock.
Naruto agreed with Linda's assessment. Linda(2) pushed herself all the way down Naruto's cock and brought him into the back of her throat, causing him to moan as he grabbed the back of her head.
Linda(2) looked up at him to encourage the face-fucking. Naruto practically drove his cock deep down into her mouth. Linda(2)'s hot lips wrapped around his probing tool the deeper he entered her tight mouth. A loud smacking sound echoed with Naruto pushing himself into her.
"Damn, it Light, I'm about ready to cum in your sweet little mouth," Naruto said
Linda(2) didn't back up. She gave Naruto a full service job with her lips, tongue, and throat, worshiping him in every single way possible. The talented thief hand fondled Naruto sac, pleased with how heavy it was for her.
One more grunting thrust planted Naruto's thick and hot load deep into the back of Linda(2)'s throat. He saturated the back of her throat with his seed, spilling a heavy amount down her gullet.
"Take it all, take all of his seed," Linda said, using one hand to rub her pussy and the other hand to massage her aching breasts. Watching her counterpart suck her boyfriend off caused Linda to get so wet.
Linda(2) swallowed every single last drop of his cum. She slipped off her top to reveal a lacy black bra which contained her ample and perky breasts and defined abs. Linda(2) shimmied down her pants to reveal a full view of her gorgeous hips, covered with a thong which stuck to her hips. Long legs stretched down for miles.
The gorgeous thief pealed her thong up. Linda(2) exposed her wet pussy to him, and pushed him up against the wall. The lust in the woman's eye was contagious. Naruto reached around and grabbed her by the ass,lifting her off of the ground. Linda(2)'s dripping hot pussy hovered closer towards the edge of his rod.
"I need this inside me," Linda(2) said, wrapping her legs around Naruto's waist. She shifted a fraction of the inch and pushed down onto his thick cock, pushing it inside her body.
Linda(2) closed her eyes, holding onto Naruto's shoulder. The gorgeous woman pushed down onto Naruto's rock, allowing her pussy to fill up with his throbbing hard cock.
"Oh, this feels so good!" Linda(2) yelled, pushing her hips down onto him
Naruto would have echoed her, but groaned as Linda(2) drove herself down onto his cock.
"You're so fucking tight," Naruto groaned, pushing her toned body down onto his.
Linda(2) closed her eyes, and turned him around. The two of them found their way onto the bed, right across from Linda. Linda(2)'s dripping hot pussy grinded down onto Naruto's thick throbbing cock and pushed it inside her again.
"So good," Naruto said, removing her bra and exposing her breasts. Naruto grabbed her perky breasts and squeezed them. Linda(2) gasped. "Do you like this baby?"
"I know I do," Linda said, running her hands down between her pussy, as she began to drive her finger deep inside at the sight of Linda(2) driving herself down on Naruto's cock.
"Yes," Linda(2) said, losing her mind to lust when Naruto touched and played with her legs. "More of this, baby, more of this."
Naruto's hands took a full tour of Linda(2)'s body. Her skin felt so soft and pussy so wet going down onto him. Linda(2) started to push her hips down onto him. She moaned heavily.
"OH, GOD, YOU'RE ALL THE WAY INSIDE ME!" Linda(2) yelled. The beautiful thief started rocking up and down on Naruto having the ride of her life, forgetting all about Zoom, and focusing on pleasuring herself
"Looks like you're a screamer in the multiverse." Naruto said, to his Linda
Linda didn't response. The stunning sports journalist watched with glee to see Linda(2)'s pussy sliding down Naruto's pole and his thick manhood sliding inside her. Linda(2) kept rocking up and down hip first down onto Naruto. Naruto's able hands started to caress all over her body.
Linda(2) screamed at the top of her lungs from the best orgasm she ever experienced. Naruto's hands played with her breasts and caused her to pant even more.
"You feel so good," Linda(2) said. "So good, please, don't stop….I never want to stop fucking you."
Linda(2) impaled herself down pussy first onto Naruto's cock. Each time she came down the wet pussy released around Naruto's cock. Naruto pushed up and grabbed the girl's ass.
"Mmmm….I love you playing with my ass," Linda(2) said
"You have a hot ass, it's worth playing with." Naruto said as Linda(2) began to pump his cock up and down with her cunt. Another orgasm started to rock her body.
"Oh, I know what else you'd love, baby."
The beauty rose up completely and positioned her puckered asshole against Naruto's rod, and pushed down onto it.
"Damn, Light!" Naruto groaned. "You're ass feels like a fucking furnace."
"Hottest furnace you've ever put your dick in, stud," Linda(2) said. "Mmm, I love your thick cock inside my ass, drilling inside of it, while you play with my tits and my pussy!"
Naruto ran his hands all over Linda(2)'s breasts, cupping them. He spent some time fondling her firm tits. Linda(2) responded with loud moans when he traveled towards her stomach. He brushed against her toned abs and down between her thighs.
Linda(2)'s pussy became inflamed with Naruto fingers going into her pussy as deep as it went into her ass. Her tight ass pushed deep down onto them.
"I can't stop fucking your hot little ass," Naruto groaned, pushing himself into her. The tight sensation of her anus squeezed down onto her.
"Oh, I hope you don't, I really hope you fucking don't!" Linda(2) moaned. "Harder, fucking harder!"
Linda(2)'s eyes stared at her counterpart, as Linda's bra fell down her breasts and her panties rolled down her legs. The thief watched as the sports journalist pleasured herself to Linda(2)'s riding.
"Linda, you're such a dirty slut, getting off on Nate's jamming his big hard cock inside my ass!" Linda(2) yelled, grinding down onto him. "I bet you'd like to lick my pussy when Nate fucks me in the ass, wouldn't you?"
Linda pulled away from playing with her dripping twat and sauntered over towards Linda(2). Linda(2) gripped Linda's hand and took her fingers into her mouth. The talented girl suckled on her counterparts finger's tasting her juices.
"God," Linda said.
Linda(2) cupped Linda's breast in her hand and squeezed it, before running down her body, as Naruto drilled Linda(2)'s ass while she played with her 'sister'. The erotic sight around him spurred Naruto to greater heights. His balls filled up with seed which would soon be buried in Linda(2)'s ass.
"Linda, you taste so fucking good," Linda(2) said, smiling and grabbing her sister around the head before pulling her into another kiss. Linda(2) pulled away from Linda. "Would you like to taste your double?"
Linda dove into Linda(2)'s pussy without much prompting. The stunning woman made love to her double's nether regions with her mouth which prompted Linda(2) to moan and thrash.
"Oh, this is so fucking hot!" Naruto yelled.
Linda(2) moaned when Naruto large cock buried its way into her tight bum. Linda(2) thrust herself down ass first onto Naruto's cock and made it fill herself. She lifted up and emptied his cock from inside her, before filling herself up again.
"Yes, it is, it's so fucking hot!" Linda(2) agreed. "And it would be even hotter for you to put all of your hot cum in my tight ass…OH DAMN IT Linda, RIGHT THERE!"
Linda sampled her 'sister's' sweet pussy juices, as another sensation filled her. One of Naruto's probing fingers working his way into her dripping cunt, pushing them as far in as possible and sliding them out. He manipulated her core hungrily. The finger-fucking was intense.
Linda(2) worked her anal muscles down onto Naruto, rubbing her breasts the further she rode herself down on him. Linda(2) wanted the sensation of hot cum in her ass.
"MMMM!" Linda moaned, causing vibrations from her throat to strike Linda(2)'s sweet spots.
"Oh, sweet…..fuck…DO THAT AGAIN!" Linda(2) yelled, digging her fingernails down on the back of her 'sister's' scalp and pushing her further towards her pussy.
"Yes, Linda, make your sister cum as hard as I'm making you cum."
Linda's vision turned hazed over. The way Nate pushed into her; it was almost like a cock buried into her.
'Actually, adds a lot,' Linda thought, slurping her sister's juices up.
Linda(2) shuddered underneath Linda's efforts while she buried Naruto's cock deep into her guts. Linda did her best impression of a dying woman in the desert and Linda(2)'s pussy juices were the only thing which can sustain her.
"We're going to all cum together, I think," Naruto said, pounding Linda(2)'s ass harder.
"Yes!" Linda(2) yelled, clenching her cheeks together to trap Naruto. "Paint the inside of my ass with your cum and…..OH GOD!
Linda(2) came and screamed. Linda came and caused Linda(2) to scream more because of her powers having the effect of a vibrator turned up to its highest frequency.
Naruto grunted and fired the contents of his balls deep inside Linda(2)'s hot ass. The beauty clenched down onto him and had Naruto fill her completely up.
Linda(2) pulled herself up, dazed from the orgasm, and wanting more. Her body craved more of Naruto's seed and more of his cock inside her.
Linda placed her mouth around Naruto's cock and sucked it a few times before sliding herself onto it, waiting for her turn and her ride.
"Yes, sis, ride his big cock!" Linda(2) moaned, shoving her fingers into her pussy.
Naruto groaned when the familiar tightness of Linda's pussy bounced up and down on him.
"So, which one of us has the better pussy?" Linda asked, breasts bouncing up and down. Naruto's hands found their home on them.
"Going to have to run more tests," Naruto said, causing the two to giggle
Next Day
Team Flash were in the cortex, discussing their next course of action after Light had told Naruto, and Linda what she was supposed to do, "So, Zoom wants Doctor Light to send him your new emblem." Caitlin said
"Yes. We need it for bait." Naruto said
"If we can get Doctor Light to take my emblem, throw it through the breach, then Zoom will come to collect my body, and we can trap him." Naruto said "But instead if Dr. Light, it'll be Linda."
"Also if this guy, is a fast as we are being lead to believe we're going going to need are way to stop him." Naruto said before Harry walked over
"Before I left Earth-2, I worked on a serum to dampen Zoom's speed. All we would need is for Ramon to develop a weapon to deliver it." he said
"Oh, great, that could be this year's cold gun. Maybe another criminal can get it, and then we'd have Sergeant Slow." Caitlin said
"I would never let that happen. Sergeant Slow is a terrible name." Cisco replied
"And we're sure that'll work? I mean, if Nate can catch bullets, what's to say Zoom can't catch whatever you shoot at him?" Caitlin asked
"Surprise the element of surprise. All we would do is rig a projectile to fire as Zoom crosses into the breach. He can't stop what he can't see coming." Harry explained causing Caitlin to sigh
"Joe, voice of reason here?"
"We need a plan. That's as good as any. As long as he can deliver." Joe said looking to Harry
"Don't underestimate me, Detective." Harry said before he walked away, as Naruto walked up to Caitlin and placed a hand on her shoulder
"Everything will be alright." Naruto said smiling slightly
"Zoom is an unknown to us, he also has an army of meta humans at his disposal. How are we going to stop that?" Caitlin asked
"By working together, and believing in the capabilities of our friends. Everything will be okay; we just have to believe in one another." Naruto said causing Caitlin to nod before she looked over to Harry who was working
"I'm just hesitant to trust the guy who looks so much like the guy who ruined our lives." Caitlin said
"I hear that." Joe nodded in agreement
"I think that's a sentiment we all can agree on, the way I see it we are all expendable in his pursuit to getting his daughter back."
"So if he tries anything, we send him back to his Earth." Joe said
"Alright, let's lure Zoom out shall we." Naruto said
Linda dressed up as Dr. Light was at the docks by a breach away from the city, when she saw Naruto speeding forward and shot a beam of light at him, only for him to dodge, before he closed his eyes as a bright light overtook the area, and Naruto fell forward clutching his eyes before Linda shot him with another ray of light and kept it up till he stopped moving, before she walked over another kicked him onto his back and took his emblem
""Here it is, Zoom, I did what you wanted. Now bring me home." Linda said as she tossed the emblem into the breach
"Here we go." Joe said as he, and Harry, got ready only for nothing to happen
"Cisco, Caitlin check security feeds for anyone besides us." Naruto whispered lowly
"On it." Cisco said in the cortex with Caitlin, and Iris before he did and saw a man with blue electricity flickering around his body "Oh my god, he knows it's a trap, Nate, the tanker above, Joe, and Harry he's there!"
Naruto's eyes widened before he shot up and sped forward as Zoom sped off, with Naruto in pursuit, while Linda hung back and took Harry's weapon before she followed
Naruto, and Zoom sped through the city, although Naruto was surprised when Zoom proved to be faster than him, before he stopped time, and sped into Zoom grabbing him and speeding him to Uzumaki Industries before he tossed him into the side of the building as time resumed and Zoo's body immediately flew forward before he fell and immediately sped up to his feet, looking around
"What in the hell is that?" Iris asked seeing Zoom on the security cam
"Noway this guy is human." Caitlin said wide eyed
"What do you want from me?" Naruto asked taking note of the blue lightning, if he wasn't mistaking that had something to do with speed enhancement drugs
"Everything." Zoom growled